[P2P-F] [NetworkedLabour] Algorithms of the next political-economy from local to global

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Mon Feb 16 04:21:27 CET 2015

Whille we can't expect any single cooperative entity to have a solution for
the whole of society, I think it is fair to expect that it at least offers
some solidarity for its own members; I copy Tibi so he can answer to this,


On Sun, Feb 15, 2015 at 9:41 PM, Anna Harris <anna at shsh.co.uk> wrote:

> It is interesting to see the link between Sensorica as presented by
> Tiberius, and the article sent in by Francine Maestrum. As I understand it,
> Sensorica allows people to claim all the value they contribute, including
> adjustments for reputation, through a value equation, endorsed by all
> participants. Very appealing for those who have something to contribute,
> and offers an alternative to the capitalist economy which thrives on
> extracting surplus value.
> Francine is wanting to provide for those who for whatever reason can't
> contribute as part of that innovative model of production. And perhaps we
> should ask - shouldn't that be part of the model? What happens in Sensorica
> when there is sickness or accidents? Child care? Elderly relatives? Need a
> holiday? Those with disabilities? Perhaps this was mentioned and I missed
> it. 'Fairness' is not as simple as an algorithm which rewards on the basis
> of contribution. Some may benefit If they remain fit and well. But it seems
> pretty precarious if there is no support to fall back on when they are not.
> Calling something a commons doesn't just mean that something is available
> to all, it also means making sure that people have the ability to take
> advantage of that availability. In this new society we have to find a way
> to care for each other to ensure that we don't just reproduce a system
> which enables some to prosper, while others suffer.
> Anna
> On 13 Feb 2015, at 21:45, Orsan <orsan1234 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Bob!
> We were discussing manual-mental labour division, thinkers and doers,
> economy and politics. I just want to recommend everyone to take time and
> look in to Mikorizal and watch the below video, from Tiberius of Sensorica.
> http://mikorizal.org/groups.html
> http://youtu.be/Ixgp8_B9g5A
> Direction of possible fusion between open value networking, open coops,
> like fair.coop, multi stakeholder cooperatives and the unionism I have
> been promoting bears the potential of overcoming those divisions. we better
> get ready for the scaling up of unifying political-economies in form of
> polity as well. If Syriza can find a way to facilitate such transformation
> it has a chance. Podemos in Spain is closer, though both have some
> disadvantages. In case they can envisage and open a path to, some thing can
> be called, Internet of Emancipatory Everything we might have a chance to
> stand together before both big capitalist class or rising dark Internet of
> Everything as the latest stage of capitalism.
> Orsan
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