[P2P-F] Fwd: The Free Knowledge Institute participates in "Digital DIY" Project

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Tue Apr 21 17:53:04 CEST 2015

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From: Announcements of the Free Knowledge Institute <
fki-announce at lists.freeknowledge.eu>
Date: Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 8:54 PM
Subject: The Free Knowledge Institute participates in "Digital DIY" Project
To: fki-announce at freeknowledge.eu

The Free Knowledge Institute participates in "Digital DIY" Project

Digital Do It Yourself (DiDIY) is a new socio-technological phenomenon,
centered around digital devices that support, often through open online
communities, the convergence of "atoms" and "bits".

The DiDIY Research Project [1], which addresses the Horizon 2020 call
for a "Human-centric Digital Age", is studying how DiDIY and the
increasing social adoption of ABC devices are:

* reshaping organization, work, education, research and creative design
* impacting on creative society,
* influencing legal systems,
* changing ethics

The Free Knowledge Institute (FKI) is one of the seven partners of the
international Consortium [2], that will carry on this research, whose
purpose is to produce well-grounded models and guidelines to support
both education and policy making on DiDIY.

FKI, which participates mostly with W. Tebbens and M. Fioretti, will
lead the Project Work Packages 6 and 8, whose subjects are:

WP6: Exploring the impact of DiDIY on laws, rights and responsibilities [3]
WP8: Dissemination, future roadmap and sustainability [4]

and participate, to various degrees, in all the other Work Packages of
the Project. Part of the work will consist of developing and offering,
within the Project, online courses and other open educational resources,
building on the experience of the Free Technology Academy [5].

[1] http://www.didiy.eu/
[2] http://www.didiy.eu/project/partners
[3] http://www.didiy.eu/project/WP6/description
[4] http://www.didiy.eu/project/wp8/description
[5] http://ftacademy.org/
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