[P2P-F] Fwd: We need your support to bring Loomio 1.0 to the world!

Vasilis Kostakis kostakis.b at gmail.com
Tue Mar 11 07:36:04 CET 2014

Loomio is an open source platform that enables, empowers and catalyzes
collaboration amongst people:

           Support Loomio to give something amazing back:
http://love.loomio.org    View this email in your
             Loomio has already built a prototype, and people all over
the world are
doing amazing things with it. Now we're crowdfunding to create* a whole new
inclusive platform
Loomio 1.0*


*We need your help* to deliver on Loomio's vision of a more inclusive,
collaborative world at every level. We can't do this without you. *See the
video, and designs of the all-new Loomio....

Loomio is built by a small team of open-source developers, activists, and
facilitators in New Zealand. It's always been a community driven-project - *we
could never have come this far without you*, our amazing contributors and

*P.S... share this: *
*Real democracy needs to include everyone. Democracy = collaboration. Let's
build it together #loomio http://love.loomio.org <http://love.loomio.org> *
              *Copyright (c) 2014 Loomio, All rights reserved.*
You are receiving this email because you are a loomio user, or have
expressed your interest in our crowdfunding campaign

*Our mailing address is:*
Allen St
Te Aro, Wellington 6021
New Zealand

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Dr. Vasilis Kostakis

Research Fellow
Ragnar Nurkse School of Innovation and Governance

Research Director
P2P Lab: http://p2plab.org
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