[P2P-F] Distributed Network Concept

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 18 15:58:06 CET 2011

http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:P2P_Infrastructure ;

Dear Raffael:

your initiative is very timely, since after Wikileaks there has been a
fast-growing recognition of the need for a 'true internet' (as doug wrote
recently in shareable)

I'm not a techie myself, and our community is not a hacker community, but it
seems to me from reading/scanning your document, that you have thought
through many implications, and have an integrated understanding of what
needs to happen.

What we can do is help you publicize, as our wiki is well consulted, and our
blog is a top 2% retweeted blog globally,

Perhaps you could consider a series, technically sound but for laypeople,
for the blog, and you can use our wiki for more detailed technical articles.
We just created http://p2pfoundation.net/Category:P2P_Infrastructure to
monitor specifically distributed projects. It seems to me that a detailed
mapping of what is already there, what needs to be done, would be very
useful to the larger community, and perhaps it will coalesce at some point
in funding possibilities. I also would applaud any regular newsletter which
monitors progress on the realization of such a 'true internet' ..

Please feel free to update: http://p2pfoundation.net/Project_Starfish

Perhaps you recognize some of the names in cc, Sepp is our own 'pointman'
for reporting on distributed projects,


On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 2:12 PM, Raffael Kemenczy <raffael at kemenczy.at>wrote:

> Dear Mr Bauwens,
> After having compiled a concept on how to enable the creation of a
> world-wide user-controlled network based on a distributed architecture and
> presenting it to people at the Chaos Communication Conference last december
> (Project Starfish <http://kemenczy.at/index.php/starfish> (Concept<http://kemenczy.at/files/Starfish%20Concept.pdf>/
> Video <http://bit.ly/hkjO4Q>)), I was referred to your P2P Foundation as a
> point to share the information I have collected. I would kindly ask you to
> look through the concept, which focuses on the social and psychological
> aspects and possibilities of such a distributed network, while also giving
> information on technological issues. I am currently looking for the best way
> to further share/publish this information and find collaborators to continue
> to work on the concept and especially its realisation, as my personal
> technical and financial capabilities are limited. I see the production of
> actual user-controlled hardware able of establishing a distributed network
> without the help of any companies or institutions as a vital part of the
> process.
> I am looking forward to your reply.
> Kind regards,
> Raffael Kéménczy

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