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P2P Foundation mailing list p2p-foundation at lists.ourproject.org
Sun Jan 25 11:04:56 CET 2015

ah send me a bit of info, as that would justify even more my choice of an
'older' book!

thanks for spreading that article when it comes out, and please keep me
updated on the greek situation ... I am waiting for your invitation for a
flok process over there <g>

On Sun, Jan 25, 2015 at 4:40 PM, John <restakis at gmail.com> wrote:

>  Michel, this is a great privilege. Thanks to you and to the P2P
> Foundation for all the wonderful work to date and the even greater work to
> come.
> John
> PS By the way... Humanizing the Economy is just going into its second
> printing!
> On 15-01-25 11:28 AM, Michel Bauwens wrote:
> https://blog.p2pfoundation.net/top-p2p-books-you-should-have-read-in-2014-1-the-return-of-the-cooperative-commonwealth/2015/01/25
>  The Top P2P Books of the Year will be serialized this year.
>  people in cc, you will find your books in this list,
>  Item is available as of tonight or next morning:
>  would be great if anyone has the time to give it a better lay-out and
> look:
>  *Our book of the year is Humanizing the Economy by John Restakis. See
> why below.*
> 2014 was definitely the year of the commons – cooperative convergence. Two
> objective trends especially since the systemic economic crisis of 2008 are
> the revival of the commons, mostly driven through peer production; AND a
> revival of cooperatives and cooperativism, which had been subjected to a
> certain decline and even a neoliberal degeneration in the period since the
> 1980’s. What was new in 2014 is that these two sectors started talking and
> looking at each other. At the P2P Foundation, we call for a new synthesis
> in the form of open cooperativism, i.e. cooperatives which consciously and
> structurally co-produce commons, as pioneered by the Catalan Integral
> Cooperative or the Allianza Solidaria in Quito.
> The best record of this, which we don’t count as a book, is the following
> report of a in-depth convergence conversation by leading commoners and
> cooperativists:
> <http://www.boell.de/sites/default/files/open_co-operativism_report_january_2015.pdf>.
> A New Social Economy Based on Open Platforms, Co-operative Models and the
> Commons. A Report on a Commons Strategies Group Workshop Berlin, Germany,
> August 27-28, 2014. By Pat Conaty and David Bollier. CSG / Boll Foundation
> / Foundation pour le Progres de l’Homme, 2014.*
> We strongly urge everyone to read this.
> *Our top book about the cooperative commonwealth tradition is
> paradoxically a book that appeared in 2010, but that strongly deserves a
> second life.* It is the marvelously well written book by John Restakis,
> entitled “Humanizing the Economy”, which places cooperativism in its
> historical tradition, and presents innovations such as solidarity
> cooperatives. Learn there about the cooperative tradition in Emilia-Romagna
> and the innovative Seikatsu movement in Japan. Since, John Restakis has
> developed a much stronger understanding of the commons and worked with the
> P2P Foundation and myself on the commons-cooperative convergence. The
> evidence of this lies in our P2P-Foundation published e-book on the Commons
> Transition, which has strong chapters by John Restakis on the convergence
> of the commons economy, the partner state approach, and the cooperative
> economy. Finally, our own book, “Network Society and Future Scenarios for a
> Collaborative Economy” co-authored by Vasilis Kostakis, gives a detailed
> vision of expectations related to this cooperative commons economy: *will
> it fullfill its promise, of fall victim to the forces which extract its
> value for purely private benefit of large multinationals of netarchical
> capital?*
> *1. Humanizing the Economy
> <http://www.newsociety.com/Books/H/Humanizing-the-Economy>. Co-operatives
> in the Age of Capital. by John Restakis. New Society Publishers, 2010*
> SOCIETY <http://commonstransition.org/commons-transition-the-book/>. By
> Michel Bauwens and John Restakis. P2P Foundation, 2014*
> ** 1.1.c. Network Society and Future Scenarios for a Collaborative Economy
> <http://p2pfoundation.net/Network_Society_and_Future_Scenarios_for_a_Collaborative_Economy>.
> By Vasilis Kostakis and Michel Bauwens. Palgrave Macmillan, 2014*
> The second trend, the revival of the commons, produced two very important
> book this year, by David Bollier and Jeremy Rifkin.
> David Bollier’s book is a very well written general introduction of what
> ‘commoning’ means for human life, comparable to these great classics like
> The Gift by Lewis Hyde; Jeremy Rifkin’s book may not go deep enough in the
> problematic transition, but gives a great historical introduction to
> changes in the modes of production, and why the commons is now an economic
> fact, destined to grow not just in the so-called ‘immaterial’ economy, but
> also in the physical economy, through the ‘margical cost’ effects of
> distributed energy and 3D printing.
> ** 2. Think Like a Commoner
> <http://www.newsociety.com/Books/T/Think-Like-a-Commoner>. A Short
> Introduction to the Life of the Commons. by David Bollier. New Society,
> 2014*
> ** 2.1. The Zero Marginal Cost Society
> <http://www.thezeromarginalcostsociety.com/>: The Internet of Things, the
> Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism. by Jeremy Rifkin.
> Palgrave Macmillan, 2014*
> *More good books on the Revival of Cooperativism:*
> ** 3. Capital and the Debt Trap
> <http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=688814>. Learning from
> Cooperatives in the Global Crisis. By Claudia Sanchez Bajo and Bruno
> Roelants. Palgrave MacMillan (2013)*
> “The recent financial crisis has had a devastating impact around the
> globe. Thousands of businesses have closed down and millions of jobs have
> been cut. Many people have lost their homes. Capital and the Debt Trap
> explains how key economies have fallen into a ‘debt trap’, linking the
> financial sphere to the real economy, and goes beyond, looking into
> alternatives to the constant stream of financial bubbles and shocks.
> Overlooked by many,cooperatives across the world have been relatively
> resilient throughout the crisis. Through four case studies (the
> transformation of a French industrial SME in crisis into a cooperative, a
> fishery cooperative in Mexico, the Desjardins Cooperative Group in Quebec
> and the Mondragon Group in the Basque country of Spain), the book explores
> their strategies and type of control, providing an in-depth analysis within
> a broader debate on wealth generation and a sustainable future.”
> ** 3.1 e-Book: Democratic Wealth
> <http://www.scribd.com/doc/211019686/Democratic-Wealth>: Building a
> Citizens’ Economy. Ed. by Stuart White, and Niki Sethi-Smith. openDemocracy
> and Politics in Spires, 2014*
> “Democratic Wealth’ is a collection of essays that challenges the poverty
> of thinking around economic policy, particularly after the 2007 financial
> crash. It explores the renewed interest in republicanism and suggests this
> as a framework to shape an economy that serves the common good. It is a
> selection of articles from a series published by openDemocracy and Politics
> in Spires, a blog run by the universities of Oxford and Cambridge.
> ** 3.2 eBook: Alternatives To Capitalism: Proposals For A Democratic
> Economy
> <http://www.newleftproject.org/index.php/site/article_comments/alternatives_to_capitalism_proposals_for_a_democratic_economy>.
> by Robin Hahnel, Erik Olin Wright. New Left Project, 2014*
> “New Left Project’s new e-book, Alternatives to Capitalism: Proposals for
> a Democratic Economy, is now available for download.
> In it the leading radical thinkers Robin Hahnel and Erik Olin Wright take
> on the crucial but all-too neglected question: what kind of society should
> we be fighting for instead of capitalism? Hahnel favours ‘participatory
> economics’. Wright advocates ‘real utopian socialism’. Alternatives to
> Capitalism puts these practical proposals through their paces in an
> in-depth, frank and extremely instructive debate about the central question
> of our time.”
> ** 3.3 Gary Alexander. eGaia Growing a peaceful, sustainable Earth through
> Communications <http://earthconnected.net/egaia-2nd-edition/>. Published by
> Lighthouse Books, ISBN 0907637248 (2nd ed. 2014)*
> A updated second edition. See here
> <http://sustainability.open.ac.uk/gary/blog/?page_id=34> for reviews.
> ** 3.4 Co-operatives in a Post-growth Era
> <http://fernwoodpublishing.ca/book/cooperatives_in_a_postgrowth_era>.
> Creating Co-operative Economics. Edited by Sonja Novkovic and Tom Webb.
> Fernwood Pubn. (with Zed Books), 2014*
> “Featuring a remarkable roster of internationally renowned critical
> thinkers, this book presents a feasible alternative for a more
> environmentally sustainable and equitable economic system. The time has
> never been better for cooperatives everywhere to recognize their own
> potential and ability to change the economic landscape.”
> ** 3.5 Robert Costanza and Ida Kubiszewski. Creating a Sustainable and
> Desirable Future
> <http://www.worldscientific.com/worldscibooks/10.1142/8922>: Insights from
> 45 Global Thought Leaders. World Scientific, 2014*
> “The book offers a broad, critical discussion of what a sustainable and
> desirable future should or can be, with chapters written by some of the
> world’s leading thinkers, including: Wendell Berry, Van Jones, Frances
> Moore Lappe, Peggy Liu, Hunter Lovins, Gus Speth, Bill McKibben, and many
> more.”
>  --
>  Check out the Commons Transition Plan here at:
> http://en.wiki.floksociety.org/w/Research_Plan
>  P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net
> Updates: http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens
> #82 on the (En)Rich list: http://enrichlist.org/the-complete-list/

Check out the Commons Transition Plan here at:

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

#82 on the (En)Rich list: http://enrichlist.org/the-complete-list/
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