[P2P-F] Fwd: Cathar Prophesy

Denis Postle d.postle at btinternet.com
Mon Apr 21 20:47:14 CEST 2014

On 21/04/2014 16:42, Michel Bauwens wrote:
> any authentication of this document would be appreciated,
/Here is a little more from/:

Hi Suriya,
Whoever sent the " Cathar Prophecy" failed to mention that it isn't a 
historically recorded prophecy by Cathars; but, rather it is a 
channelled prophecy received in 1978 or there-about.
The introductory material taken from the website to the "Cathar 
Prophecy" is quoted as follows:
/ "In 1978 on a visit to Montsegur in the Cathar country of S W France, 
Colin Bloy had dowsed in ameadow where 300 Perfecti were burned alive in 
1244. The dowsing revealed a Latin text whichreferred to the rebuilding 
of a church in Andorra in 1986. In March 1985 Colin was prompted towrite 
the proclamation of the Church of Love - he says the words were not his 
- and this Churchwas proclaimed in Andorra on Good Friday, 28th March 1986./
/Colin Bloy says that this was written by my hand, but I would not claim 
authorship, it was takendown in ten minutes - just like that! "Although 
this was written to fulfil a fourteenth centuryprophecy that the Cathar 
Church would be restored in 1986, I believe it is a statement relevantto 
all Fountaineers and that we too are part of the Church of Love." /
Now after having said all that, it is true that the Sufis--at least the 
Tariqua sect--do acknowledge that the Cathars, as part of the historic 
amalgam of western traditions leading through the Knights Templar to 
those of Freemasonry, find their essence of origin in Sufic 
thought via early Saracenic influences.
Best Regards

> Michel
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: *david.dickinson1* <david.dickinson1 at icloud.com 
> <mailto:david.dickinson1 at icloud.com>>
> Date: Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 4:35 AM
> Subject: Fwd: Cathar Prophesy
> To: Michel Bauwens <michel at p2pfoundation.net 
> <mailto:michel at p2pfoundation.net>>, Alain Ruche <ruche_alain at yahoo.fr 
> <mailto:ruche_alain at yahoo.fr>>
> Michel, Alain, I thought you might find this of interest.
> David
> -- 
> *Please note an intrusion wiped out my inbox on February 8; I have no 
> record of previous communication, proposals, etc ..*
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