[P2P-F] Fwd: FRIDAY: Community Justice Commons Panel Talk at the Ostrom Workshop _ Professors Edwin Greenebaum, Micol Seigel, and Beverly Stoeltje _ Noon-1:30pm

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Wed Nov 13 22:12:33 CET 2013

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Conway, Ryan Timothy <rtconway at indiana.edu>
Date: Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 9:42 PM
Subject: FRIDAY: Community Justice Commons Panel Talk at the Ostrom
Workshop _ Professors Edwin Greenebaum, Micol Seigel, and Beverly Stoeltje
_ Noon-1:30pm
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*Community Commons Colloquia: Community Justice Commons *

*Professors: Edwin Greenebaum [Maurer School of Law], Micol Seigel
[American Studies & History], and Beverly Stoeltje [Anthropology & Folkore
and Ethnomusicology]*


 *"Community Justice Commons: Community Policing vs Co-Produced Conflict

 Date: Friday, November 15th, 2013
 Time: Noon-1:30pm
Location: The Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and
Policy Analysis, 513 N. Park Avenue

 Live Stream URL:
 Archive Stream URL:
 *Community Justice Commons: Community Policing vs Co-Produced Conflict
Recent literature revisiting Lin Ostrom’s metropolitan police studies
suggests that superficial recognition of their findings and inconsistent
adoption of “community policing” programs sowed the seeds for ineffective
and unsustainable efforts to encourage community-responsive and community
co-produced public safety arrangements [Boettke et al 2012]. The authors
largely attribute these programmatic failures to (1) “institutional
incompatibilities” between the programs and their institutional contexts
(in both police organizations and broader community culture) and (2)
“perverse incentives” created by federal intervention into local policing
operations, including a push for consolidated communications and strategic
coordination of standard operations, as well as a number of “asset sharing”
programs for the development of “police paramilitary units” (PPUs) [ibid].
Though the authors imply the benefits of engaged, community co-production
of public safety (as a public good), the range of options that they
consider vis-à-vis Ostrom Workshop scholarship is constrained to include
only those institutional arrangements that are anchored-in, devised, and
implemented by apparatuses of the state. But, why, in a study on community
policing, would they embrace such constraints? The nature of public safety,
as a public good, suggests that its production requires “a collective
arrangement in which [community members] agree to reward those who provide
public goods and/or punish those who fail to contribute,” which is
typically embodied by different organizational scales of the state [3].
Still, the authors mention that there is both “[t]heoretical and
experimental literature shows that individuals are capable of overcoming
the collective action problem in the absence of formal government” [ibid].

*However, is it possible for public safety to be produced by community
organizations and social-arrangements that operate outside of or in
parallel with the organizations and legal systems of the state? Can it only
play a supplementary role? *

In Bloomington, we have a fine example of a non-state alternative dispute
resolution organization: the Community Justice and Mediation Center, a
community-based non-profit that provides mediation and restorative justice
services and related educational outreach programs. Though focusing more on
alcohol and drug related issues, the IU campus has an organization that
provides alternative resolutions for drug and alcohol violations,
counseling, and related programming assistance: OASIS. To what extent do
these help to create a community justice commons…and how could they be
enhanced or extended?

*Further, can other Workshop tools – like the IAD framework and the Design
Principles – help us to explore the community-oriented solutions,
supplementing earlier concepts of “polycentricity” and “co-production?” *

Though the design principles of sustainable common-pool resource governance
apply most directly to social arrangements that mediate the relationship
between persons and material goods, their emphasis on community-devised
norms and rules may provide unique insights into community co-production of
public safety. For example, Principle 2 emphasizes “congruence
between…rules and local conditions,” suggesting that information about
local conditions is paramount [Cox, Arnold, and Villamayor-Tomás 2010].
Further, Principle 3 encourages that “most individuals affected by the
operational rules can participate in modifying the operational rules,”
[ibid] which is supported by evidence that “[i]ndividuals not only have
better knowledge of their own circumstances…but they are also more likely
to perceive rules of their own design as fair and worth following (Ostrom
1990, Ostrom 2000)” [Boettke 2012: 10]. Principle 6 “states that systems
with low-cost conflict resolution mechanisms are more likely to survive,”
casting some doubt on the functional optimality of an inflated, federally
incentivized police and court system [Cox, Arnold, and Villamayor-Tomás
2010]. And, Principle 7 maintains that sustainable community governance
requires a sufficient degree of autonomy in the construction of local
social arrangements, “stipulate[ing] that external government agencies do
not challenge the right of local users to create their own institutions”

The purpose of this panel is to invite critical reflection on the concept
of “community justice” with reference to theoretical tools and empirical
evidence derived from studies at the Ostrom Workshop. Our three panelists
were invited for the diversity of their expertise: as practitioners,
scholars, and IU/Bloomington community members with differing levels of
involvement with community justice issues and different levels of
experience with the Ostrom Workshop.

*Edwin Greenebaum*<http://www.bloomingtoncommunityorchard.org/site/about/about-the-board/>
over 30 years as a law professor at Indiana
Professor Greenebaum's teaching and writing focused on dispute resolution
and on the professional development of individuals, the organizations in
which they work, and how the two relate to one another. His courses
included Civil Procedure, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Mediation, Roles
and Relations in Legal Practice, and Understanding Clinical Experience.  Since
his retirement in 2000, Greenebaum has worked with the Community Justice
and Mediation Center (CJAM) which provides community mediation and conflict
resolution education for Bloomington and Monroe County His roles in CJAM
include Board Member, Chair and Director of Programming, community
mediation case manager, senior mediator, and trainer.

*Micol Seigel* <http://www.indiana.edu/~amst/faculty/seigel.shtml><http://info.publichealth.indiana.edu/faculty/current/farmer-james-r.shtml>is
an Associate
Professor in the <http://www.indiana.edu/~amst/faculty/seigel.shtml>Departments
of American Studies <http://www.indiana.edu/~amst/faculty/seigel.shtml> and
History.  Her research interests include: Policing, prisons, and race in
the Americas; Critical Ethnic Studies; racial theory; transnational method;
popular culture; Brazil; Latin American studies; history; mass
incarceration; the Cold War; postcolonial and queer theory; Cultural
Studies. Micol is on sabbatical 2013-2014 and will be in Australia during
the spring at the U.S. Studies Centre of the University of
In addition to research and teaching, Micol is involved in the Critical
Prison Studies caucus of the American Studies
Association<http://www.facebook.com/groups/190983380989866/>and the
Institute for the Transnational History of the

 *Beverly Stoeltje*<http://www.indiana.edu/~anthro/people/emeriti/stoeltje.shtml>
wr <http://www.indiana.edu/~anthro/people/emeriti/stoeltje.shtml>ites<http://www.indiana.edu/~anthro/people/emeriti/stoeltje.shtml>:
"Throughout my career women and gender issues have captured my interest. At
times I have concentrated on representations of women in performance such
as the rodeo, and at other times I have focused on women of the American
West, especially the cowgirl. My interest shifted to Asante Queen Mothers
in 1990, however, the female leaders of the Asante and the larger group of
Akan peoples of Ghana. Concentrating on their role as performed in
contemporary society has led me to the anthropology of law, particularly
the law of the Asante people as practiced in what is called the "customary
courts" of Ghana...Consistent with this interest in the dissemination of
ideologies and rituals is my interest in forms of nationalism.
Specifically, I define my interest as the intersection of nationalism and
symbolic forms. Understanding the fundamentals of social movements that are
recognized as cultural nationalism or national identities and the symbolic
forms such as narrative, law, film, literature, song and ritual genres that
are associated with them, is the goal of much of my work as well as that of
a course I teach called, "Performing Nationalism."

*There will NOT be a Commons Conversations Potluck this week.*

All the Best,
Ryan T. Conway

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