[P2P-F] looking for publishers willing to translate

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Mon Nov 18 18:02:08 CET 2013

dear friends,

if you have contacts in the publishing world, thanks for sending this:

*Save the world*

*With P2P towards a post-capitalist society*

*From the back cover:*

Our present society is based on the absurd idea that material resources are
abundant and immaterial ideas are scare. We behave as if the planet is
infinite and exploit the earth in a way that endangers survival of the
human species. On the other hand, we are building artificial walls around
human knowledge to prevent and impede sharing as much as possible.

The peer-to-peer model of Wikipedia (knowledge), Linux (software) and
Wikipspeed (design), inspired by open source, wants to turn this logic on
its head. According to Michel Bauwens, the sharing economy, P2P-networks,
open source, crowd sourcing, fablabs, micro-factories, hackerpsaces, the
makers’ movement, urban agriculture… all new phenomena forming patterns
that lead us towards a post-capitalist society, in which the market will be
subsumed to the logic of the commons.

Just as feudalism developed within the womb of the Roman slave society and
capitalism developed within feudalism, we are witnessing the embryo of a
new form of society within capitalism.

In order to save the world, we need a relocalisation of production and an
extension of global cooperation in the field of knowledge, code and design.

*Additional information:*

The book is based on a 12-hour interview by former journalist Jean Lievens
with Michel Bauwens, and is divided into sis chapters: the Economy of P2P,
The politics of P2P, P2P and spirituality, the Philosophy of P2¨, the P2P
Foundation and a Biography of Michel Bauwens, who was the only Belgian
elected on the Enriched List of the Post-Growth Institute, a list with the
100 most inspiring people (dead and alive) ever in relation to

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

#82 on the (En)Rich list: http://enrichlist.org/the-complete-list/
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