[P2P-F] Fwd: Schwartzreport Daily Edition

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 28 10:07:14 CEST 2018

further daily must-read gems:

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*In the 06/26/2018 edition:*
The big picture: The state efforts to keep Trump off the 2020 ballot
Jun 26, 2018 02:35 am*

Alexi McCammond  -  axios
This is a very interesting development driven by the states and happening
almost unnoticed until now. It's a long shot, but could produce some
significant consequences.

*Some state lawmakers are targeting Trump for not releasing his tax
*Credit: Saul Loeb/AFP/*

Lawmakers in at least 25 states have introduced bills that would require
presidential candidates to release their tax returns
to appear on the 2020 ballot in that state — a clear swipe at President
Trump, the only modern president who’s refused to release his personal tax

*Why it matters:* In theory, Trump could be blocked from the ballot in any
state where the new requirement became law. But not a single state has
enacted it so far, and the governors of California and New Jersey have
vetoed it after it passed both state chambers. It’s more interesting as a
way for state Democrats to troll Trump than as an actual re-election threat.

*Where it stands: *Rhode Island is the latest state to pass this measure
through its state Senate, according to the Providence Journal
and Maryland’s state Senate passed a bill
in May. Both will now move to their states’ House of Delegates for

*One big problem: *It might not be constitutional for a state to require
presidential candidates to release their tax returns in order to get ballot
access. The U.S. …

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Methane Emissions In US 60% Higher Than Previously Reported, Finds CIRES
Jun 26, 2018 02:34 am*

Steve Hanley   -  cleantechnica
The commitment Trump, and Pruitt have made, and to which the Republican
congress has acquiesced,  putting the full force of the government behind
continuing carbon energy has dangerous and long term negative implications
for America, and the world. Methane emissions arising from that industry
are the equivalent of a million additional cars. Citation for the paper
reporting this research: Assessment of methane emissions from the U.S. oil
and gas supply chain, Ramón A. Alvarez1,*, Daniel Zavala-Araiza1, David R.
Lyon1, David T. Allen2, Zachary R. Barkley3, Adam R. Brandt4, Kenneth J.
Davis3, Scott C. Herndon5, Daniel J. Jacob6, Anna Karion7, Eric A. Kort8,
Brian K. Lamb9, Thomas Lauvaux3, Joannes D. Maasakkers6, Anthony J.
Marchese10, Mark Omara1, Stephen W. Pacala11, Jeff Peischl12,13, Allen L.
Robinson14, Paul B. Shepson15, Colm Sweeney13, Amy Townsend-Small16, Steven
C. Wofsy6, Steven P. Hamburg1 See all authors and affiliations Science 21
Jun 2018: eaar7204 DOI: 10.1126/science.aar7204

[image: methane emissions]
the Cooperative Institute for Research In Environmental Sciences
is a collaboration between NOAA and the University of Colorado at Boulder.
Its latest study, published in the journal *Science,
finds the US oil and gas industry emits 13 million metric tons of methane
from its operations each year. That is 60% more than previously estimated
by the US Environmental Protection Agency.

“This study provides the best estimate to date on the climate impact of oil
and gas activity in the United States,” co-author Jeff Peischl, a CIRES
scientist working in NOAA’s Chemical Sciences Division in Boulder,
Colorado, according to *Science Daily
“It’s the culmination of 10 years of studies by scientists across the
country, many of which were spearheaded by CIRES and NOAA.”

Methane is the primary component of natural gas, much of which is produced
from fracking. 13 million metric tons of methane have the same climate
warming impact as all the carbon dioxide emitted by all US coal fired
generating plants in 2015. In fact, methane has more than 80 times the
warming impact of carbon dioxide over the first 20 years after its release.
The new study estimates total US emissions at 2.3% of production, …

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Baptist Pastor: Godly Men Must Save America from “Bossy Women and Queers”
Jun 26, 2018 02:33 am*

Hemant Mehta  -  patheos
The Christianity that shaped much of American culture when I was a boy, has
been largely replaced by a christofascist cult, that speaks in the language
of Christianity, but has nothing to do with Jesus' teachings. It is
centered mostly in the old testament, is racists and like all
fundamentalist movements is defined by xx characteristics: 1) A sense of
racist superiority; 2) a sense of persecution; 3) sexual dysfunction
resulting in 4) an obsession with controlling and subjugating women. It is
a psychological disorder expressed in the context and language of religion.
Am I being unfair? I don't think so, because everything I am saying is
based on what the preachers and teachers of this community say. Here is an
example of what I mean. I do these stories because I don't think the rest
of the country really gets what the christofascist worldview is about and
what its implications for American society are.

*Congregation of the Stedfast Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Florida*

*Brother Adam Fannin* of Stedfast Jacksonville Church
in Florida wants all men to rise up and save America because it’s being
taken over by the wrong people.

Not the people who would rip children away from their parents when they’re
not busy lying about their other disastrous policies. He means the *other*

We need more godly men in 2018. You know, *the world is full of a bunch of
sissies and homos and queers and, you know, women running the show in
politics*. And America is cursed! This is a serious problem! And if we’re
going to follow in God’s footsteps and do things godly, then we have to
stand up against the corruption that’s in the world.

And listen, you know, *all these bossy women and queers that are in charge,
it’s up to men to stand up* and do what they’re commanded to do to take
America back, if you will, to reverse the curse that’s on our country right

It’s amazing how we live in a country dominated by conservative Christians
at every level of politics, by a Republican Party that is run almost
entirely by …

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Blinded by darkness: Here is why evangelicals are choosing Donald Trump
over Jesus
Jun 26, 2018 02:33 am*

Paul Rosenberg  -  The Raw Story
This is Trumpworld. This community of Americans gives Trump a 90% approval
rating. And they are all going to vote. The more Trump is attacked the more
they support him.  That's what he is banking on. That and that the
Democrats will fragment, and many will not vote. As a result the House and
Senate will not flip. That's the calculation. It's as obvious as Lucy
pulling the football away just as Charlie Brown tries to kick it.

*Pastors praying over Trump*

John Fea is an evangelical Christian and a historian. When Donald Trump was
elected with 81 percent of the self-described white evangelical vote, Fea
was both stunned and surprised. “As a historian studying religion and
politics, I should have seen this coming,” he notes. Yet he did not. Which
was why Fea ended up writing his new book, “Believe Me: The Evangelical
Road to Donald Trump

On its own terms, the book clearly succeeds in making sense for Fea and
others like him, with potential for reaching wavering Trump supporters as
well. He identifies and lucidly explores three fundamental flaws in
evangelical thinking that have led them to embrace a leader who is wholly
unfit by their own once-cherished moral standards, in pursuit of ends they
cannot possibly achieve — restoring 1950s America via government action. In
a key passage, Fea explains:

For too long, white evangelical Christians have engaged in public life
through a strategy defined by the politics of fear, the pursuit of worldly
power, and nostalgia for a national past that may never have existed in the
first place. Fear. Power. Nostalgia. These ideas are at the heart of this


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*How Do I Respond? What Can I Do?*

Dozens of people have written me asking: How do I respond to what I see
happening to my country after this election? What can I do?

My answer can be found in my book *The 8 Laws of Change.
1991 I have been following trends that are shaping the future, and have
seen the rise of fascist and identitarian politics. I wrote 8 Laws based on
years of research to show how nonviolent compassionate life-affirming
change can be achieved.

If you are despondent about what you see happening to your country I
recommend you read *The 8 Laws of Change.
will give you detailed actions you can take, actions that have proven they
work based on scientific outcome data.
Order Yours Today
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