[P2P-F] [WSF-Discuss] [NetworkedLabour] Greet the WEF founder, counterpart of the WSF, prof. Schwab the lead 'Social Entrepreneur'

Orsan orsan1234 at gmail.com
Sat Sep 19 19:52:39 CEST 2015

Good point Tord, and partly one can agree. If not read Kees van der Pijl's The Discipline of Western Supremacy, and Assange book on Google, and last piece Peter shared they are recommended urgently, as complimentary to left perspectives you find unconvincing as some of those presented in Challenging the Empires.  

> So I think one should be aware of that the way movements use the concepts are important and make people aware of possible differences and conflicts rather than believing that what is important is to find out which outside forces has been supporting which concepts. The left did this for many years concerning the concept environment seeing it as imposed from outside to divert the revolutionary struggle from the important social issues. Partly this was probably true and yet so extremely misleading and a way to marginalize the left rather then confronting capitalism wherever needed.

this above, has been too long of a story, without clarification took us from 1999 Seattle to 2009-10 eve of 2011. That discursive battle in, out, next, bottom, and down of global governance institutions.. almost all of them are lost, as you might observed. from anti privatizations, to environment, from human rights, to gender issues, with the arrival of 2008 crisis.Ii am not going to go deep into concrete examples of internal power games and exploitations so on in 'movements' if you like to call them so, some others call it third / NGO sector, as if it is an industry (which it is) all are subject to systemic assimilation of capital and broader ruling class, one can call it, hacking.  to turn the tide however, as Peter recently shared a paper from, even one dedicated and freed hacker person, who understands the structures, how they formed and transform, influence and get influenced, can make an impact -without almost no structural developmental funding- can create an emancipatory impact at an unforeseeable magnitude. It is I believe, about independence, character, skills, dedication, and courage. If a group of such, or better a class of such, people emerges out of existing and rotten sectors no one can estimates what is the chance for the win. 

Moulding the thoughts linked to the above ideas preparing the below workshop for  Chaos Computer Congress. It is WSF of hackers, will take place in Hamburg at the end of December. During an hour long event to think of the concepts, principles, and methodology developed by Bogdanov in Tektology as daily practical-analytic guideline that can be easily understood, and used for everyone, activist, worker, citizen; in order to get a broader vision on complexities, to see, grasp and hack any thing surrounding them, material or conceptual. With the hope that it can be useful for anyone suffering and struggling with life destroyed a bit more everyday by the ruling classes.   

"T[hack]tology and the Hacker-Classes: Construction of the Emancipatory Subject, Subject of the Emancipatory Construction

Organization and re-organisation of 'things'; means and relations of production, mental and manual labour, identities and personalities, law and violence, peace and war, information and communication,understanding of the life and the universe.. has been dominated actively by the rulers of societies, and since several centuries it is the capital’s point of view, albeit unevenly, that has been leading such domination systematically. In order to turn the tide, this meta-structure, or general capitalist system, needs to be replaced or assimilated by emancipatory global organizational structure that is re-described and re-built by and for the ruled and oppressed classes and peoples. Lecture brings forward the argument about the Tektologist nature of the hacker-classes, claiming that Bogdanov's Tektology provides an hand book that lays down universal guidelines and principles to accomplish the above task. It provides basic and universal concepts, methods and tools to de- and re-construct virtually anything, material and mental, and make it better from, the labour point of view. 

Further on the lecture reflects upon the triangular class struggle going on at the dusk of 21st century, dividing the hacker classes to three contending fronts: Those aligning with the ruling classes, those side lining with the ruled and oppressed, and those who hack for themselves -the new ruling class candidates. Tektological Hacking, from this perspective, is seen as a practise od universal science of organization, Tektology, with or without being aware of it. And those who have the skills and talent to hack the constructed things in the universe, at any level or field, from labour point of view, in Tektologically conscious way, are / will be potential catalyzers of emancipation of labour and nature from capital and ruling classes; steering the civilization based on inequality, exploitation, injustice, and destruction of nature to an end." 

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