[P2P-F] integrative approach needed for social change

P2P Foundation mailing list p2p-foundation at lists.ourproject.org
Sat Feb 7 10:43:11 CET 2015

I am all for an integrative approach, and it is also how I work, but not
from a position of, it's all or nothing, but rather from a position of, how
can we nudge improvements in every integrated aspect ..

we organized the huge ICC and ECC conferences, which in my eyes and those
of many others, where important moments for commons convergence,

but I remember, George Por took a position which I relate to that of Anna,
i.e. he was absolutely convinced that integral faciliation was needed ..
the reality is, no matter how many times we proposed it, the majority just
didn't want it, so you proceed to organize with how people are, not how you
want them to be ..


Thanks for this response. What I sense is that it's OK to pursue this topic
as long as it is kept separate from the efforts focussed on political and
theoretical change. Yet my point is that this is absolutely intrinsic to
what p2p is about, the inner and outer aspects of the same thing. Nothing
needs to be added, just allowing what is already there to be revealed, and
not putting energy into resisting it.

Focussing on external achievements, as in the example of Podemos you gave,
can lead to frustration and despair. Unless these feelings are addressed
they can sabotage movement solidarity. Likewise the joy and excitement of
sharing and collaboration are an integral part of our evolving humanity.

?Without developing the inner culture of the human being, we cannot develop
a sustainable future.? E F Schumacher

The inspiring review of Chris Dixon's book by Garces points to the same
need to include a more wholistic consciousness in our relationships. Otto
Scharma makes the same point. 'We might say it this way: The success of our
actions as change-makers does not depend on what we do or how we do it, but
on the inner place from which we operate.'


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