[P2P-F] Fwd: <nettime> Facebook censors 50 protest groups in the run up to the royal wedding

elf Pavlik perpetual-tripper at wwelves.org
Mon May 2 13:13:51 CEST 2011


I see no reason myself to tell people controlling facebook how to run their business. I also don't like when other people tell me: "You should rather do it like this or that...". Instead I prefer to stop using services which I don't like =)

Here I would like to invite everyone to give more attention and support (moneyless of course!) to projects participating in Federated Social Web initiative. Which aims to develop standard ways for social networks to inter-operate smoothly across domains and various platforms. You can find more info on wiki of W3C FSW incubator group:
(in its very early stage at this moment)

I would like to send more information soon about upcoming congress on the subject coordinated by participants of this group:
http://d-cent.org/fsw2011/ I guess mostly interesting for developers of various protocols used for federating and platforms implementing them! Until this conference I plan to give most of my attention to intensively work with this topic and invite developers of popular open-source social networking platforms to participate...

Please consider preparing yourself and your friends for possibility of migrating soon =) 

Bye bye Facebook and other 'Big Brothers'!

elf Pavlik

(living strictly moneyless already for 2 years)

Excerpts from Michel Bauwens's message of Mon May 02 09:48:22 +0200 2011:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Dante-Gabryell Monson <dante.monson at gmail.com>
> Date: Mon, May 2, 2011 at 2:46 PM
> Subject: Fwd: <nettime> Facebook censors 50 protest groups in the run up to
> the royal wedding
> To: econowmix at googlegroups.com
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: merijn
> Date: Sun, May 1, 2011 at 1:42 PM
> Subject: <nettime> Facebook censors 50 protest groups in the run up to the
> royal wedding
> To: nettime-l at mail.kein.org
> Hey nettimers,
> In the run up to the wedding, facebook decided to delete 50 profiles
> of British anti cuts protest groups.
> Seems like they have been coordinating this with the police. Scary
> precedent.
> Join the protest against it... on facebook
> http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_182031188514672#!/home.php?sk=group_182031188514672
> greets,
> M
> Stop the facebookpurge!
> We demand the reinstatement of all the political Facebook accounts
> blocked in the run-up to the royal wedding, and that Facebook release
> an official apology to all those affected.
> As the media gather to celebrate the nuptials of our aristo overlords
> and the police pre-emptively cleanse London, making arrests under the
> new unpublicised thought crime ‘suspicion of being an anarchist’,
> Facebook has joined in the crackdown by blocking political accounts.
> The following accounts have been blocked in the 12 hours leading up to
> the royal wedding:
> Open Birkbeck
> UWE Occupation
> Chesterfield Stopthecuts
> Camberwell AntiCuts
> IVA Womensrevolution
> Tower Hamlets Greens
> No Cuts
> ArtsAgainst Cuts
> London Student Assembly
> Beat’n Streets
> Roscoe ‘Manchester’ Occupation
> Bristol Bookfair
> Newcastle Occupation
> Socialist Unity
> Whospeaks Forus
> Ourland FreeLand
> Bristol Ukuncut
> Teampalestina Shaf
> Notts-Uncut Part-of UKUncut
> No Quarter Cutthewar
> Bootle Labour
> Claimants Fightback
> Ecosocialists Unite
> Comrade George Orwell
> Jason Derrick
> Anarchista Rebellionist
> BigSociety Leeds
> Slade Occupation
> Anti-Cuts Across Wigan
> Firstof Mayband
> Don’t Break Britain United
> Cockneyreject
> SWP Cork
> Westiminster Trades Council
> York Anarchists
> Rock War
> Sheffield Occupation
> Central London SWP
> North London Solidarity
> Southwark Sos
> Save NHS
> Rochdale Law Centre
> Goldsmiths Fights Back
> The Facebook statement of rights and responsibilities reveals that the
> threat of deletion is constantly hovering over the heads of anyone who
> dares to participate in social media without fully revealing their
> identity – “use of a fake name” is among the violations that can lead
> to accounts being deleted – but it is clear that this recent wave of
> shutdowns is politically motivated, part of a network of repression
> designed to stifle protest.
> Unfortunately, should you take issue with Facebook’s corporate
> policies, all grievances must according to our tacit agreement be
> pursued through California law courts (see FB statement of rights). As
> total transparency is demanded of us through our participation in
> social media, the people who dictate its terms hide behind legal
> firewalls.
> The mainstream media has celebrated how protestors in the Middle East
> have used social media to organise revolution – now let’s see if the
> same pundits who were excited by Tahrir on Twitter speak up to defend
> UK-based activists who are now to be barred from organising and
> discussing via supposedly liberatory social media mechanisms.
> Please join our Facebook group to protest the purge:
> http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_182031188514672#!/home.php?sk=group_182031188514672
> #  distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission
> #  <nettime>  is a moderated mailing list for net criticism,
> #  collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets
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