[P2P-F] Fwd: My latest article

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Wed Nov 11 05:38:52 CET 2015


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Thomas Greco <thg at mindspring.com>
Date: Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 1:52 AM
Subject: My latest article
To: Michel Bauwens <michel at p2pfoundation.net>
Cc: Kevin Flanagan <kev.flanagan at gmail.com>, William Methven <
methvenwilliam at gmail.com>, Graham Barnes <gb at feasta.org>, Davie Philip <
davie at cultivate.ie>

Common Dreams <http://commondreams.org/> has just published my latest
article, *50 Ways to Leave the Euro: Greece and the Global Crisis*. In this
article I provide my prescriptions for how Greece (and other countries)
might relieve their impossible debt burden and describe ways in which
domestic liquidity can be created without inflation. You can read it here
I’ve also posted it on my website as a PDF file

Feel free to repost, excerpt and circulate it.


Thomas H. Greco, Jr.thg at mindspring.com
PO Box 42663, Tucson, AZ 85733
Mobile phone (USA): 520-820-0575
Beyond Money: http://beyondmoney.net
Archive Website: http://www.Reinventingmoney.com
Skype/Twitter name: tomazgreco
My fourth and latest book, "The End of Money and the Future of
Civilization" can be ordered from Chelsea Green Publishing,
Amazon.com, or your local bookshop.

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Check out the Commons Transition Plan here at: http://commonstransition.org

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

#82 on the (En)Rich list: http://enrichlist.org/the-complete-list/
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