[P2P-F] Fwd: WebConference Schedule for next week!

Pamela McLean pamela.mclean at dadamac.net
Sun Jul 31 16:27:24 CEST 2011

Hi Michel

This thread prompts me to share some related thoughts and plans with you -
because the economy and the world of work are closely related

I'm currently looking at issues and practicalities around the world of work
and where individual people fit in this changing world.
My starting point was the bbc panorama programme "finished at fifty?" - but
my interest goes further back and deeper. (I'm not digging out all the
references for this email, but I could if they were genuinely wanted).

The programme stimulated various personal responses - many of them
interconnected. Here's a quick list of key thought - apologies if I have not
expressed them very clearly. I feel that we have sufficient shared
background and thinking that I can write quick notes freely to you - and if
any are not clear we can sort out any confusions later :

   - The tragedy of wasted potential - on all levels: individual, family,
   community, national economy and beyond (local/global aspects)
   - The "lies" of much current advice to the "finished at fifty?" group -
   and beyond - i.e. all you need is a positive attitude, a revamped CV and a
   willingness to be more flexible in your approach etc.
   - The way that our competitive, individualistic, consumer driven society
   (i.e. "you are what you buy") make unemployment much worse to bear than it
   needs to be (i.e. even people who are not struggling financially as a result
   still struggle with many other aspects)
   - The facts of collaboration and related facts of the commons - i.e.
   together we are stronger - we are a resource - we can find win-win ways of
   working that are beyond traditional ways of going about things - the
   Internet enables many of these
   - We are in a time of change as great as the industrial revolution - we
   probably won't get its name right until it is over - but it includes massive
   shifts in all kinds of things that I don't need to cover with you.
   - There is an Internet-enabled view of the future which is focussed on
   the past and is little more than "what people and organisations did  before
   the Internet - but with emails, websites, social media and such-like added
   - There is an Internet-enabled view of the future which is focussed not
   on the past but on immediate realities and future possibilites and is based
   on models of communication and collaboration that have only become possible
   with the Internet.
   - There is a model of an Internet enabled future that is based on things
   like collaboration, communication, community and openness and has very
   different attitudes and work patterns to our previous culture based on
   competition, consumption, individualism  and isolation - I'll call this
   future a collaborative future for short.
   - I believe that the collaborative future has many more work styles in it
   - which I describe as win-win-working.
   - I believe these work-styles and work-teams are very agile and dynamic.
   - As teams get better established, and histories of trust and
   collaboration are established, then there will be many more stable and
   longer term elements emerging that can be called on in the collaborative
   future win-win-working model.
   - In win-win-working people work for their own reasons - ranging from
   simple traditional "work-for-money" reasons, to all kinds of "because I want
   this project to happen so will give my time freely" , to in-between win-wins
   such as "I need a chance to build my credibility with this group" or "this
   is a demonstration project' - one where we believe that once people see what
   we offer they will understand its value and and will  give us stuff (money
   or other things we need) to do more of it.
   - In many win-win-working situations people do not need to do much
   negotiating to get started - because things are done towards a shared vision
   in small stages  People agree their level of commitment at the start of each
   small step. At the end of each step everyone is at a their own personally
   defined win-win stage - and is free to join in agreeing the next step in a
   win-win way or to leave..
   - A collaborative future see people who are free to do work as a valuable
   resource - it rejoices in knowing people who are "not in formal work", who
   are "between jobs" who are currently "time rich" if they are people who
   would like to see their skills, knowledge, creativity etc valued and used -
   and are not too worried about exact payment for exact work
   - NB Of course people need to cover their material needs - I recognise
   that some people facing redundancy are frantic about meeting their material
   needs - and those of dependents - while some others - e.g. with no
   mortagage, no dependents and a big redundancy payment can afford to be more
   relaxed about what they do next.
   - Not everyone wants to maximise earnings but people do need to cover
   their material needs - "threshold earners article is useful introduction to
   the idea of being more relaxed on the earning side of things - plus all
   kinds of escape the rat-race stuff".
   - Some of our material needs (I am not suggesting it is many - but some)
   can be met in a collaborative way that does not necessarily need money.
   - It would benefit all of us if we had ways to steward and harvest the
   rich human resource which is available 'to us all" through people currently
   being ejected from the work-force, or struggling to enter it for the first
   - We should steward and nurture this resource in a "future collaboration"
   communal way, instead of behaving in past-focussed ways that fragment it and
   make it compete against itself for scarce "traditional jobs".
   - We should combat the traditional approach to joblessness that leaves
   many individuals isolated,  struggling to re-invent and market themselves,
   sending in job applications that are usually either ignored  or rejected,
   now and again getting short listed only to be rejected in favour of someone
   else, getting increasingly depressed, confused and with decreasing
   confidence, capabilities, and sense of self-worth.

I'm not just ranting on about this - I am also working on some practical
responses - but I won't tell you about those now as I have already written a
long email. I simply wanted to connect with you related to our overlapping
interests (regarding collaboration, work, and patterns of work etc) in
anticipation of the upcoming webconference on the Future of the Economy and
your input to it.


On 31 July 2011 09:11, Michel Bauwens <michel at p2pfoundation.net> wrote:

> Dear James, and others
> I see that a new chat function has been enabled at Ning, probably by Daniel
> 'theboon",
> great, but I'm wondering, should we organize some chat events?
> In any case, I would appreciate if some of the 'platform' people could
> announce the new chat function?
> Michel
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Mohamad Tarifi <mohamad.tarifi at gmail.com>
> Date: Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 12:22 AM
> Subject: WebConference Schedule for next week!
> To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>, Michel Bauwens <
> michel at p2pfoundation.net>
> Hello Mr Bauwens,
> Thank you for accepting my invitation to join the discussion at our
> webconference on the Future of the Economy.
> The sessions breakdown is a rough topic guide which we can go through at
> our own pace.
> This is the schedule for the first sessions of conference.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Session Date
> --------------------
> We will hold the first session(s) of the Webconference on *
> Thursday August 4 - if you live in the US.
> Friday August 5 - if you live in East Asia.*
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Time
> --------
> We have people joining from East Coast US, West Coast US, Thailand, and
> Korea.
> Reasonable consensus starting time:
> *7am Thailand
> 10am Korea
> 8pm East Coast US
> 5pm West Coast US
> *
> **If it's too early for Thailand, and East Coast US does not mind, we can
> make it 1 hour later.
> *If this time will absolutely not work for you, please update me with your
> availability (including nights).
> *
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Google+
> ------------
> We will use Google+ Hangout http://plus.google.com
> Please let me know if you need an invite or have any problems accessing the
> service.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> More Information
> ------------------------
> Please review the wiki page for the conference:
> http://p2pfoundation.net/Discussions_on_the_Future_of_the_Economy
> There are some interesting starting material, and *I encourage you to pick
> a topic to lead*.
> Please let me know if you have any concerns, comments, or suggestions.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *Please respond confirming that the schedule works for you.
> *
> Looking forward to a wonderful and insightful discussions!
> Have a great day!
> Best regards,
> Mohamad
> --
> P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net
> Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:
> http://lists.ourproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/p2p-foundation
> Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
> http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens
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