[P2P-F] Semantic graphs of French Intellectual Property Rights

Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.monson at gmail.com
Thu Jul 7 04:33:16 CEST 2011


Semantic graphs of French IPR<http://gephi.org/2008/semantic-graphs-french-ipr/>
26 October 2008
[image: Main semantic graph of French intellectual property
[image: Semantic graph of French contract

These work-in-progress maps are a study produced the last spring for the
economist Yann Moulier-Boutang, law professor at the engineer school
They represent the linked terms of vocabulary used on the Web to talk about
the *intellectual property rights* in French language. Datasets come
from Exalead
SA <http://exalead.com/> (web/intranet search engine).

Each node is a term and each edge exists when two terms or expressions are
co-cited on a sufficient number of web pages, over more than 120,000 pages.
*1283 expressions and 4984 co-citing links* have been selected, assuming a
representative approach against an exhaustive one. *Semantic clusters* are
represented with node colors in the general map. The contract rights map
shows the *“imprint”* of this cluster (red nodes) inside the overall graph
(in grey). The last image is a test to display the imprint of two
meta-clusters : the vocabulary of intellectual property rights (in red)
versus the one of industrial property rights (in blue).

*How we did this ?* After an information extraction phase from the Exalead
databases and a manual filtering, we made a
of row data (download
feel free to make your own viz !), spatialized the graph in Gephi with
a *force-vector
algorithm <http://iv.slis.indiana.edu/lm/lm-networks.html>* (in a nutshell,
two nodes tied by an edge are graphically attracted to each other, otherwise
they are rejected), applied some *filters* to colorize the nodes regarding
to which semantic cluster they belong to, and then *export* the maps
inSVG<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SVG> format.
The second part of the work consisted in softly improving the rendering and
adding contextual informations like names of clusters, main terms clouds,
legend…in Inkscape <http://www.inkscape.org/>, to finally build the PDF

*Download the general map in PDF
Creative Commons by-nc-sa

*Download the map of the contract rights in PDF
Creative Commons by-nc-sa

*Download the GDF file (graph not
* (a shift in nodes positioning is normal)


Main semantic graph


Zoom on the Free Software cluster


Contract rights map


Zoom on the core of contract rights

Intellectual (red) vs industrial (blue) rights
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