[Solar-general] Colegiatura obligatoria: Resuelto en US A hace 30 años
Sebastian Bassi
sbassi en telefax.com.ar
Vie Jun 25 16:57:50 CEST 2004
Hola todos,
Hoy estaba leyendo sobre Bob Bemmer (http://www.bobbemer.com/) que murio hace
unos dias, fue el inventor del ASCII, de la secuencia de escape y otras
Me encontre con un documento de 1973, que fue presentado en una conferencia en
Dinamarca. El paper completo esta aca: http://www.bobbemer.com/caostxt.htm
Pero les extraigo estos parrafos donde cuenta la historia que en California en
1971 se consideró la idea de hacer una colegiatura profesional de informatica
(como hay de medicina, de contadores, arquitectos, etc). La conclusion fue:
"The committee arrived very quickly at the conclusion that there seemed to be no
authoritative way to achieve certification."
Aca van los parrafos mas representativos:
Society long ago learned to impose minimum restrictions and educational or
training requirements upon classes of workers whose operations affected the
public safety or welfare. These constraints led to professions, with codes of
ethics and a store of recommended practice often embodied in local law, such as
building codes. Examinations by peers is a prerequisite to practice -- for
doctors, lawyers, engineers, accountants, ad infinitum. Until now such
restrictions have not been imposed upon the computer community; one can only
suppose that the professions just mentioned did not materialize so abruptly
before the social consciousness.
Some public exposure of malfeasances moved the legislature of the State of
California to consider, in 1971, the certification of computer programmers as a
class. This was given attention by the press and, together with the fact that
the legislature was in a quandary, it was sufficient for assistance to be asked
of AFIPS (American Federation of Information Processing Societies). AFIPS
convened a System Certification Committee in 1972 February.
The committee arrived very quickly at the conclusion that there seemed to be no
authoritative way to achieve certification. I proposed that a series of books of
good practice should be conceived and constructed through AFIPS. This project is
now underway. The first such book of good practice is on confidentiality and
security, due to the very strong and justifiable interest in this topic at the
moment, and is about to be field-tested. It is largely in checklist form. As a
minor note, the committee has changed its name to "Systems Improvement", to
emphasize the fact that it does not feel that any form of certification is
feasible yet.
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