[P2P-F] Fwd: [bgcon] "Weak Resistance: Precarity, Diasporas, Movements"

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Thu Jul 7 03:42:57 CEST 2016

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Krystian Woznicki <kw at berlinergazette.de>
Date: Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 5:34 PM
Subject: [bgcon] "Weak Resistance: Precarity, Diasporas, Movements"
To: digi-yards at berlinergazette.de


for those of you who will be in Berlin on July 8, there is an
interesting event entitled "Weak Resistance: Precarity, Diasporas,
Movements" taking place at the INSTITUTE FOR CULTURAL INQUIRY (where,
btw, Berliner Gazette organised its annual conference in 2010). Please
scroll down for more info.

Kind regards,



FRIDAY, 8 JULY 2016, 7:30 p.m.

Social mobilizations today often use the strategies of the weak rather than
the strong. The slogan ‘we are the 99%’ signals a belonging to the
actually or potentially dispossessed, a group recognizing its situation as
one of vulnerability and precarity. Refusal and subversion replace
aggressive critique; political claims offer various versions of what could
be called ‘weak resistance’. The weak messianism announced by Walter
Benjamin in his ‘Theses on the Philosophy of History’ emerges in the
movements of the supposedly speechless, subaltern, and the rebellious
‘other’ of the Western hegemonic subject both at the core and on the
periphery of globalized capitalism.

The event understands ‘weak resistance’ as a decisive feature of
contemporary political agency. The precarious of today articulate their
claims and subvert the existing power structures using unspectacular forms
of resistance, often involving everyday practices and claims. Isabell
Lorey will examine the political practice of today’s resistance of the
precarious under the state of insecurity and will speak about her theory
of presentist democracy. Other contributions discuss the non-heroic
resistance of queer Israeli activists refusing to answer Zionism in the
currency of heroism and active resistance, as well as that of the
‘Solidarnosc’ movement in 1980 and in the recent feminist
mobilizations against anti-abortion laws in Poland.

The theme of weakness has been explored in connection with political
resistance (James C. Scott), utopia (Michael Gardiner), artistic
production (Gerald Raunig), and the analysis of the social (Michael
Levine, Howard Caygill). It reevaluates what previously has been thought
of as failure, passivity, and conformity. Departing from three different
contexts – of precarisation, ‘Solidarnosc’, and of queer strategies
– the event will consider weak resistance and its possible implications
for political activism.

This event loosely follows the major themes of the Weak Resistance event
held at the ICI Berlin in May 2015.

With Isabell Lorey, Hila Amit Abas, and Ewa Majewska

Moderated by Rosa Barotsi
Organized by Ewa Majewska


Christinenstr. 18/19, 10119 Berlin - Tel: 030 / 473 7291 10

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