[P2P-F] what kind of state

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 14 11:17:22 CET 2011

Dear Brian,

you recently wrote:  http://www.thenextlayer.org/node/1356

"We need a people-state, operating at different scales -- global,
continental, national, territorial -- and allowing community
self-organization for survival and cultural flowering."

I already recommended your analysis of the current conjuncture in Empire to
our list.

However, I am very interested in your elaboration of the state.

With George P. here in cc, I'm starting a collective rereading of Nikos
Poulantzas, and want to update my own understanding of the concept of the
Partner State,

If you had any material to enlighten our debates, it would be much


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