[P2P-F] Fwd: Special Invitation - What's Next for Ithacash?

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Fri Nov 4 07:21:44 CET 2016

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Scott Morris <scott at ithacash.com>
Date: Fri, Nov 4, 2016 at 2:02 AM
Subject: Special Invitation - What's Next for Ithacash?
To: Scott Morris <scott at ithacash.com>
Cc: Roel Wolfert <roel.wolfert at qoin.com>

Greetings all,

TL;DR - Ithaca’s new digital complementary currency has begun its second
year by launching a new app, and is shifting to a coalition-based approach
with community institutions and partners. You are invited to RSVP to the
call hosted by yours truly and Roel Wolfert of Qoin
<http://www.doingtogether.splashthat.com/> to learn more.

Firstly I’d like to *thank you all for all the incredible support you’ve
shown for Ithacash so far*, and for the good work you do every day in and
for the community. It has been a great honor to serve the community
alongside you, getting to know you and your work where possible, and in
bringing this new system to life. Thank you *very* much.

Many are wondering exactly *how Ithacash performed over its first year*,
and haven’t quite understood how we went from our initial offering of
Ithacash to launching the new (groundbreaking) marketplace app: Main St.
Market <http://www.mainst.market/>. That’s totally understandable! After
moving to the new platform in the early months of this year, things rapidly
snowballed and now we have *a truly next-generation way to bring people
together through local commerce* in hand (and the app store). *But* we’re
not getting into details just now.

*I would like to personally and cordially invite you to join us for a very
special presentation happening Nov 18th, 9-10am EST: *“Doing Together: How
two Dutch municipalities are revolutionizing civic engagement with social
currency" <http://www.doingtogether.splashthat.com/>

*Roel Wolfert*, Chief Marketing & Sales Officer of Qoin and a former Board
Member at Visa International, will be joining us to talk about the
SamenDoen or “Doing Together” model and its impressive performance over its
first two years. Through "Doing Together" many stakeholders have created a
coalition based on win-win scenarios that benefit both their bottom lines
and a greater sense of purpose; *SamenDoen has forged an extremely powerful
model for how communities can take control over their own destinies.*

*It is my humble opinion that we have a profound opportunity* *at hand *to
be the very first community in America to emulate this high-powered model
that has already born fruit for the courageous people who agreed to
participation there in the Netherlands. I also happen to believe we don’t
have much of a choice given the macro-economic climate we live in, but
that’s another story. In any case, *we should set the example* *here in the
US, and strengthen Ithaca’s profile and brand as a national thought-leading
community in the process.*

*Our proposal is simple*: Join us in creating new opportunities for people
to meet needs and significantly improving economic security in our region. RSVP
to the call <http://www.doingtogether.splashthat.com/> and join us to learn
how by Doing Together we can achieve much more than by going alone!

Yours truly,

Scott Morris

Founder, Ithacash
Scott at ithacash.com

Ithacash - i$ <http://ithacash.com/> - Money Made for Main St.

Main St. Market <http://mainst.market/> - The Local Way to Buy, Sell, Pay &

1-- Check out my TEDx talk "Putting People and Planet Before Paper Wealth
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_mWaoBhAEA>” (~16 mins)
2-- Watch Money & Life <http://www.moneyandlifemovie.com/> "A Story About
Money That Will Change Your Life” (view on youtube
3-- Read “Why Local Currencies Could be on the Rise in the U.S. -- And Why
It Matters
in Forbes
Investing by Katie Gilbert
4-- See the Ithaca Dollar bill in “Bowie Bucks
<https://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/2016/03/pdf/fd0316.pdf>” in the
IMF’s *Finance & Development* quarterly by Marina Primorac

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Check out the Commons Transition Plan here at: http://commonstransition.org

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

#82 on the (En)Rich list: http://enrichlist.org/the-complete-list/
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