[P2P-F] Furtherfield and Contemporary Art Culture - Where We Are Now

marc garrett marc.garrett at furtherfield.org
Tue Dec 3 19:34:22 CET 2013

Hi all,

Some of you on this list may be interested ;-)

Furtherfield and Contemporary Art Culture - Where We Are Now

I discussFurtherfield’s role and direction as a rhizomatic arts 
collective. He argues that the mainstream art world is becoming less 
relevant in contemporary life. He presents a selection of artworks, 
projects and events shown in their public gallery in Finsbury Park over 
the past 2 years and discusses Furtherfield's new lab space,
the Furtherfield Commons. This presentation was given at the ICA, London 
and to students at the Institute of Creative Technologies, De Montfort 
University, Leicester in late November 2103.


"Humanity needs new strategies for social and material renewal and to 
develop more diverse and lively ecologies of ideas, occupations and 
values. It is no longer critical, innovative, experimental, avant-garde, 
visionary, evolutionary, or imaginative to ignore these large issues of 
the day. If we as an arts organization, shy away from what other people 
are experiencing in their daily lives and do not examine, represent and 
respect their stories, we quite rightly should be considered as part of 
an irrelevant elite, and seen as saying nothing to most people."

Wishing you all well.


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