[P2P-F] Syriza issue

P2P Foundation mailing list p2p-foundation at lists.ourproject.org
Fri Feb 6 13:04:01 CET 2015

I have no problem with this desire, only if it is used as either a
realistic expectation in all circumstances or a litmus test to judge social
and political movements and advances ...

personally, I found the countervailing value of respecting where people are
in their own evolution just as important though .. and I would be looking
for a balance between those two polarities ..

I live here in a society where authencity is seen as a counter-value and
hypocrisy seen as a positive and crucial requirement for social harmony ..
I may not agree with it, and often deplore it, but I also have to respect
it and adapt to it,


I do feel hurt when my desire for a more authentic communication is seen as
a belief in instantaneous wish fulfilment.

But I'm guessing that when you talk about me not appreciating how difficult
this process is, and my expecting it to happen instantaneously, that you
might be feeling that it is easier for me, that I am ready, and do not
struggle with it as you do.

If that is the case, perhaps it might be more helpful if I were to talk
about how difficult I find it to put these feelings into words, or take on
board what someone else is saying, how often I might dismiss what they say
by making judgements before I can really hear what is being said, what a
struggle it is to try and stay with what is real and alive.

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