[Solar-general] Patentes

Ricardo H. Medel rmedel en cs.stevens-tech.edu
Jue Jun 3 23:30:22 CEST 2004

Dos noticias sobre patentes andan por los foros: por un lado Microsoft
recibio la patente del metodo del "doble click" para lanzar aplicaciones
una patente ridicula, y por otro lado la Federal Trade Commission de los
EE.UU. esta preocupada por la forma en que se estan otorgando patentes.

Technology industry hits out at 'patent trolls'
By Maggie Shiels
In California
(published by the BBC)

Mad cap patents ranging from protecting a method of painting by dipping a
baby's bottom into paint or a system for keeping track of people queuing
for the bathroom may soon be a thing of the past if the Federal Trade
Commission (FTC) has its way.


1-Click, Short-Click, Long-Click, More-Clicks - All Patented
Contributed by Mike on Tuesday, April 27th, 2004 @ 02:35PM
from the click-to-pay dept.
theodp writes "Not to be outdone by Amazon's 1-Click patent, Microsoft
snagged a patent from the USPTO Tuesday for a Time based hardware button
for application launch, which covers causing different actions to occur
depending upon whether a button is pressed for a short period of time, a
long period of time, or multiple times within a short period of time. So
does pressing car radio buttons for different periods of time to change or
set stations constitute patent infringement?" What about double-clicking?
Seems like a fair amount of prior art. I know my caller ID box requires a
"double-click" to delete phone numbers. Also, I may not remember
correctly, but I was under the impression that Apple's famous "one-button"
mouse allows you to fake a right mouse click if you hold down the button.


Link a la patente en el sitio de la oficina de patentes:

Ricardo H. Medel
Stevens Institute of Technology
.o.	Vuestra guerra, nuestros muertos.
..o	Your war, our deads.

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