[P2P-F] OSE Europe - Open Process

David de Ugarte david at lasindias.coop
Thu Nov 10 01:23:05 CET 2011

> my take is that lasindias would be happy with a phyle-based capitalism,
> while my endeavour is more clearly post-capitalist, but I may be wrong,

Not really, we are happy in a free market system but free market is not 
capitalism. Capitalism is about the power and access to capital. Phyle 
mutualism is about market, of course, but is not capitalism as capital 
is a common, invisible, good there. No power on capital when you have 
free access to capital.

The «source oriented» economy is about demerchantilization, meaning a 
comunist model for all society: no money, no merchandise... no 
interchange, just donation. Something as information is in the 
blogsphere. It needs some kind of abundance in phisical goods similar to 
informational abundance provided by distributed networks in Internet.

Probably productivity allows our generation to build a communist society 
in information and a free market mutualist (but also competitive) 
society in the goods markets... but no more.

David de Ugarte
Grupo Cooperativo de las Indias

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