Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Sun Oct 16 04:24:32 CEST 2016

As someone moving about, I can only concur there is an acceleration for us,
as david said, both a p2p-theoretical camp, AND a growing audience, but
especially a multitude of local intiatives everywhere I go,

On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 2:57 AM, Robert Pye <robert.pye at ethosvo.org> wrote:

> Michel,
> The spooky spooky spooky thing is I've announced the exact same things to
> a number of Ethos networks recently.  Almost (and I say this with quite a
> bit of hesitation) a sort of Singularity moment. For me the daohub.org reaching
> whateveritis $160M with still a week to go on a belief of the need for new
> governance and distributed orgs is a big shout in this direction also.  And
> since then we have connected with Vint Cerf and many other luminaries. Lots
> of potential to bring big institutions with us e.g. UK's "department of
> work and pensions", BBC and Fujitsu.  The list goes on.
> It feels kinda exciting.  Like it did for me in 1999.  Not quite sure
> what's going to happen.  But it something big.  A network of networks
> collaborating, I hope!!  Michel, the work you have done in this space is
> sooo valuable.  I'm excited that it seems to be taking on a life of its own
> now.
> Great stuff mate.
> On April 12th I tweeted:
>    1. *robertpye* ‏@robertpye  <https://twitter.com/robertpye> Apr 12
>    <https://twitter.com/robertpye/status/719802099605880832>
>    I'm putting it out there. Me @ethosvo <https://twitter.com/EthosVO>
>    dedicated to the biggest project yet: an #i4j
>    <https://twitter.com/hashtag/i4j?src=hash> ecosystem. First papers
>    drafted last weekend!
>    3 retweets2 likes
>    Reply
>    Retweet
>    3
>    Like
>    2
>    View Tweet activity
>    Hootlet
>    More
> *robertpye*‏@robertpye <https://twitter.com/robertpye>
> And just for the record. #today
> <https://twitter.com/hashtag/today?src=hash> is the day that I've gone
> public on this. At no other time during the past 16 years has the time been
> right
> On 23 May 2016 at 12:12, David de Ugarte <david at lasindias.coop> wrote:
>> We completely agree!!
>> It is a nodal moment because this convergence, I guess, reflects a
>> deepening concern in wide social sectors. In our case, we are experiencing
>> since October's Somero a widening of  our audience and a closer relation
>> with other communities. Last week, in example, we had by first time in many
>> years, more than 10.000 unique visitors in our blog in only a day, and the Communard
>> Manifesto <https://lasindias.com/the-communard-manifesto> is spreading a
>> lot faster than we thought: there are in example volunteers -we did not
>> know before- translating it in Switzerland and Portugal to German and
>> Portuguese languages.
>> So, we are sensing not only the appearance of a «P2P theoritical camp»,
>> but the emergence of a «P2P audience» probably product of the  disenchanted
>> with the political hopes hegemonic only a year ago between the majority of
>> the activists in countries like Spain or Greece.
>> So, Michel, what comes now? How could we contribute?
>> On 2016-05-21 22:06, Michel Bauwens wrote:
>> The above has always been the ambition of the P2P Foundation, and I
>> believe this is now coalescing .. some signs
>> 1) Las Indias has consolidated all its original insights in the just
>> published Communard Manifesto (Steve Herrick
>> <https://www.facebook.com/steveherrick>: you can perhaps let them know
>> about this posting here as they are not on fb)
>> 2) the last video by Dmytri Kleiner
>> <https://www.facebook.com/dmytri.kleiner>, which I posted here, also
>> shows a convergence towards this multi-modal approach (working for the
>> strengthening of the new economy within the existing one) and has a very
>> precise strategy and many innovative concepts
>> 3) the critique by Alanna Krause <https://www.facebook.com/alannakrause> on
>> the blockchain which I posited, along with the 'transvestment' practices,
>> show that both the practice, and the theory, and the subjectivity of
>> Enspiral is moving in the same direction
>> 4) as for myself, I am working on a more theoretical book in which I'm
>> aligning all our pasts insights following the overview of Kojin Karatini ..
>> I may be forgetting some other elements, but here we are, there is
>> effectively, a collective organic intellectual at work, which is thinking
>> through the strategies to be followed by the forces of the commons, in a
>> way that may have been there in seed form, but is about to flower and ..
>> I am not implying here of course that there are no differences between
>> the approaches of these groups, but that they are moving broadly in the
>> same direction .
>> At present, there are not any formal bridges between these groups, but
>> there are occasional informal contacts, and the memes do seem to travel ..
>> With Dmytri Kleiner, we are discussing a 'Transvestment' conference in
>> Berlin at the end of this year, no funding yet, this could be an occasion
>> for these groups to enter into more coherent dialogue,
>> Michel
>> --
>> Check out the Commons Transition Plan here at:
>> <http://commonstransition.org>http://commonstransition.org
>> P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net
>> Updates: http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens
>> #82 on the (En)Rich list: http://enrichlist.org/the-complete-list/
> --
> *Robert Pye*
> Co-Founder
> *Ethos Valuable Outcomes <http://ethosvo.org>*
> M: +44 [0]7785 975632  |  O:+44[0]20 328 92871  |  robert.pye at ethosvo.org  |
>  Skype: robertpye
> *Solving complex problems through collaboration, trust and moderation*

Check out the Commons Transition Plan here at: http://commonstransition.org

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

#82 on the (En)Rich list: http://enrichlist.org/the-complete-list/
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