[P2P-F] History of abuse of power

willi uebelherr willi.uebelherr at gmail.com
Thu Aug 14 04:35:49 CEST 2014

Dear friends,

this is the translation of the statement from Quiliro to the exclusion 
from him and me on the P2P-lang-es maillist.

For me, this exclusion is an act of fascism: "If you are not my friend, 
you are my enemy". All Yes-sayer are grouped together. All Not-Yes-sayer 
are attacked and defamed. This method was applied for all those, who do 
not clearly behaved as friends and follower.

But this methods are totally incompatible to the principles of P2P in a 
free environment. This is pure Stalinism. We never need the monotony in 
our search of the truth. In the monotony, we find no development. The 
unity in diversity is our principle.

many greetings, willi
Popayan, Colombia

History of abuse of power

I present the following chronicle as a meditation about how people which 
say they want the well being of society but they carry on actions that 
are contrary to it when they exert their power against a majority, or 
worse yet, a minority. Although exerting power over a majority is more 
scandalous, exerting it against a minority is more hurtful, unjust and 
perverse because of tho minoryty's low capacity to exert counterforce 
and defend itself.

It all starts with a project in which four foreign people propose the 
ecuadorian government the change of the production matrix to one of 
libre knowledge. They speak  of community and of sumak kawsay. They 
convince a lot of local and foreign activists that this can have big 
impact. However, some people begin to notice the inconsistency of this 
project and of its intent of attaining impact on the media instead of 
making real change since various of the participants show that tho 
project was acting against its own precepts of freedom, endogenous 
creation and inclusion. The proponents of the project use tools that are 
not free in networks that are not free, bring in foreign preconceived 
precepts and try to justify their suitability by promoting them instead 
of investigating what are the local people's needs. Finally they 
segregate the people that make observations to these practices by 
convincing a large majority of locals and foreigners that the project 
with such construction and its presence in media is better that the deep 
observations made by those who criticize it. This type of exacerbation 
of the feelings of the group causes that the activists charge in a blind 
persecution of those who do made observations by using tactics of 
discredit, censorship and banishing opposers from the project.

This type of practice would not surprise me if it came from the extreme 
right or from socialism of the 20th century. However from a group of 
people that organizes horizontaly under the scheme of respect of all 
beings including of nature as is proposed in "sumak kawsay", anarchism, 
socialism of the 21st century and the P2P commons, I can not  understand 
imposition, censorship and exclusion. Instead, the Right, Stalinism and 
Robespierre have characterised themselves by guillotining those who 
question their positions and decisions. A true progresivism evolves away 
from destructive competition into constructive collaboration within 
diversity. The contrary carries to self destruction.

The story ends with the debate of censorship in other spaces of P2P and 
with the capture of the mailing list of the P2P Foundation in Spanish 
with its stealth change of name in light of the questioning of the list 
as it shows in:


This story is not new. It is the modus operandi of all dictatorships. It 
may be that I was the dictator. But then, where is my realm? Who can 
prove that I imposed my power and censorship upon others? If is not me 
but someone else then, who is the one which has this power? Perhaps I am 
an agitator. But it is to agitate the minds towards thinking and to not 
to letting them be manipulated by persons that use the feelings of the 
people against of their own deep interests.

Saludos libres, Quiliro Ordóñez

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