[P2P-F] discussing the implications of the peer production license

Nicolás Reynolds fauno at endefensadelsl.org
Fri Aug 30 20:29:50 CEST 2013

Michel Bauwens <michel at p2pfoundation.net> writes:

> Thank you so much for these very clear answers Lionel, I'm sure it answers
> Stacco's concerns.

hi everyone, in en defensa del software libre we translated the
manifesto into spanish and wrote the ppl deed.


> No Capitalista - La explotación comercial de esta obra sólo está
> permitida a cooperativas, organizaciones y colectivos sin fines de
> lucro, a organizaciones de trabajadores autogestionados, y donde no
> existan relaciones de explotación. Todo excedente o plusvalía
> obtenidos por el ejercicio de los derechos concedidos por esta
> Licencia sobre la Obra deben ser distribuidos por y entre los
> trabajadores.

Non Capitalist - commercial exploitation of this work is only allowed to
cooperatives, non profit organizations and collectives, self organized
worker organizations and others where relations of exploitation don't
exist.  Any surplus value obtained by the exercise of the rights
conceded by the license over this work must be distributed amongst and
between its workers.

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