[P2P-F] Ecuador as a state form, the proposal for a Partner State...

willi uebelherr willi.uebelherr at gmail.com
Fri Jul 18 04:01:27 CEST 2014

Dear James,

i was sure, that never any person are excluded from the P2P-F list only 
depend on his different opinion.

And what is with Bernardo? As a user never i can check the member-list 
of the list. Only the administrador can do it. It is not a good way. 
Because all writers should know, who is reading.

I beg you also to check the address of Bernardo. Quiliro wrote, that 
Bernardo now is excluded from the list. But Michel wrote, never any 
person should exclude from the list. This clear position i like very much.

Bernardo Gutiérrez (only this addresses i know)
   bernardobrasil at gmail.com
   bernardo at futuramedia.net

many greetings, willi
Bogota, Colombia

Am 7/17/2014 7:45 PM, schrieb Quiliro Ordóñez Baca:
 > ...
 > Thank you James. I have notice that some people have tried to
 > subscribe. The email I am using now is the one I tried to
 > subscribe. I have tried to subscribe twice a week ago.
 > So there is no hurry.

Am 7/17/2014 7:38 PM, schrieb james burke:
> Hi All,
> It's rather late here in EU time. I have not banned anyone from the list.
> Maybe you tried to get on the list and could not get added. I'll take a
> look tomorrow.
> Thanks for letting me know.
> Which email address does this refer to?
> James

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