[P2P-F] Product Maximizing Corporations (was: "corporateperson")

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Fri Nov 25 01:46:37 CET 2011

Natalie Golovin wrote:
> The problems arise from the time horizons
> & how the profits are dispersed.

Imagine we create a corporation
which disperses profits in this way:

We invest the profits FOR THE PAYER
in the Means of Production needed to
create even *more* of the product for
which they just overpaid.

For example, say you buy a milkshake
from such a corporation, and pay Profit.

The corporation would accept your over-
payment as though you had made an
investment.  The corporation uses that
money to buy more land, water rights,
milk cattle, alfalfa seed, corn seed,
tools, etc. needed to create more
milkshakes in the future.

You, the Payer, become a share-holder
in this For-Product corporation.  If you
pay your portion of the recurring costs
(including wages or supply that labor
yourself), then you will OWN another
milkshake even before it is produced.

The owner of a milk-cow does not buy
the milk back from himself, but owns
it already, even before it is produced.

We can do the same with co-ownership
on a larger (but not too large) scale, so
we can enjoy the benefits of economy
of scale, and yet avoid the pitfalls of
regular corporations that seek scarcity
and destruction for the misguided
purpose of keeping Price above Cost.

Notice, since you no longer buy that
Product (you own it already), you do
not pay Profit, and do not pay Taxes
on that missing transaction.

explains this fairly well, but seems to
limit the concept to singular ownership.

Extending this to multi-owner groups
will allow us to, in the end, avoid passing
tokens all together - for the need to
purchase Products can be thought-of
as a misallocation of the Means of
those Products.

When the Means of Production are in
the hands of the consumers, then there
is no reason to buy or sell, since the
one who will use that thing owns it already.

Patrick Anderson

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