[P2P-F] Do we know about Linked Data ? Are we interested is understanding its potentials ? Quick survey - Thanks !

Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.monson at gmail.com
Mon Dec 9 18:34:03 CET 2013

Thank you June for your reply.

I look forward to see other people's experience and points of views,
and find a way of inter-weaving our posts into a series of blog posts ?

As for your reply, I totally agree with you - it is not only about the
technology, it is about how we use it :)

And this opens up a lot of chapters.

Actually, we absolutely need to think about this, understanding how to
enable user experience, and interfacing - not ending up trapped in our
devices, but using them to facilitate "Real Social".

Personally, technology enables me to find others with whom I can share ,
face to face - or to escape temporarily from relational dynamics and
oppressive relational dynamics.

I see as important participating in technological developments, as to avoid
getting enclosed into it.

I see artificial scarcity in our information architectures actually
encouraging its population to become insensitive , competitive, psychopaths.

I see this as an opportunity to re-open our capacity to code our realities,
using the awareness you bring forward, in a more balanced "male/female"

Note : As for Autism, though not sure if it is this type you bring forward
in your last message, I can relate to this article


also, I find of interest to use the hypothesis of perspective taking


another pdf I find interesting


from http://entpm.cc/

On Mon, Dec 9, 2013 at 6:08 PM, June Gorman <june_gorman at sbcglobal.net>wrote:

> Dante -
> I'm going to answer this groupwide b/c this, and related technology
> issues, touch on a very tricky area for me in true sustainability
> education, working globally on these very ideas over the past several years.
> To put it simply, I have been hearing about the possibilities and
> world-changing hopes for the web and internet and "connecting" across it
> since being at Berkeley in the late 70's, with some of the first
> computer-techies filled with sincere, truly revolutionary fervor.  And in
> so many ways, the information-connecting part of their vision, came true.
>  Globally.
> At the same time, I would and have argued often that it is not only this
> very imbalanced focus on science and technology, but also the way it is
> learned and taught and spread, that has help to lead us to the very
> in-human, technologically advanced cliff of un-sustainability we are about
> to go over.
> Even more concerning for me as a teacher, is seeing a developing form of
> "metaphoric autism" in its strongest proponents and users, and now the
> children. In my experience, this is very related to this technology in that
> it not only seems to dramatically reduce the skill sets of harder, more
> complex interpersonal communication needed across diversity, diverse
> cultures and nations more than ever in true shared problem-solving, but
> also dangerously effects these abilities for interpersonal communication
> (emotional and social intelligences) in children to whom it is being
> introduced to as the dominant education "model" over the older more human
> teacher-paradigm.  This is happening worldwide, pushed by a corporate and
> even for-profit educational industry with very specific education agendas
> that this technology, taught in these ways, support and on behalf of
> "cutting educational costs".   There are real and significant resulting
> social costs, especially for communities and the concept of the "shared
> Commons". My entire forthcoming book on education tries to explain this.
> At the same time, who can not see the possibilities in terms of learning
> with the massive information-processing applications of these technologies?
>  But it is not actually the area that I see of growing wariness with their
> increased use -- the concern and observation of actual destruction and loss
> of more empathetic, emotional/social interpersonal skills and
> community-communication dynamics (again, especially in children before the
> age of 10/11 years) which is my far greater educational fear.  So I am not
> quite the cheerleader I  might be if I hadn't seen this increasingly
> destructive result on other kinds of learning more critical to me, than
> just massive information processing.  And I have found few who do see the
> beauty, possibility and potential of these technologies that either fully
> understand or address this other, more critical potentially damaging "human
> relationship" learned result.
> As a teacher watching it happen with children over the last 30 - 35 years,
> (plenty of data/research on this especially with young and adolescent boys
> who spent the most time online/gaming (
> http://www.ted.com/talks/zimchallenge.html)), I have never seen this
> adequately addressed? The "TEF" has tried to do so, directly in this
> "Transformative Education" Principle:
> TEF Principle 11: Use of Technology for Greater Connection not Alienation
> Transformative education should utilize technology in a manner that does
> not impede but enhances the education of children and enables
> Transformative Education, that cannot be delivered in any other manner.
> This is reiterated in the TEF Principles by the questions and concerns TEF
> raises about the dominating "STEM" (Science, Technology, Engineering and
> Math) education focus so heavily promoted in the US over the last couple of
> decades, and now being exported globally by the US corporate-education
> sector, the World Bank and the Brookings Institute.
> Short answer then:  I am interested about learning more about
> "linked-date" myself, again can see its possibilities.  But not overother far more needed understanding or as a time/money/resource preference
> of "connectivity, skilled communication and necessary linking" in human to
> human relationships themselves.
> I have found these are the far more important issues to understand and
> resolve, especially in education.  As I have seen it's lack all over, as a
> primary negative effect of not having these skill sets of "connectivity and
> communication" understood and developed first.
> Hope that answers your question, even if somewhat ambiguously? :-)
> Best,
> June
> *June Gorman, Educator and Educational Theorist*
> Co-founder*, **Transformative Education Forum
> <> (website in transition) *
> Education Advisor, *UN SafePlanet Campaign*  <http://www.safepla.net/>
> *Board Project Director for Outreach**, I**nternational Model United
> Nations Association* <http://imuna.org/>
> *Steering Committee**, (UNESCO/Global Compact) **K-12 Sector for
> Sustainability Education *<http://www.uspartnership.org/main/view_archive/1>
> Member, UN Education Caucus for Sustainable Development
> Member, UN Commons Cluster
>   ------------------------------
>  *From:* Dante-Gabryell Monson <dante.monson at gmail.com>
> *To:* p2p-foundation <p2p-foundation at lists.ourproject.org>
> *Sent:* Sunday, December 8, 2013 9:50 PM
> *Subject:* [P2P-F] Do we know about Linked Data ? Are we interested is
> understanding its potentials ? Quick survey - Thanks !
> What would be your answer ? ( reply on this list or in private to me )
> *A ) Interested in ( getting to know more about ) its potentials*
> *B ) Not interested*
> and
> *1 ) Never heard of Linked Data <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linked_data>*
> *2 ) Know about it*
> *3 ) Actively researching Linked Data
> <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linked_data> applications ( in support of p2p
> 4 commons ? )*
> ( or whatever other replies you wish to give )
> //
> Context of my question :
> Michel noted that in his view Linked Data has not been a topic with much
> interest on the p2pf related forums.
> I wish to understand if this is simply because not many of us know about
> Linked Data, and its potentials ?
> Or is it simply because it seemed too complex or technical to bring it up
> on this specific list ?
> I know some of us are working on Linked Data applications,
> including in support of Sharing Economy applications.
> I personally have been interested in some of its applications for a few
> years, without being a programmer.  I collaborated with a programmer over
> the last years, to explore some of the approaches that can be taken to
> create certain applications.
> ///
> The first aim I have with this email is to have some kind of quick ,
> hopefully sufficiently representative set of replies.  It does not have to
> be on the public list - you can also reply to me in private if you like.
> From there on, I wish to open up another thread to further explain what
> Linked Data can be used for with those of us who may have explored the
> topic and may see potential in supporting such research as to manifest them
> into certain applications, in support of , for example, p2p commons
> oriented political economies.
> Cordially,
> Dante
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