[P2P-F] crowd sourced permaculture tools and database ?

harry harry at ptpc.com.au
Mon Apr 2 06:51:50 CEST 2012

As promised, here is the seminal project:



On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 06:58:10PM +0100, Dante-Gabryell Monson wrote:
> Does anyone know of a tool
> to collaboratively *map synergies between plants+animals,*
> *and add various data on the plants and their synnergies,*
> at various levels ( top soil up till trees ) ?
> ideally, a ( distributed ? ) internet based platform and software tool,
> to be used from a internet browser,
> with a open and free license on the data and software used, much like
> wikipedia.
> When searching via
> google<https://www.google.be/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ix=sea&ie=UTF-8&ion=1#hl=en&safe=off&sa=X&ei=VGRrT7HeCora8APjl5HRBg&ved=0CC4QBSgA&q=semantic+web+crowdsourced+permaculture+garden+design&spell=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=ab95502c529bbd4a&ix=sea&ion=1&biw=1024&bih=605>
> ,
> I find the following person, who has a similar approach, and attempts to
> converge interest for project development :
> http://www.foodandtechconnect.com/site/2011/04/20/polyculturetech-part-i-the-permaculture-information-web-growing-guilds/
> excerpt :
> *"what would a design tool for curating meaningful ecological relationships
> look like?*
> *A decade ago, inspired by this question, I conceived of a web-based
> application for designing Permaculture guilds.  I solicited a team of
> developers, secured funding, and began project managing the development of
> the application, which was dubbed (now embarrassingly) the Permaculture
> Information Web.  And thus were planted the seeds of awesomeness.  But in
> time, I meandered off to grad school, funding dried up, and the project has
> since been cryogenically frozen.  That is, until there’s interest in
> unfreezing it.*
> *In the interest of a potential resuscitation, here’s the vision.*
> *My intention for the application is to enable gardeners and farmers, rural
> and urban, to design and grow Permaculture guilds.  The interface of the
> application would be similar to those of concept-mapping tools, which allow
> users to explicitly define and interact with relationships between
> components.  Although it’s not quite a design app, I’m thinking in terms of
> Thinkmap’s Visual Thesaurus <http://www.visualthesaurus.com/>, an online,
> interactive thesaurus.  When word is entered, say network, it becomes
> orbited by its synonyms, which are closer or farther away from the original
> word based on how close or far away they are in meaning.  When one of the
> synonyms is clicked, it too becomes orbited by its synonyms, and so on,
> enabling an exploration of language as a complex web of interrelated
> meanings."*

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