[P2P-F] Fwd: Important Book, Review, Urge Your Attention (& Vote)
Michel Bauwens
michel at p2pfoundation.net
Thu Feb 20 20:50:40 CET 2014
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From: Robert Steele <robert.david.steele.vivas at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 1:44 PM
Subject: Important Book, Review, Urge Your Attention (& Vote)
To: Robert Steele <Robert.David.Steele.Vivas at gmail.com>
I have published the following review that may be slightly modified over
the next few days, but believe I have extracted the value and the relevance
for the general good.
The People's Advocate: The Life and Legal History of America's Most
Fearless Public Interest
[image: 5.0 out of 5 stars] *6 Stars on Substance, 3 Stars on Presentation
-- Needs a New Publisher*, February 20, 2014
Robert David STEELE
*This review is from: The People's Advocate: The Life and Legal
History of America's Most Fearless Public Interest Lawyer (Hardcover)*
This book was tough going -- even eye-glazing. I have never, in the
thousands of books I have read, seen a starker contrast between prodigal
son brilliance and Nobel level performance being presented, and the worst
possible least useful presentation format. The table of contents is devoid
of information. 4 parts, 31 chapters titled (I do not make this stuff up)
Chapter One through Chapter Thirty One. I strongly recommend that the
author find a new publisher and immediately restructure the book into
coherent segments associated with the below highlights, add a timeline,
photographs, glossary, snap-shots of each key case including lessons
learned and future issues unresolved, snap-shots of key people, and a new
epilogue that connects the quarter century of path-finding by the author to
the quarter century of civil war in the USA that is now beginning, courtesy
of 9/11 (allowed to happen), Department of Homeland Security,
FEMA-Halliburton concentration camps and railway cars with shackles, urban
blimps, drones, and street corner camaras, and the two-party tyranny
(executive, legislative, and judiciary) that no longer represents We the
People in any manner. [My views on the alternative to be fought for can be
found online at We the People Reform Coaltion.]
I hope that introduction got your blood boiling. This is a book for smart
people who care about the Constitution, the Republic, and America the
Beautiful -- the America of good people with big hearts and strong souls
who do the best they can while trapped amidst a complex of corrupt systems
that now include most labor unions, most non-profits, and most religions --
all the safety nets are gone. It is not an easy read but it could be the
most important book you could read right now, as we prepare for the
2014-2020 civil war between the 99% and the 1%. For a sense of where I see
Danny Sheehan in modern US history, see my review of Arsonist: The Most
Dangerous Man in
Danny Sheehan's is to the second American revolution as James Otis was to
the Founding Fathers. The 1% and their political bi-opoly (the best of the
servant class in the eyes of the 1%) are the target for a massive
apolitical cross-cultural uprising rooted in natural law, social justice,
and common sense.
The book cannot be fully appreciated without first understanding that the
author has been a major player in every fundamental Constitutional case
having to do with public agency -- the sovereignty of the public versus the
assumption by the "government" that it has inherent powers once reserved
for kings, and that the citizens "donate" (abdicate) their powers once they
"elect" said government. I highly recommend Wikipedia's biography on
Daniel_Sheehan_(attorney). This -- or the timeline below -- is what should
have opened the book in the first place. I take the trouble to do this
because the value of this book lies with the next generation, the
generation now in college and graduate school (or unemployed and
unOccupied), not in the generation that rose with Danny and failed to beat
down New York money, Texas energy, and the Nazi hydra combined with elite
embrace of drugs, money laundering, and pedophilia, among other high crimes
against the Republic.
Major Case Timeline
In re Pappas (First Amendment)
Eisenstadt v. Baird (reproductive freedom)
1970 JD from Harvard Law School, Joined Cahill Gordon
Branzburg v. Hayes
U.S. v. Caldwell
Attica inmates, Committee of Observers
State v. Byrd (Black Panthers false accused of bombing conspiracy)
New York Times Co. v. U.S. (First Amendment, Pentagon Papers)
1972 McGovern campaign, helped strike down voter registration laws
Rockefeller Commission (Police Department corruption, Frank Serpico
Joined F. Lee Bailey
Defended F. Lee Bailey
Watergate (leading to Nixon's impeachment & resignation)
1973 Entered Harvard Divinity School focusing on Comparative Social Ethics
1974 Leave of absence to help ACLU
Associated Student Body v. University of Wyoming (First Amendment, Last
Tango in Paris)
In re Slaughterhouse Five (First Amendment)
Morton v. Mancari (validated preferential hiring of Native Americans)
1973 Wound Knee (all vindicated)
1974-1975 Returned to Divinity School
Potter Box model for ethical decision-making
Began synthesis on how world views make facts irrelevant in political
1975 Became Chief Counsel for Jesuits USA
Daniel and Philip Berrigan
Dick Gergory
Benjamin Spock
David Abernathy (Southern Christian Leadership Conference)
1977 Karen Silkwood (included CIA and Keen smuggling of nuclear materials
to Israel)
1979 Founded Christic Institute (rooted in Teilhard de Chardin)
Three Mile Island
Greensboro Massacre (KKK)
American Sanctuary Movement (Catholic sanctuary of Salvadoran refugees)
1986 Aviragan v. Hull (Iran-Contra) exposed CIA's "enterprise" for global
unconstitutioinal activities
Christic Institute shut down by combination of corrupt executive, corrupt
judiciary, and corrupt legislature
1990 Elected to lead Romero Institute
Col James A Sabow USMC murder by Mariines for CIA at El Toro
1994 John E. Mack defense of academic freedom (extraterrestial encounters
by humans)
United States Library of Congress investigation into extraterrestials (and
probably to the Catholic Church also)
1999 Director New Paradigm Project State of the World Forum (Mikhail
2001 Disclosure Project (those with direct knowledge of UFOs)
Developed talk on Philosophical and Theological Implications of the Human
Discovery of Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence
2005 Lakota People's Law Project (rescuew of 3,000 children seized)
And now to the book itself.
The personal history is both necessary and revealing and truly provides
context for the entire book. It took me a full reading to appreciate the
page 3 statement that this is the story of a generation, the JFK generation
fighting the national security state mentality of the WWII generation (good
people) that allowed its government to be hijacked by bad people. I totally
share with the author the view that the assassination of JFK closed the
door on the socio-economic and ideo-cultural reforms being advanced in the
SIDENOTE: I have reviewed most of the books on JFK and where I differ with
Danny is in not blaming the excathedra CIA "enterprise" for the
assassination it carried out, but rather the combination of Texas energy,
New York money, and Italian crime that came together to snuff out the
greatest leader of the conscious world. George Bush Senior was in Dallas,
working for the "enterprise," and I earnestly pray that he and Howard Hunt
will one day appear before a Truth & Reconciliation Commission. See among
JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It
Someone Would Have
Dark Legacy <http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002Q79WMM/ref=cm_cr_asin_lnk>
Two elements of the personal introduction I find riveting. First is his
account of how he discovered first hand the corruption of the average US
Senator, and the second his his quote, on page 60, of Henry Kissinger
telling his Harvard class that the US is "authorized to lie, cheat, steal,
and kill to gain access to the strategic raw materials that below to other
nations..." Kissinger never changed -- years later, while in the White
House, it is now known that he said, to general laughter, "the illegal we
do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer."
The author accomplished more by the time he was 30 than most do in a
lifetime. I note with interest that his first encounter with illegal
wiretapping by the US Government against US citizens occured when he was 26
years old.
Page 151 gets to the heart of the matter: "emergency does not create
power." The executive cannot be allowed to claim inherent powers (Congress,
not the executive, is "the government" in a Republic), citizen rights are
not "donated" or abdicated once an election takes place, and the elite
cannot violate the laws of the land. Which is of course what we have today
with a national security state that uses secrecy to commit treason on a
daily basis.
Among the many reasons this book is a 6 star book (in my top 10% -- see all
my reviews across 98 categories at Phi Beta Iota the Public Intelligence
Blog) is perhaps the greatest possible accomplishment of all: a lawyer
representing justice with intelligence and integrity. I am fascinated by
the constant presence in this book of social justice and the author's
long-running reflections on utilitarianism versus intuitionism, and his
appreciation for the importance of Reverend Witherspoon of Princeton
University in shaping the morals of the Founding Fathers such that natural
law and the rights of man served as the foundation for the US Constitution.
It was during the Silkwood case that the author learned that there was a
"private" national intelligence network, the Law Enforcement Intelligence
Unit (LEIU), and that federal signals intelligence and wiretapping
capabilities were routinely deployed, illegally, in support of private
enterprise (e.g. the private nuclear industry sneaking nuclear capabilities
to Israel with CIA cover). I concur with the author's conclusion that
nuclear power should not be in private hands, and would add to that my view
that neither intelligence nor the military should be staffed with
contractors burdended with massive conflicts of interest and lack of
accountability even more severe than the present lack of accountability
that the US national security "enterprise" enjoys.
I am stunned to learn that the foundation for DHS and FEMA's venturing into
domestic concentration camps and hundreds if not thousands of rail cars
pre-equipped with shackles (these are my current facts, not the author's)
can be found in Ronald Reagan's tenure, at which time illegal immigrants
were deliberately conflated with "terrorists" and substantial funding and
planning earmarked for being able to round up 5,000 or more, overnight, if
I learn that aircraft running drugs into the USA for the US Government have
special call signs that place them off limits to interception. Talk about
impeachable crimes at the highest levels!
The author's account of Iran Contra is focused mostly on Carl Jenkins and a
few others. As it happens I was in El Salvador in 1979-1980 and on the
Central American Task Force (CATF) with Alan Fiers in 1986, and am one of
the fortunate innocents who was not indicted -- I was working on the legal
side of CATF throughout. So I am fascinated with all of this, and I have to
disagree with the author when he names Ted Shackley as the head of the
"enterprise." Ted -- I met him once -- was a civil servant, not a rogue
elephant. What he did he did thinking he was serving a higher master with
authorization directly from the White House. At least that is how I see it.
My three reviews below offer more perspective, along with the fourth book
that I have avoided reading but have in the line-up.
Spymaster: My Life in the
BLOND GHOST <http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0671695258/ref=cm_cr_asin_lnk>
Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine
The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and
the World <http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1616082844/ref=cm_cr_asin_lnk>
For my insider perspective search for < Search: Seven CIAs [Steele on the
Record] >.
It is in the aftermath of the Iran-Contra case that the author comes of
age. I am impressed by a direct account from the author of how Senator John
Kerry got bought off his investigation with a promise of the Vice
Presidential nomination in 2000 (in other words, the Republican or heavy
side of the two party criminal enterprise made a deal with the Democratic
or light side of the two party criminal enterprise so that both could avoid
making it clear to the average US citizen that the government was in enemy
QUOTE (485): "The lesson was clear: accountability declines as the
magnitude of ther crime and the power of those charged increase."
The Iran-Contra investigations that were suppressed from public revelation
also disclosed the existence of the Nazi hydra that collaborates with out
of control elements of the CIA and I believe also the FBI and DEA, to run
drugs into the USA to create off-budget wealth. See among other books I
have reviewed:
The Nazi Hydra in America: Suppressed History of a
To understand the the Nazi subversion of the US military in partnership
with the evangelicals, look for this online report from one of my
counterintelligence colleagues:
Mongoose: 20130309 Added Transcripts for Mrs. Kay Griggs Interviews --
"German Disease" Across USMC & US Army Special Operations + Treason RECAP
QUOTE (497) Joseph Burkholder Smith, CIA: "I hope that your generation can
stop these bastards. Because ours never did."
QUOTE (511) Ross Perot: "You know, Dan, as long as these guys are in
operation, no man can truly call himself president."
PRECISELY. That is why I ran briefly for President, creating We the People
Reform Coalition, one possible combination of alliances and ideas that can
displace the two-party tyranny and reinstitute the rule of law in the USA.
The author treats the Catholic Church with kid gloves, only once venturing
into the Knights of Malta and the long-standing secret relations among the
Catholic elite, the US national security state, and certain other parties.
I'm find with that. Apart from observing that only the Quakers, Seventh Day
Adventists, and Muslims do not represent a religious counterintelligence
threat in the USA, I would, as a lapsed Colombian Jesuit altar boy who once
knew the mass in Latin, be glad to leverage the secret societies of the
Catholic Church against the other secret societies, as we begin what will
be the most important chapter of modern American history, the battle for
the soul of the Republic.
Two more quotes that represent the SIX-STAR value of this book:
QUOTE (562-563): "Walsh pointed out that the unlawful, unethical, and
unconstitutional conduct undertaken by CIA operatives and other covert
operations agencies in our executive branch in the name of 'anticommunism'
between 1947-1977 (uncovered by congressional investigators in the
aftermath of the Watergate burglary) had been repeated by the men who had
created and operated the off-the-shelf enterprise--but this time they had
committed their acts in the name of 'antiterrorism.'"
QUOTE (563): "Walsh essentially warned that these covert operations, and
the zealots who ran them, constituted a clear and present danger to the
constitutional order of our democracy."
The other reason this is a SIX-STAR book is because of its deeply ethical
nature (not an attribute often asssociated with lawyers trained and
employed in the USA). The author is still hung up on the left-right
political axis, but he makes a very important point when he calls out the
progressives and the left in general for failing to draw the line.
QUOTE (593): Twenty two years after the end of the Cold War, the leadership
of the American liberal community still has not deigned to identify such as
set of ethical principles. Instead, they have virtually abandoned the field
now that the threat of communism has disappeared."
The author goes on to fail John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama in
relation to the above. I certainly agree -- Kerry, Clinton, and Obama have
the ethics of a pimp in Tijuana and hardly qualify as presidential material
(but then the same is true of everyone on the right from Newt Gingrich on).
America is about to enter into a civil war rooted in the public abdication
of its responsibility to be informed engaged citizens. We cannot blame the
rats that we allow to over-run the ship of state. We must take ourselves in
hand. This book is not only the summatiion of the first half of Danny
Sheehan's life. It is the window into why and how he and others, including
myself, will fight the second half of the battle for the soul of the
Semper Fidelis,
Robert David STEELE Vivas
INTELLIGENCE for EARTH: Clarity, Diversity, Integrity, & Sustainability
PS Amazon allows me ten links. With a certain sense of humor, I refer the
reader to all my six star reviews at Phi Beta Iota the Public Intelligene
Blog but here is the last link: a good Catholic spy who did what he was
told to do, very very well, and now does this for Wall Street. I would
trust him to clean up CIA if and when we have an honest government what
*wants* an honest CIA.
Good Hunting: An American Spymaster's
*Please note an intrusion wiped out my inbox on February 8; I have no
record of previous communication, proposals, etc ..*
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