[P2P-F] "besoins relationnels" ? - 2 min video

hellekin hellekin at cepheide.org
Mon Oct 10 14:31:41 CEST 2011

Excerpts from Michel Bauwens's message of Mon Oct 10 04:49:36 +0000 2011:
> thanks Dante, this is a great summary of how relational lack is related to
> violence,
> for those who know french, this short video is recommended!
> On Mon, Oct 10, 2011 at 12:56 AM, Dante-Gabryell Monson <
> dante.monson at gmail.com> wrote:
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=zNa1GJVkTN0#t=34s
*** Here is the substance, for those who can't speak French:

I'm 70 years old, and I feel indignant that people ignore they have 
relational needs.  I ask: do you know your relational need?  People 
usually don't know what to answer.  They end up talking about their need 
to be loved.  As if that need would cover all other relational needs.

Let me give you 5: 

(1) need to tell oneself, with one's own words;
(2) need to be heard: sometimes you talk about something on one level, 
and people hear you on another level, they're not 'on the same 

(3) need to be recognized, as you are 

(4) need to be (well-)appreciated, within your (environment); 

(5) need to dream, that the next day will be better than tomorrow, and 
that tomorrow will be better than today.

And that is one of the strongest drives, when one of these relational 
needs isn't fulfilled, I feel bound to act, to act violently... Let me 
remind you that violence is a language.

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