[P2P-F] Fwd: [Networkedlabour] Kink-Starting the Exodus and colonizing capitalism with forms of emancipation
P2P Foundation mailing list
p2p-foundation at lists.ourproject.org
Sat Jan 17 15:31:31 CET 2015
apologies for the typo, of course it is not kink, kick-starting ...
> On 17 jan. 2015, at 14:12, P2P Foundation mailing list <p2p-foundation at lists.ourproject.org> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Orsan <orsan1234 at gmail.com>
> Date: Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 8:14 PM
> Subject: [Networkedlabour] Kink-Starting the Exodus and colonizing capitalism with forms of emancipation
> To: "<networkedlabour at lists.contrast.org>" <networkedlabour at lists.contrast.org>, squares <squares at lists.takethesquare.net>, Discussion list about the WSF <WorldSocialForum-Discuss at openspaceforum.net>, transcollab at lists.so36.net
> Last week saw two major internet stories from ‘Robin Hood’ (aka, Enric Duran) and his plans to short circuit Capitalism.
> ‘Robin’ is a Catalan activist who took out bank loans of 500,000 euros and gave the cash to occupiers, anarchists and Coops. Then he helped found the fast growing CIC (Integral Coop), a group of leaderless assembly-run, coops with their own ‘anti-money’, the ECU, which aims to evade the inbuilt exploitative control of the world money system.
> At his trial the State banned his witnesses who aimed to expose the multi billion frauds of the banks themselves, So Robin (Enric) ‘did a runner’, and he’s still free.
> ‘He presently lives as a fugitive outside Spain, and is currently busy organizing the FairCoop – Open Cooperative, a community-built effort to alleviate global economic inequalities through the use of mutual credit, reputation systems and cryptocurrencies’. (here’s lots more about Fair Coop http://commonstransition.org/portfolio/faircoop/)
> FairCoop Introduction from Radi.ms on Vimeo.
> The key to going global is the Commons Transition (new website hereMailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "commonstransition.org" claiming to be http://commonstransition.org/), linking up commons projects like CIC, the P2P Foundation, Ubuntu, Wikipedia, the makers movement, occupy, etc.
> Read all the dirty details and join in here: Fairness and the Commons, an Interview with Enric Duran.
> FairCoop: virus of cooperation infects a new economy
> Coops have failed in the past, being shriveled or swallowed by capitalism, like fruit trees in a desert. ‘Robin Hood”s answer is Faircoin, a socialised bitcoin project which is currently taking off.
> ‘……..A new economy begins with a new kind of money. If you’ve managed to live in something close to a gift economy: congratulations, you’ve made it! This only works for some of us, though, living in relatively small communities, and not on a global scale. You have to realize that you’re not really changing your neighbors’ world by trading Ubuntu installs for massage; you’re not overthrowing the hyperarchist system of human domination by paying for your tofu in rainbowcoins, now, are you?
> While complementary currencies do a great job at local level, they’re just that: they complement other parts which together make up a whole. And what we really need is to build up a whole new way to live in this world.
> https://thefreeonline.wordpress.com/2015/01/16/robin-hood-to-crack-capitalism/
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> Check out the Commons Transition Plan here at: http://en.wiki.floksociety.org/w/Research_Plan
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