[P2P-F] Fwd: Graduate Research in the US on the Solidarity Economy?

Kevin Carson free.market.anticapitalist at gmail.com
Sun Mar 23 01:16:22 CET 2014

I'm forwarding this request in case anyone on this list has leads for Leticia.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Julie Matthaei <jmatthae at wellesley.edu>
Date: Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 3:23 PM
Subject: Graduate Research in the US on the Solidarity Economy?
To: Marianna Pavlovskaya <mpavlov at hunter.cuny.edu>

Dear all,
See below -- Leticia is a graduate student in Brazil who is finishing
a dissertation on the solidarity economy there -- among waste-picking
families.  She's interested in participating in a research
interchange.  If you have any ideas, please let her know.  Her
question makes me think, what graduate programs offer study of the
solidarity economy?  Marianna, your geography program at Hunter?  Any
In peace and solidarity,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: ledalpicolo . <le.dalpicolo at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 9:35 AM
Subject: Phd Student
To: jmatthae at wellesley.edu

Dear Professor Julie Ann,

I´m a PhD Student of Psychology from Universidade Federal de São
Carlos (UFSCar), Brazil. I´m finishing my project and it will be
basically about the social representation of solidarity economy (we
can talk more about that another time).

I finished my Master Course this year, also at UFSCar, in Science,
Technology and Society, and the title of my dissertation is
"Solidarity economy and family dynamics of recyclable waste pickers: a
study of the research field science, technology and society". I
basically studied about the influence of the principles of solidarity
economy in the family dynamics of recyclable material pickers, in a
local context, reflecting about the science and technology they had
contactcin the co-operatives they work. I use the social psychology
theory about work and relations. I didn´t do a gender analysis, but
there´s a good content for analysis in this way, considering how the
work can influence the life of the individual and how the individual
can influence family dynamics. The relations between the couples
became really more equalitarian. I used a qualitative method.

I have been studing about Solidarity Economy since 2006, when I was
coursing my undergraduate, also in Psychology (at Universidade
Estadual Paulista - UNESP). My course conclusion paper was about the
creation of a regional marketing network of recyclable waste pickers
co-operatives and their advancement in the production chain of
recyclable materials.

Well, I´m telling you all these things because I´m thinking about the
possibilitie of do an interuniversity exchange doctorate. I did a
research looking for professors in the USA, I found you curriculum and
really liked your research profile.

My start idea is about make a comparison of the social representation
of solidarity economy of the movement members from Brazil and from the
USA, considering their historical and social context and reflecting on
the influence of this factor in the representation of individuals.

I´m already looking for informations about the universities in the
world that I can do that, but I wanted to know if you and your college
have interest in do that with me. Anyway, I would love to be a
partnership in researches with you.

I´m studing english again because I didn´t pratice it for a long time.
I studied so much about local context and now I think it's time to
researche how solidarity economy happens in other countries. There´s a
great movement in Latin American, where there´s a lot of common
contexts. In this way, I really apologize for the mistakes in my

Thank you for atention.

Best regards!

Letícia Dal Picolo Dal Secco
Doutoranda em Psicologia
Mestre em Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade
Universidade Federal de São Carlos - UFSCar
Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/7937554854987351

Julie Matthaei
Professor of Economics, Wellesley College
Boardmember, U.S. Solidarity Economy Network (SEN, www.ussen.org)
Co-Coordinator, Boston Area Solidarity Economy Network (BASEN)
Cornerstone Cohousing

Kevin Carson
Senior Fellow, Karl Hess Scholar in Social Theory
Center for a Stateless Society http://c4ss.org

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