[P2P-F] Fwd: From r
Michel Bauwens
michel at p2pfoundation.net
Mon May 18 09:23:18 CEST 2015
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From: Kanth, Rajani <rkanth at fas.harvard.edu>
Date: Mon, May 18, 2015 at 12:18 PM
Subject: From r
To: "michelsub2004 at gmail.com" <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>
*The Threat Du Jour*
It is, regrettably, a veritable *Age of Extremes*.
By now, we all likely know the banal fact that the ‘highest stage’ of
Socialism may very well be *Neo-Liberalism.*
But what we may not have known is that the ultimate stage of* Capitalism*
may actually be an unabashed *Neo-Feudalism.*
In fact, why would it stop there?
I have always maintained that the Modernist sloganeering of ‘rights’ ,
the Enlightenment onwards, was specious, in the extreme, *vis a vis* the
disempowered strata (inclusive of women).
Way things are going, there may be even ‘higher’ stages to come, like the
reinvention of *Slavery.*
Indeed, ex-colonial world sweatshops that produce for European elite
consumption today are but a fig leaf removed from conditions approximating
Leave it to our able US/UK Modernists to rush us back into Antiquity , on
rocket-propelled roller skates.
I said *Antiquity*: but let us recall that the US brazenly practiced that
venerable institution in the* modern *era, not in some antic past, and
‘gave it up’ only by the slimmest of margins.
Even today, not all political forces in the US , as is obvious, have ‘given
it up’, leastways in their minds. A Nation-wide poll on the issue might
well confirm this hunch.
So, as with* Capitalism* (of the dominant , Anglo-Am kind) the inspiration
for such innovating novelties remains the *fons* *et* *origo* : the *
Brutish I*sles, and their far-flung Atlantic/Pacific Progeny.
*Yes, as an Indian I call that wretched polity – its ruling elites being
the target - the Brutish Isles: what they did to that unfortunate
sub-continent, over two centuries, is , in sheer scale, so outrageous
that no reparations are ever possible. *
*It is not in the ‘playing fields of Eton’, as is fancied, but in the
killing fields of Ireland, India, and North America – to say nothing of
innumerable other regions across this globe - that the Brits cut their
martial teeth.*
And yet these imperial polities set themselves up, even in these latter
days, as paragons of *human rights.*
The *Other* Europeans, today, are largely reduced to being no more than
docile or disgruntled camp-followers, having long given up any hope for
any real *autonomy* ( with the exception of France, perhaps).
So, the wonderful folk who gave us all the cumulative glories of
Colonialism, Imperialism, Capitalism, and Neoliberalism, are now about to
give us all a taste for something new*: human extinction*.
No, this is not hyperbole.
Let me explain.
I have done a book called the *Post-Human Society*: it waited 20 years to
find a publisher.
No Anglo-Am publisher would touch it. It now has, at long last, a German
You get it, I’m sure: * anyone who challenges hegemony is a ( branded)
pariah(which, incidentally, is fine by me: as a self-sufficing Brahmin,
I hardly need, let alone crave, such indifferent company. Borrowing from
Kipling: I have a ‘neater, sweeter,’ set of communal norms and ideals,
drawn from a ‘cleaner, greener’ civilizational source. The soul, as Emily
Dickinson wrote, selects her own society)*.
At any rate , I argue there that the US is the bellwether of the *Global
1984 <1984>* to come, constituting an* Amoral* *Society,* across the
board: a ‘society’ where the antic distinction between the moral and the
immoral is losing both meaning and significance.
It is another way of saying that anthropic society- which is based firmly on*
morality* – is all set to give up the ghost amongst the Late European
It is another heroic Anglo-Am ‘first’ in history, like the Atom Bomb -
amongst a few other such deeply merit-laden accomplishments.
As always, the *in-house* critics , being no more than a mere *loyal
Opposition*, have it all wrong: it is not the fact that the world is being
polarized between 0.001 % and All the Rest, in *wealth*, that is at all
That sells Monsieur Piketty, all over the map, of course: but no more.
*Rule by the few* , based on the expropriation of social wealth, is the
norm in all predatory societies, the consecrated myths of ‘democracy’
What is really remarkable is that anthropic society is being , in
evolutionary terms, *arrested.*
An *amoral society* is not an anthropic society at all, *but a
contractual, Eurocentric, rational-legal , entity*, the fitting complement
to the* beggar-thy-neighbor* economy.
It will harbinger a dire estrangement, and occlusion, of *affective ties
and ethical norms* globally, such that a homogenized, standardized,
deculturalised, dehumanized, *barbarism* can flourish unchecked by
received human propensities.
It is also remarkable that Europeans have thought themselves to be
possessed of the very acme of* civilization, * at the very instance of
adopting the very *Tools of Barbarism* that are now part of the
EuroModernist Legacy forced on all, everywhere.
I have done a couple of books on that subject (listed below), so I will not
trouble to detail it here.
No, double-entry bookkeeping, and the compounding of interest, are *not*
the momenta of civilization, but simply the unmistakable markers of
being, inexorably, on the loping , low road to *Nihilism.*
*Materialism *(in its wild, rampant, Anglo-Am vein) is the very antithesis
of the *Convivial Moment * that marks the *possibility* of civilization
amongst us hominids.
The *Convivial promise* is innate in the province of *maternity and
child-rearing*, making for a hallowed social space, howsoever brief and
circumscribed, free from male violence and aggression.
*Indeed, that domain is the real provenance of virtually all of
anthropic morality.*
Admittedly, that promise, slight as it was, was always severely
constrained by the predations of masculinist violence and aggression
that *homo
heirarchicus *– a more accurate term than the abjectly self-serving ‘*homo
sapiens’* - shares, liberally, with Chimpanzees.
It is unfortunate that, as a species, we did not take after our worthy
Bonobo cousins, instead, who might have served as a far worthier template.
For that reason, our few success stories, *simple tribal societies with a
matrilineal bent*, soon gave way to dissolution *via* the familiar exit of
*The Patriarchical male is an Oligarch, and lives (and dies) by an Iron Law
of Oligarchy.*
It is this ineluctable fact that, at base, vitiates the various feeble
attempts at *democracy* (and *pacifism)* –when serious at all in *intent*
- that have been tried.
It is also that trait that unites US militarism to Afghan tribalism, in
the attitude and ideology of primal *machismo*.
The tribal Afghan, of course, like his American counterpart , needs no
instruction in *violence:* but has not yet learnt to embrace the
doctrines of unmitigated *greed* - and will doubtless be taught that
elevating social grace at the coming rash of American Universities that
will flourish there, soon, if it all unfolds as per plan.
But the *Post-Human society* – meaning the *Amoral Society* – is not a
*terminus,* by any means: it is but the stepping stone to another , far
more egregious climacteric- the *TransHuman Society*, that will not
merely arrest evolution but annihilate it altogether.
So, mere barbarism is not to be a secure resting place: it will be, in
the not-so-distal future, a *universe of androids.*
Ask yourself: who today, are the supreme world leaders in arms, in wars,
in cloning, in transgenetics, in greed, in desensitisation, in
militarism, in nuclear testing, in reckless global destabilization: and
the answer is patently *unequivocal.*
*The fetishism of technology, in context of a system run wholly on behalf
of privateers and profiteers, leaves no other option*: beginning with
embedded chips , it will enlarge to all manner of vital displacements - *of
the human by the machine*.
It might also be instructive, here, *en passant*, to inquire as to
just how many years the US and the UK have refrained from
active *warfare
*– including the planning/preparation of it - in the past two centuries?
Not *Pax *Britannica or *Pax *Americana , therefore, but* Bellum*
Britannica, *etc.*, may be the more appropriate term.
No surprise, really: science, technology, intelligence , are all a
colossal waste , indeed become a gathering *threat to their own
societies*, if not accompanied by the *positive checks* of anthropic
ethics, morality, kinship and community.
Given the triumphalist destruction of the latter, under the various *diktats
*of EuroModernism – celebrated fatuously as the paraphernalia of ‘freedom’
- all that is left us is domination by a small coterie, a rabid
collation of sociopaths and psychopaths who will ‘lead’ us all, assuredly,
into a certain, even predictable, damnation.
If we let them.
*Absit Omen.*
R.Kanth, *Breaking With the Enlightenment, *Humanities, 1997
_______, *Against Eurocentrism*, Macmillan, 2005
________ *The Post-Human Society,( Forthcoming)*, De Gruyter, 2015
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