[P2P-F] [NetworkedLabour] [commoning] Global Marshall Plan and the Global Commons Rising: Who will be hacking who towards, at, around and beyond Montreal (or beyond the WSF in general)
Orsan Senalp
orsan1234 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 6 23:52:26 CET 2016
Anna, there are billions who does not have money, to be united; they are being divided by 1%, which posses all the money, and are fighting amongst themselves as well as against planet and humanity.
What i say is totally different Horowitz's; those who does not have should make their own case against entire 1% and together. Whereas Horowitz advances or promotes US national capitalists interest; before the globalist segments of capital. you sound like believing that they are friendly humans but we talk about the second richest segment of the 1% happen to be fighting on Wall Street and extractive sector (not because they love the planet because they are losing power to their contenders).
Horowitz, like Erdogan, trump, Wilders, Putin (and hitler) sells the same story of oppressed capital; who just has less billions dollars then globalists! What would a coalition of progressive Commoners and those already labelled as World Government (New World Order) promoting elite coming together to crate a world governance for commons tell to those has been smashed by the similar 'good global Social capitalism and imperialism' supporters? Or who would get more support from perished lower classes? I think more likely the fascist, sexist, racist, and others who makes horror politics.
Why should then delinking and detoxing from the inter-fighting 1% as a whole wouldn't be more unifying for the real commoners (who does not have anything else then what ever left out from the commons)?
> On 06 Mar 2016, at 22:52, Anna Harris <anna at shsh.co.uk> wrote:
> This is a very serious accusation you are making Orsan, and it seems to be about the sincerity of those who are in influential positions. Being in 'influential positions' is synonymous with large sums of money being involved. Large sums of money are seen by you, and David Horowitz, (I listened briefly to his video) as indicating 'dirty' money. He states that 'progressive' groups have much more money at their disposal than conservative groups. And are therefore responsible for the problems the US/world faces.
> You Orsan, seem to have the same belief system: that the 'ruling classes', because they control large sums of money, are the ones responsible for the problems we face. And anyone associating themselves with that group are serving the interests of a small elite, and therefore cannot be sincere in their professed aim to serve the people as a whole, as in supporting a commons movement.
> I see that this passion to seek out the enemy - the 'axis of evil', appeals to a need for simple solutions. Rage and frustration at the worsening situation can lead us to attack each other. And surely no-one's sincerity is above reproach, and all money is dirty money. So you will always find material for your rage. But emphasising these divisions will not build the bottom up emancipatory movement you are longing for. We need to find ways of connecting with people, to find our common humanity which lies beyond the apparent dichotomy.
> Anna
>> On 6 Mar 2016, at 17:52, Orsan <orsan1234 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> James, thank you for your answer, though we can never know the details of such high level interactions, exactly this makes it highly problematic.
>> Since I have never had the chance to get so close to princes, princesses, presidents, CEOs, so on and so first I can only have certain assumptions about your environment, relationships with elements of what we call ruling classes. In your case this certain group or class, fraction, can only be represented by certain terms like transnational 'productive capital' agency, or their historical block. This makes you on the eyes looking at this conversation from progressive, left side at most a good agent of the 'left'. This is the best case for you, but even this has made very degenerative impact on the ethics of the struggles for the good in general.
>> you might ask, how; although I am sure you know well what I mean; I will try to demonstrate with one example what these kind of under cover relationships knitted with state and corporate wealth and from top down.
>> I would not even go Jones the truth seeker everybody knows about, but this (probably a cousin of Sara Horowitz of Free Lancers Union) guy studied and delivered a systemic network analysis would definitely feed in extreme right wing success in the US, we have been watching some how with out any surprise: I am talking about David Horowitz and his http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/default.asp
>> Here is a video entry from him:
>> http://youtu.be/gghYKKwkWz4
>> And one of his terrible performances:
>> http://youtu.be/8q6afrpaMck
>> This is not to justify my claims at all, but just to share an example of outcome for such hidden affairs and interactions that infects progressive politics, and divides them actually- these things are never being talked about openly because of the money relations -you have also involved- hidden in the dark.
>> Since your position is interlocking left and progressive transformative powers to a global capitalist agenda (from where we look it appears as this - even though in reality you might claim injecting left wing agenda to global capitalist circles) and since you personally is an active class agency of capital in this context no one can criticize what you have done. You have done what you had to do.
>> Big question is addressed here to those who needed to be accountable to the rest of the people in these lists, as well as broader 98%; since the impact their action has been can not be measurable. In order to provide really ethically clean ground for alternative, associated, commons, peer, or solidarity, economy, or New Economy, or next economy, what ever; the left and progressives has to develop their own open power and accountability maps themselves; better then having conservative option...
>> Naming Silke since she gave the first reaction -to probably your blog post taken from GMP blog. Silke, shares a seat in 'Commons Strategies Club' (made up three white person from north initially later added a Latin American representative to balance the rest); with David Bolier and Michel Bauwens, Silke had been playing a very important second tier role towards the grassrootization of the common's vision -as it was negotiated at a higher state you have introduced to them as you claim; so I will go continue on that thread.
>> So as for the context I hope it got more clear now what I meant; for those who didn't really get what is all this about: So it is not about GMP, or commons at all, but it is about anti-p2p, close, and forbidden affairs between top level agency of capital and high society of activism.
>> I am hoping more reactions from those others probably you introduced to the topic: Susan George of the Global contract who is known as grand nanny of alter-globalization activists who also led groups like ATTAC, TNI, and others; and Chico Whitaker, founder of the WSF and grand dad of social justice activism; who also occupies many other positions and seats, including Wikileaks advisory board.
>> Any further I will not ask more about your current engagement or plans on the global commons; having my own guesses kept with me; still would be very much interested to hear about them to get a more clear version of the story out in the open. Actually, just proposed (to a group of people who are organizing Commons and solidarity economy related activities in Montreal) to have an open space discussion on power and commons, in a truly open assembly format. That would be really interesting to have this conversation openly from here to there.
>> Sincerely,
>> Orsan
>> On 5 mrt. 2016, at 22:00, jbquilligan3 at charter.net wrote:
>>> Orsan, I headed up this effort in the US for several years. I also worked in Amman for Prince El Hassan for a long time promoting the Global Marshall Plan.
>>> What I can tell you is that there is not much that is tangible behind this movement. It's popular in Germany and Austria, which have fond memories of the original US Marshall Plan for Europe, but has never generated much interest elsewhere. In fact, the title 'Global Marshall Plan' is often associated with the US and turns off people across most of the world. I have a lot of personal experience in that regard.
>>> Since the Global Marshall Plan started about 15 years ago, it has not accomplished anything substantial. It has a lot of members, has held numerous conferences and has published some materials, but little else. It has never had any policy impact.
>>> Global Marshall Plan is a brand name which has allowed a handful of people to collect speakers fees and publish some books. What I observed and experienced was several of its leaders jockeying for position as King of the Hill. It became clear to me that all the German leaders of this movement, including Finkbeinner and Rademacher, were out for their own personal financial gain and influence.
>>> As an economist who worked for the Brandt Commission on a new approach to the international economy (see the report, North-South: A Programme for Survival, 1980; or go to Brandt 21 Forum), I was deeply disappointed that the Global Marshall Plan was remiss in covering key issues, such as the reorganization of the global monetary system. I know that the Brand Report was flawed, and I have written extensively about that; but no organization since then has done anything as bold as the Brandt Report.
>>> Organizers of the GMP like to say that Al Gore was the originator of the Global Marshall Plan, because he called for such an initiative in his book, Earth in the Balance. While I was working with the Brandt Commission, I did a lot of research on this and found a lot of documentation that the name dates back at least to the mid-1960s, during the U Thant era at the United Nations.
>>> In any case, I was the one who brought the idea of the commons to the Global Marshall Plan. We even published materials about introducing the commons into the global agenda for a new kind of economic, social and environmental approach. After I left the GMP, I don't believe the organizers pursued the commons idea much further. Frankly, I don't believe they understood the meaning of the commons and couldn't see how it would generate them much money.
>>> There is still a vital need to create an international organization for the commons. I don't see anyone really doing this with the insight and scale that is necessary. There is a lot of educating going on, but little genuine organizing at the international level.
>>> James B. Quilligan
>>> -----------------------------------------
>>> From: "Orsan"
>>> To: "squares"
>>> Cc:
>>> Sent: Sat, 5 Mar 2016 19:59:29 +0100
>>> Subject: [commoning] Global Marshall Plan and the Global Commons Rising: Who will be hacking who towards, at, around and beyond Montreal (or beyond the WSF in general)
>>> The below Wikipedia items are explaining what the hack is Global Marshall Plan initiative and Global Marshall Plan operation -initiated by interesting names, including those we were told being radical-progressives:
>>> "The idea of a “Global Marshall Plan” was first published in 1990 by U.S. politician, entrepreneur and environmentalist Al Gore in his book “Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit”. The choice of name deliberately recalls the historical Marshall Plan after the Second World War (officially: European Recovery Program), a symbol for hope, solidarity and peace.
>>> The idea of a Global Marshall Plan was not new but had already been endorsed in the 1990s by personalities from a variety of sectors: Kofi Annan, Al Gore, Hans Küng, Susan George, Mikhail Gorbachov, His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan, George Soros, Lutz Wicke, Georg Winter and many others (Global Contract). As early as the beginning of the 1990s an ecological Marshall Plan was established by prominent personalities such as journalist Franz Alt and German Green politician Joscka Fisher. Along with many other supporters, they called for the establishment of an eco-social market economy, 100 billion DM put towards the environment every year and a Kerosin tax."
>>> [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Marshall_Plan_Initiative]
>>> And
>>> The Global Marshall Plan is a plan first devised by former American Vice-President Al Gore in his bestselling book Earth in the Balance, which gives specific ideas on how to save the global environment.
>>> Gore states: "The model of the Marshall Plan can be of great help. For example, a Global Marshall Plan must focus on strategic goals and emphasize actions and programs that are likely to remove the bottlenecks presently inhibiting the healthy functioning of the global economy. The new global economy must be an inclusive system that does not leave entire regions behind. The new plan will require the wealthy nations to allocate money for transferring environmentally helpful technologies to the Third World and to help impoverished nations achieve a stable population and a new pattern of sustainable economic progress. To work, however, any such effort will also require wealthy nations to make a transition themselves that will be in some ways more wrenching than that of the Third World."
>>> Source: Earth in the Balance, page 297-301
>>> Global Marshall Plan: Five strategic goals "In my view, five strategic goals must direct and inform our efforts to save the global environment":
>>> stabilizing of world population
>>> the rapid development of environmentally appropriate technologies
>>> a comprehensive change in the economic "rules of the road" by which we measure the impact of our decisions on the environment
>>> negotiation & approval of a new generation of international agreements
>>> a cooperative plan for educating the world's citizens about our global environment.
>>> The idea is based on the post-WWII Marshall Plan that saw the United States send billions of dollars to European nations to rebuild their war shattered economies.
>>> In order to further the idea of a GMP and to coordinate the various initiatives, NGOs, scientists, activists and groups in the field of development cooperation and global social justice the Global Marshall Plan Initiative was founded by members of the Club of Rome, the Club of Budapest, the Eco-Social Forum Europe, ATTAC and other organisations in Frankfurt, Germany in 2003. The two main objectives are to find new ways and sources of financing in development cooperation, predominantly pursuing the Millennium Development Goals of the UN and the worldwide propagation of the eco-social market economy, which is considered to be one of today's key strategies of initiative. The *Green Marshall Plan* is a policy initiative developed by Canadian greens Constantine Kritsonis and Craig Hubley. It offers a basis for global central banks to *bail out the planet* by creating new money to pay for green infrastructure. See: http://nb.referata.com/w/index.php?title=Green_Marshall_Plan&action=edit
>>> [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Global_Marshall_Plan]
>>> .....
>>> and this is a blog post from GMP:
>>> "Global Commons Global Discourse on the Rise
>>> From blogs to international conferences, Global Commons gains momentum
>>> Beyond the initiative of the Global Marshall Plan Foundation for a Coalition for the Global Commons (the CGC coordination group and discussion can be found here), champions of the Global Commons are going public and spreading awareness for this new global perspective.
>>> Silke Helfrich and Jörg Haas have started a "Commons Blog" on Wordpress, an Open Source Software that embodies the practicality of the Global Commons concept. In it there is information on the commons, on-going discourse, literature and stories on the commons meant to provoke thought and hopefully prompt action.
>>> In the latest posts on the Commons Blog, one of the Coalition for the Global Commons’ partners, Chico Whitaker, founder of the World Social Forum (WSF), was mentioned in a report on his speech to the latest WSF international conference. For the remainder of the conference the commons discussion was concentrated and passionate and to be labelled “a discourse on vision, around which the political discourse is reorganized ”. The immediate result was the creation of “Commons Sites” available in the four official languages of the WSF (Portuguese, Spanish, English, French), and meant to make the Commons a more tangible theme, while also giving a platform for various projects and initiatives dealing with commons issues. (The full posting, in German, can be found here.)
>>> In October, we had the privilege of receiving Chico at a meeting for the Coalition for the Global Commons in Hude, where participants (for the most part leaders of international organizations) came together to find better means of collaborating on a large network basis. During the intense three days of small meetings, Mr. Whitaker made a pledge regarding his personal commitment to the Global Commons, one of which was to further promote the concept at the World Social Forum. Indeed he kept true to his word.
>>> To the WSF Manifesto pela recuperação dos bens comuns da humanidade (manifesto for the recuperation fo the common goods of humanity)."
>>> ...
>>> I am not thinking of the next system, not Morozov's critics of solutionism, not platform cooperativism,... Right now I am just thinking of the movie Snow Piercing... Especially the final scene; when our guy finally reached at the locomotive and found the responsible enemy head! Just before smashing him, the enemy reveals the truth saying that there always be direct line between the back of the wagon (being where the spiritual leader of insurrection reside) and the locomotive, in order to balance the life and ecosystem in the train, and avoid the 'train crash'. In this movie train is a closed system; there are no fractions, one counter part at the end of the train and at the locomotive. Real world is different..
>>> In my opinion, looking at the information networks of the f..ing GMP, it makes much more sense why the support for national capital, and extreme right, fascism and authoritarianism backed by it increases since the 80s and 90s; and we reached at the peak of facism and approached at another world war; in the name of avoiding the train crash (as Susan George used to say); also I know got why the racist and 'paranoiac' arguments that claim that left and 'liberal' progressives are the same thing with the mystified NWO.
>>> Anyway, doesn't matter anymore; but who ever served to these goals and stranded together with the ruling class' agendas, should know that they have very much of a blood in their hand. No matter their intention was, who well they thought their action and alliance with the evil, one or other side of the global fractions of pathological capitalist classes has triggered more and more violence since 2000s.
>>> It is time to stand up on own feet and unite against the ruling class as a whole (or asshahole)!
>>> Remember that force may or may not be with you, but doesn't matter! It can not go worse then this...
>>> Today it is about living or not living.
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