[P2P-F] Fwd: [commoning] Fw: lo Squaderno no. 30 - December 2013. Commons – Practices, boundaries and thresholds

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Tue Jan 14 01:47:34 CET 2014

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Helene Finidori <hfinidori at yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 4:48 PM
Subject: [commoning] Fw: lo Squaderno no. 30 - December 2013. Commons –
Practices, boundaries and thresholds
To: "commoning at listen.jpberlin.de" <commoning at listen.jpberlin.de>, "
escuelacommons at lists.contrast.org" <escuelacommons at lists.contrast.org>

Dear Friends

Here is a special issue of lo Squaderno on the Commons to which a few of us
have participated.

Grazzie Giacomo!


  On Wednesday, January 8, 2014 5:30 PM, lo Squaderno <
losquaderno at professionaldreamers.net> wrote:
 Dear friends / bonjour à tout le monde / car* amic*,

A new issue of *lo Squaderno* is now online / un nouveau numéro de *lo
Squaderno* vient de sortir / è uscito un nuovo numero di *lo Squaderno*

lo Squaderno no. 30, December 2013
*Commons – Practices, boundaries and thresholds*
a cura di / dossier coordonné par / edited by Giacomo D’Alisa & Cristina

Guest artist / artiste présenté / artista ospite // Andrea Sarti

Contents / Sommaire / Contenuti

*Editoriale */ *Editorial*

Gustavo A. García-López
*Explaining the success of the commons. A multidisciplinary perspective*

Jampel Dell’Angelo
*Conflicts in the commons*

Ludger Gailing
*Landscape is a commons!*

Roberto Dini
*Montagna bene comune?*

Dan Moscovici
*Capturing a Luxurious Commons through State Intervention*

Helene Finidori
*Show me the action, and I will show you the commons!*

Leila Dawney
*Commoning: the production of common worlds*

Marta Traquino
*Diversity in a common space*

Paul Blokker
*Commons, constitutions and critique*

Jeff Rose
*“This place is about the struggle”. Producing the common through
homelessness and biopolitical resistance in a public park*

Niccolò Cuppini
*Sguardi critici sulla “natura” dei beni comuni*

Eleonora Guadagno
*Dove la nostalgia diventa un bene comune*

Available at / disponible sur / disponibile su
ISSN 1973-9141

Hope you enjoy / nous vous souhaitons une bonne lecture / speriamo vi possa
Please feel free to share this email and the web link / Vous pouvez
diffuser ce message / Potete inoltrare e diffondere questa email e
l'indirizzo della rivista.

Forthcoming / à paraître / in preparazione

no. 31 March 2014 // *Precariousness and spaces in digital society */*
e spazi nella società
 / a cura di / edited by Emiliana Armano, Elisabetta Risi & Cristina

no. 32, June 2014 // *Early morning – as the city wakes up*
/<http://www.losquaderno.professionaldreamers.net/?page_id=1092> a
cura di / edited by Mattias Karrholm & Andrea Mubi Brighenti

no. 33, September 2014 // *Crowded
 / a cura di / edited by Christian Borch & Andrea Mubi Brighenti

Thank you for your attention / merci de votre attention / grazie per
Best wishes / amitiés / cari saluti

commoning Mailingliste
JPBerlin - Politischer Provider
commoning at listen.jpberlin.de

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