[P2P-F] Fwd: Helping others at Thanksgiving

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Thu Nov 28 16:13:44 CET 2013

dear david, if you want to spread the word, you could ask Kevin to spread
it via the p2p blo,

Kevin is in cc,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Braden <d-braden at comcast.net>
Date: Thu, Nov 28, 2013 at 9:32 AM
Subject: Helping others at Thanksgiving
To: Donald Studinski <dstudin at yahoo.com>, "Susan H. Bloomquist" <
susanbee at stitch1.com>, Leo Kacenjar <lkacenja at gmail.com>, Joe Kottenstette <
jkottenstette at usbr.gov>, Rose Ann Bennett <enlightenedfinancials at gmail.com>,
David Ward <david.e.ward at comcast.net>, Linda Nowakowski <lindern at gmail.com>,
John Powers <incgarden at earthlink.net>, Doug Nelson <dougnelson49 at gmail.com>,
Mickki Langston <mickki at milehighbiz.org>, Dana Miller <
pompomdana at comcast.net>, Matthew Burde <matt.burde at gmail.com>, Brenda
Porter <brendaporter at cmc.org>, David Olivero <daveo71 at yahoo.com>, Margaret
Emerson <vortexdesign at comcast.net>, Pawel Klewin <pawel.klewin at plusnet.pl>,
Wael Al Saad <"globalpalestine"@gmail.com>, Nushin Farjadi <
nushin777 at yahoo.com>, Tim Watson <tim at tlwarchitect.com>, Forrest Craver <
forrestecraver at gmail.com>, Elleana Doykos <doykos.chi at gmail.com>, Adam
Brock <wildgreenyonder at gmail.com>, Michael Anderson <mband at earthlink.net>,
Bradley Jarvis <brad at bigpicexplorer.com>, Arthur Brock <
artbrock at geekgene.com>, Brok McFerron <brok at mygrofarm.com>, Larry Victor <
larryvictor at comcast.net>, Kerry Temple-Wood <tmplwd at msn.com>, Marci Heiser <
mheiser46 at yahoo.com>, Mary Armijo <mfchembre at comcast.net>, julie mesdag <
jwmesdag at hotmail.com>, Jenny Lighthart <jenny.lighthart at gmail.com>, Janet
Kern <jottingsbyjanet at hotmail.com>, Fran Rostami <farostami at yahoo.com>,
Francine Loomiller <floomiller at gmail.com>, Jason Brandon <
jb80504co at gmail.com>, Pam Holbrook <pamyogamassage at yahoo.com>,
manybunnies at gmail.com, David Eggleton <des at appliedecologics.com>, Tom Greco
<thg at mindspring.com>, David de Smit <ddesmit1 at gmail.com>, Michel Bauwens <
michelsub2004 at gmail.com>, Samuel Rose <samuel.rose at gmail.com>, Michael
Gutierrez <elmichaelg at gmail.com>, Mary Mitchell <goldencalmary at comcast.net>,
Crystal Niedzwiadek <flutingaround at gmail.com>, Terri Wagner <
tig_wagner at yahoo.com>, Corinne Domahidy <corinnedomahidy at gmail.com>, Dave
Wann <davewann at comcast.net>, OZ <ozzy_osborn43 at yahoo.com>, Honey Niehaus <
hniehaus49 at gmail.com>, Joe Zemek <jcpzemek at gmail.com>, Sidnie O'Connell <
sid at wespective.com>, Kim Massey <kim5512 at msn.com>, Ellen LaConte <
elaconte at gmail.com>, Jessica Saunders <hennabyjes at hotmail.com>, David
Whitehead <dneckisch at aim.com>, Laree Kline <lareekline at msn.com>, Carol
Kolesnikoff <eatingethically at gmail.com>, Gilla Lachnitt <lachnittg at gmail.com>,
Delicia Beaty <ecology4body at gmail.com>, Jason Gerhardt <
jasongerhardt at gmail.com>, Ruth Rinehart <ruth at threetrusts.com>, Jody Norman
<jnjody13 at gmail.com>, Matt Lake <mattl at eesilighting.com>, Joan Armon <
jarmon at regis.edu>, Aleece Raw <aleece at practical-innovation.com>, Lucy Brown
<lucybrown2010 at live.com>, MARTIN WALSH <kortewalsh at msn.com>, Dan Kunz <
dekunz at gmail.com>, Denise Conrad <deniseconrad at mybluelight.com>, Chowgene
Koay <chow at communitycultivators.org>, Sarah Spotten <sspotten at gmail.com>,
Michael Maranda <tropology at gmail.com>, Dustin Ceballos <
sustainabledustin at gmail.com>, Beverly Grant <grantbdee at gmail.com>, Drew
O'Connor <drew at civiccanopy.org>, Lorey Hobbs <loreylee at comcast.net>, Eric
Runstadler <englewoodurbanfarm at gmail.com>, Anthony Prichard <
anthony at madlabmg.com>, Nancy Griffith <ngrifbeauty11 at gmail.com>, Ann
Hoefler <godslamb00 at gmail.com>, Barry Lamb <barrylamb219 at gmail.com>, Carlo
DeAngelis <carlovito75 at gmail.com>, Colorado Cate <colorado.ca at gmail.com>,
David Hurlbut <david at cypressrose.com>, Debby Shapiro <debbyjoy at nilenet.com>,
Debra Neeley <neeley.deb at gmail.com>, Dottie House <dottie.house at gmail.com>,
Elena Stieve <elenamarie at gmail.com>, Eric Smith <eric.n.smith.1 at gmail.com>,
Greg Whitehair <gregory.whitehair at comcast.net>, Spike Brown <
whereisreality at gmail.com>, Leslie Brown <lesliebrown75 at hotmail.com>, Neil
Preister <preineil at gmail.com>, Peggy Gates <peggygates at live.com>, Robbie
Knight <robbie at robbieknight.com>, Sheryl Sadler <sherylsadler at q.com>

I want to let all of you know about a project in the Park Hill neighborhood
of Denver that could use some help getting started. Park Hill is in what is
known as a "food desert" and this project is designed to make fresh locally
grown organic vegetables available to those who otherwise have no access.
 We will be working with the organizers to develop production capacity and
engage the neighbors in that production.  If you have much to be thankful
for this season I hope you will consider helping.


Thanks for your ongoing interest in our work,

David Braden

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

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