[P2P-F] A Possible Source for a Listing of "Relevant" Economists for the P2P Foundation...

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Fri Sep 16 12:27:19 CEST 2011

thanks Robert,

if you come accross really specific 'commons' orientations, thanks for
letting me know,


On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 4:17 PM, robert searle <dharao4 at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> Michel, et al,
> The following has vids, and other data which could be helpful in forming a
> listing of "relevant" economists.
> http://ineteconomics.org/
> The next link  comes from the above. Here is the original link.
> http://ineteconomics.org/question/best-new-media-resources-new-thinking?page=2
> and cut, and paste section below
> ..............................................
> a) A campaign against economic education as it exists today..
> http://www.toxictextbooks.com/
> b) Paecon, the student movement which still tries to change things in
> economic academia.
> http://paecon.net/
> c) Heterodox Economics deals ofcourse with alternative economic ideas...
> http://www.hetecon.com/
> d) Heterodox Directory...
> http://www.heterodoxnews.com/directory/index.htm
> ******************************************************
> When I get the energy, and time I maybe able to supply more info...but this
> should keep you "quiet" for the time being. You may have already come across
> this site before.
> RS
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