[P2P-F] [NetworkedLabour] Robin Murray on Post-Post-Fordism

Orsan Senalp orsan1234 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 7 17:36:28 CET 2015

Anna thanks for your warm and comradely message. 

Yet it feel somehow no naming mistakes or not clarifying confusing moves, with political calculations, or to be nice and sterile -from conflict- doesn't help either. 

> We can hate the system, but we are as much caught up in it as everybody else. We are the 'serial killers', the 'sociopaths', however much we like to identify ourselves as on the side of the 'goodies'. It is painful to feel that every time we buy something, basic necessities like soap powder, or second hand clothes from a charity shop, we are supporting the system. Everything we own, everything we eat, has an element of exploitation embedded in it, however careful we are to buy only 'ethical goods'. This presents us with an intolerable conflict, which we may try to rid ourselves of by attacking 'them', blaming 'them'. But we just end up depressed and hopeless.

About the above you are hundred percent right, may be you are also right in equalizing this 'negative' mistake done by many of us inevitably to the positive mistake (help) granted to and utilized by the rulers for evolving their system. With negative I mean not resisting or staying quite before the with and unjust while with positive; actively handing in core strategic, analytical, and practical, tacit knowledge about who resist and forms of resistance (try to transform existing reality). There is one thing can and needs to be done is to establish that these are still two different things; to be aware of.  

Former is automatable and letter is unatomatable. First, passive, mistake needs hope to move for emancipation, second and active mistake goes against the hope needed, willingly or unwillingly enable the assimilation of the good. 

Comradely wishes Anna, 

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