[P2P-F] Fwd: [WSF-Discuss] CFP Interface 6(2): Movement internationalism(s)

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Thu Feb 6 17:16:21 CET 2014

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: peter waterman <peterwaterman1936 at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 9:16 PM
Subject: Fwd: [WSF-Discuss] CFP Interface 6(2): Movement internationalism(s)
To: Debate is a listserve that attempts to promote information and analyses
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WorldSocialForum-Discuss at openspaceforum.net>, Dan Gallin <gli at iprolink.ch>,
GLI <dave.spooner at global-labour.net>, David Featherstone <
David.Featherstone at glasgow.ac.uk>, Teivo Teivainen <
teivo.teivainen at helsinki.fi>, Ariel Salleh <arielsalleh7 at gmail.com>,
Stephen Williams <stephen.williams at port.ac.uk>, Wendy Harcourt <
wendyh at sidint.org>, "nirayd at blueyonder.co.uk" <nirayd at blueyonder.co.uk>,
Kim Scipes <kimscipes at earthlink.net>, samir-fr <samir.amin at wanadoo.fr>,
Immanuel Wallerstein <immanuel.wallerstein at yale.edu>, Asbjørn Wahl <
Asbjorn.Wahl at velferdsstaten.no>, Janet Conway <jconway at brocku.ca>, Jeff
Juris <jeffjuris at earthlink.net>, Raphael Hoetmer <
Raphael at democraciaglobal.org>, Marilyn Daza <Marilyndaza at hotmail.com>,
Örsan Şenalp <orsan1234 at gmail.com>, Michel Bauwens <michel at p2pfoundation.net>,
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mma49 at cam.ac.uk>, Ezequiel Adamovsky <e.adamovsky at gmail.com>, Michael
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Chris Carlsson <carlsson.chris at gmail.com>, Christophe Aguiton <
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rousset <prousset68 at gmail.com>, "quijanoanibal at yahoo.com" <
quijanoanibal at yahoo.com>, Ruth Halaj Reitan <r.reitan at miami.edu>, "
helena.sheehan at dcu.ie" <helena.sheehan at dcu.ie>, Trevor Ngwane <
trevorngwane at gmail.com>, Lucien van der Walt <L.vanderWalt at ru.ac.za>

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Laurence Cox <Laurence.Cox at nuim.ie>
Date: Wed, Feb 5, 2014 at 5:13 PM
Subject: [WSF-Discuss] CFP Interface 6(2): Movement internationalism(s)
To: living-communism at googlegroups.com, Discussion list about the WSF <
worldsocialforum-discuss at openspaceforum.net>, activist scholarship <
activistscholarship at lists.riseup.net>, social-movements at brighton.ac.uk,
bewefo <bewegungsforschung at lists.riseup.net>, knowledgelab at lists.aktivix.org

 *Interface: a journal for and about social movements
http://interfacejournal.net <http://interfacejournal.net/> *

*Call for papers: Movement internationalism(s)*

*Issue 6/2 (November 2014), deadline May 1 2014 *

*Theme editors: Cristina Flesher Fominaya, Peter Waterman, Laurence Cox*

The open-access, online, copyleft academic/activist journal *Interface: a
Journal for and about Social Movements* (http://www.interfacejournal.net/)
invites contributions on the theme of *Movement internationalism(s) *as
well as general submissions.

Internationalism, originally used to refer to relationships between states,
has come in much movement practice to mean relationships of solidarity
between people and peoples across or despite national boundaries,
inter-state conflicts and economic competition.

Social movement internationalisms have had many different flavours: since
the late 18th and early 19th centuries we have seen liberal
cosmopolitanism, radical-democratic internationalism, internationalisms
linking anti-colonial and national liberation struggles, often overlapping.
In the later 19th and early 20th century we have seen often more
tightly-defined trade union, socialist and anarchist internationalisms;
Pan-African and Third-Worldist internationalisms; and some paradoxical
right-wing internationalisms. In more recent decades a “new
internationalism” often associated with links between movements rather than
parties, playing a role in the alterglobalisation movement and the 2003
anti-war movement as well as the latest movement wave.

Internationalisms do not always take this formal shape. We are equally
interested in the global plebeian networks of the kind discussed by
Linebaugh and Rediker in *The Many-Headed Hydra* or come to that
contemporary grassroots labour networking; “transnational advocacy
networks” campaigning around specific themes; processes of international
solidarity, often in support of specific revolutionary movements such as
the Zapatistas; and state-sponsored internationalisms such as that of the
Venezuelan state’s *Bolivarismo.*

For this special themed section of *Interface *6/2 we are interested in
articles by researchers and activists, as well as material in other formats
such as “action notes” on particular organising methods, activist
biographies, book reviews, conversational roundtables, analyses of movement
events etc. written in such a way as to be of interest or use to people
*outside* the specific internationalism in question – contributing to
*Interface’s* goal of “learning from each other’s struggles”.
Contributions might address such questions as:

   - The practical challenges of international social movement organising;
   -  The different political implications of how movements frame
   international, global, transnational or other ways of organising;
   - How do relationships of solidarity cope with the often vast
   differences in resources, power and experience between their participants,
   including differences between organisations in the North and the South and
   between NGOs and popular movements?
   - The relationship between international movement organising and other
   actors such as the international state order or global capitalism;
   - The present-day tension between local struggles and their
   representation in international movement or left circuits;
   - The role of migrants and minority groups in international organising
   and its contribution or otherwise to redressing *national* ethnic
   - Other questions relevant to the special issue theme.

As in every issue, we are also very happy to receive contributions that
reflect on other questions for social movement research and practice that
fit within the journal’s mission statement (

Submissions should contribute to the journal’s mission as a tool to help
our movements learn from each other’s struggles, by developing analyses
from specific movement processes and experiences that can be translated
into a form useful for other movements.

In this context, we welcome contributions by movement participants and
academics who are developing movement-relevant theory and research. Our
goal is to include material that can be used in a range of ways by
movements — in terms of its content, its language, its purpose and its
form. We thus seek work in a range of different formats, such as
conventional (refereed) articles, review essays, facilitated discussions
and interviews, action notes, teaching notes, key documents and analysis,
book reviews — and beyond. Both activist and academic peers review research
contributions, and other material is sympathetically edited by peers. The
editorial process generally is geared towards assisting authors to find
ways of expressing their understanding, so that we all can be heard across
geographical, social and political distances.

We can accept material in Afrikaans, Arabic, Catalan, Czech, Danish,
English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Maltese, Norwegian, Polish,
Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish and Zulu. Please see our
editorial contacts page (
http://www.interfacejournal.net/submissions/editorial-contact/) for details
of who to send articles to.

*Deadline and contact details*

The deadline for initial submissions to this issue, to be published
November 1, 2014, is May 1, 2014. For details of how to submit to
Interface, please see the “Guidelines for contributors” on our website (
All manuscripts, whether on the special theme or other topics, should be
sent to the appropriate regional editor, listed on our contacts page.
Submission templates are available online via the guidelines page.

Department of Sociology
National University of Ireland Maynooth
Co. Kildare, Republic of Ireland

* Interface: a journal for and about social movements *
MA in Community Education, Equality and Social Activism
Dhammaloka Project http://dhammalokaproject.wordpress.com

*Understanding European Movements*:

*Marxism and Social Movements*:
*Buddhism and Ireland*: http://www.equinoxpub.com/home/buddhism-ireland/
*Silence would be treason: last writings of Ken Saro-Wiwa*:

"...cercare e saper riconoscere chi e cosa, in mezzo all'inferno, non e'
inferno, e farlo durare, e dargli spazio."

** WSFDiscuss is an open and unmoderated forum for the exchange of
information and views on the experience, practise, and theory of the World
Social Forum at any level (local, national, regional, and global) and on
related social and political movements and issues.  Join in !**
WSFDiscuss mailing list
POST to LIST : Send email to WorldSocialForum-Discuss at openspaceforum.net
SUBSCRIBE: Send empty email to
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   1. *EBook, November 2012: Recovering Internationalism
   <http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/recovering_internationalism/>.  [A
   compilation of papers from the new millenium. Now free in two download
   formats] <http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/world_social_forum/>
*EBook (co-editor), February 2013: World Social Forum: Critical
   Explorations http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/world_social_forum/
   <http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/world_social_forum/> *
   3. *Interface Journal Special (co-editor), November 2012: For the Global
   Emancipation of Labour <http://www.interfacejournal.net/current/>*
   4. *Blog: http://www.unionbook.org/profile/peterwaterman.
   <http://www.unionbook.org/profile/peterwaterman.> *
   5. *Interface Journal Special (Co-Editor) Social Movement
   Internationalisms. See Call for Papers <http://www.interfacejournal.net/>,
   (Deadline: May 1, 2014). *
*Needed: a Global Labour Charter Movement (2005-Now!)
   7. *Under, Against, Beyond: Labour and Social Movements Confront a
   Globalised, Informatised Capitalism
   <http://www.into-ebooks.com/book/under-against-beyond/>(2011) Almost 1,000
   pages of Working Papers, free, from the 1980 <1980>'s-90's.*
   8. *Google Scholar Citation Index:*
   <http://scholar.google.com.pe/citations?user=e0e6Qa4AAAAJ> *


P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

#82 on the (En)Rich list: http://enrichlist.org/the-complete-list/
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