[Solar-certifica] e. Overcome with the lassitud

Vella Tsasie focalised en mindspring.nl
Lun Mar 22 14:54:31 CET 2010

D Mr. Fleck. "Maybe the Hoffs are O.K. I do not know. Nobody
knows yet.
Let me tell

you some of the circumstances. This much we do know. Von Bernstorff is gone. Von Papen is gone. Scores of active German sympathizers and propagandists have been rounded up and interned or imprisoned, yet, in spite of all we have done, their work goes on. A vast secret organization,
well supplied with funds, is constantly
at work in this country, trying to cripple our armies, trying to destroy our munition plants, trying to corrupt our citizens, trying to disrupt our Congress. Every move the
United States makes is watched. As you probably
know, every day now large numbers of American troops are embarking in transports in the Hudson." "Yes," said Jane, "you ca
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