[P2P-F] Fwd: [commoning] Politics of Movement > book out now

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Thu Mar 30 11:50:50 CEST 2017

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Krystian Woznicki via Commoning <commoning at lists.commons-institut.org>
Date: Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 4:48 PM
Subject: [commoning] Politics of Movement > book out now
To: commoning at lists.commons-institut.org


the BG has just published a book as a one of the results from last
year's annual project TACIT FUTURES. It is called "After the Planes" (
http://diamondpaper.de/title_25 ) – a title borrowed from Don DeLillo’s
9/11 novel "Falling Man".

It is an English language book and features texts by Brian Massumi and
Krystian Woznicki, as well as a foreword by the social thinker and
activist Max Haiven. Moreover, it contains 100 photographs on the
complex issue of movement control.

As the forces that set the world in motion seem to operate invisibly,
this book asks seminal questions: How do automated forms of power
condition the movements of humans, data, goods, money? How do
movement-based counter powers emerge?

Here some selected quotes from the book:

"This is a book that, like an x-ray, makes visible today’s hidden
infrastructure of movement. The images and the writing presented here
have been calibrated to capture, to freeze in the frame, the light
emitted by power in motion that usually exists outside the spectrum of
our perception." Max Haiven

"The human has always been on the move throughout its history. Or is it
more accurate to say that a movement of relational transformation has
moved through the human?" Brian Massumi

"Seeing with the omnipresent eyes of the observation society also
enables seeing through the eyes of another subject. Here, in these
openings, is where one's movements become political." Krystian Woznicki

If you want to buy the book, which costs 20 Euro, you can send us an
email (info(at)berlinergazette.de), you can also get it online at the
Diamondpaper online store ( http://diamondpaper.de/store ) or, if you
are in Berlin, visit some of the great book shops in town, such as pro
qm, b-books, Walter Koenig, St. Georges or Motto Books and buy it there.

For now, please save the date: June 30, 2017. On that Friday evening
"After the Planes" we will launch the book at the Berlin book store pro
qm ( http://pro-qm.de) , together with Brian Massumi and Max Haiven.

Best wishes,



Friendly Fire: The BG Annual Project 2017

Check out also TACIT FUTURES, our prior annual project:

BG Annual Conference 2016

Essays and Interviews (in German)

Documents of BG's annual project 2016

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