[P2P-F] Fwd: from Corporate HR and Consultancy reports : "talentism" + "tailored to correspond to an individual's needs" / "Mass Career Customisation"

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 11 04:07:56 CET 2011

Dante, thanks, and this is related:

corporations are now also using the distribution of tasks pioneered in peer
production: http://p2pfoundation.net/Task_Work

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dante-Gabryell Monson <dante.monson at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 3:44 AM
Subject: from Corporate HR and Consultancy reports : "talentism" + "tailored
to correspond to an individual's needs" / "Mass Career Customisation"
To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>

excerpts :

*"Finding the talent will be more important than finding the finance.
Manpower calls this a pass from capitalism to "talentism". It is no longer
the company but the talented people who determine when, where and how to

"The consultancy firm Bain & Company published a report at the end of 2010
studying the impact of the measures of flexible working time and the levels
of careers of women and men. Their findings were twofold :

- In order that these flexible programmes work effectively they have to be
tailored to correspond to an individual's needs.

*- Employees need to be convinced that flexibility will not penalise the
careers of those who use it. So, company leaders, men and women, should set
the example by using the system.*
*"Deloitte has launched the "Mass Career Customisation" in France and the
Netherlands. The principle is that from now on all careers change and are no
longer linear "from corporate ladder to corporate lattice". All Deloitte
employees can speak about their careers every year with their line managers,
covering four areas: the rhythm, the role, the workload as well as the hours
and place of work. The pilot projects were highly successful and users were
satisfied with this new tool giving them the power to constantly reassess
their careers, in function with their family lives."*
*more :*


Watch Cathy Benko address Google employees on the merits of Mass Career
Customization in this video presentation.


*Related Content*

Overview: Mass Career
Book: Mass Career
Article: Building a Lattice


excerpt :

* Description

"The corporate ladder has been the enduring model for success since
organizational hierarchy was invented at the dawn of the industrial age. But
organizations aren’t what they used to be—and neither is the workforce. A
sea change of economic, demographic, and technological forces has been
taking place, leaving in its wake outmoded expectations of the traditional
one-size-fits-all world of work."

"They explore tensions in today’s workplace that result from the rigidity of
the ladder’s hierarchy, its constraints on information flows, and the
limitations of its singular upward path to success. Then they offer an
alternative model: the corporate lattice™.

The corporate lattice model offers leaders a strategic approach to making
the most of the changing world of work by:

   - Challenging traditional models that pit high performance and
   career-life fit as opposing forces.
   - Recognizing that there is no longer a universal view of career success
   but rather a multiplicity of ways to progress.
   - Providing a cost-effective, scalable method to deliver more
   personalized—and thereby more satisfying—work experiences.

More than a theory, the corporate lattice is both a model and a mindset that
makes sense of the forces transforming how careers are built, how work gets
done, and how participation in organizations is fostered."
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: JUMP Newsletter <noreply at blogjump.eu>
Date: Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 8:00 PM
Subject: Will flexibility keep women in companies?
To: dante.monson at gmail.com


*Will flexibility keep women in companies?*<http://www.blogjump.eu/?p=13396>

During the last Economic Forum at Davos, Manpower referred to the
"human era<http://www.blogjump.eu/?p=13411>".
In other words it is no longer the capital of a company that is the engine
for growth and performance but individual talent. So after the industrial
era, the spatial era, the information era, we now have the human era.
Progress is only possible if we have the right skills, at the right place
and at the right time. Finding the talent will be more important than
finding the finance. Manpower calls this a pass from capitalism to
"talentism". It is no longer the company but the talented people who
determine when, where and how to work.

We know that women are three times more likely than men to leave a company
or their position (opt out) when the pressure of responsibility starts to
accumulate. This includes: long working hours, business trips, constant
availability, profit and loss responsibility, unforeseen workloads, number
of people to manage, and so on.

These losses for a company arrive at a time when managers start to take on
more managerial functions (around 40 years old). A waste of talent at this
stage is devastating for the company. It is only for the women who have
taken on these roles throughout their careers that at the age of 56 their
professional ambitions become on an equal footing with men.

The consultancy firm Bain & Company published a report at the end of 2010
studying the impact of the measures of flexible working time and the levels
of careers of women and men. Their findings were twofold:

In order that these flexible programmes work effectively they have to be
tailored to correspond to an individual's needs.

Employees need to be convinced that flexibility will not penalise the
careers of those who use it. So, company leaders, men and women, should set
the example by using the system.

>From the moment when these two basic principles are respected, the results
are very effective in retaining the best employees, ensuring that they
remain satisfied and loyal: 25% increase in retaining men but 40% in
retaining women.

We know that satisfaction is becoming more and more important for younger
generations. Therefore it's becoming imperative that we address flexible
working time.

The JUMP Forum <http://www.forumjump.be> on the 5 May will organise a
conference on the theme of flexibility when the author of the study will be
present to explain the analysis. We will have some examples of how it works
in practice. For example, Deloitte has launched the "Mass Career
Customisation" in France and the Netherlands. The principle is that from now
on all careers change and are no longer linear "from corporate ladder to
corporate lattice". All Deloitte employees can speak about their careers
every year with their line managers, covering four areas: the rhythm, the
role, the workload as well as the hours and place of work. The pilot
projects were highly successful and users were satisfied with this new tool
giving them the power to constantly reassess their careers, in function with
their family lives. It is even more important now in the US where 87% of
couples both work!

So what's good for women is also good for men. Measuring flexibility to
ensure that companies retain the most talented individuals is long over due.

Women-Friendly Companies


ING Money workshops*
 *15/02 Héritage, mode d'emploi* <http://www.womansacademy.be/money-ws>

Comment optimiser ma succession ou celle de mes parents ? Que devient le
patrimoine lors d'une succession ? Comment préparer au mieux une succession
et éviter, de façon simple et efficace, des frais trop lourds? Quid de la
succession en ligne directe, au sein d'un couple marié (ou non), au sein
d'une une famille recomposée ?
 *17/02 Gebruiksaanwijzing voor

Hoe mijn erfenis of die van mijn ouders optimaliseren? Wat gebeurt er met
het patrimonium na een erfenis? Hoe op een eenvoudige wijze mijn opvolging
voorbereiden en zware kosten vermijden ? Wat met erfenis in directe lijn uit
hoofde van een gehuwd koppel (of niet) of voor een nieuw samengesteld gezin?

* Management & leadership *
 *24/02 L'intelligence

Les émotions sont nos alliés ! Une bonne intelligence émotionnelle,
c'est-à-dire la capacité à gérer et utiliser positivement nos émotions,
favorise l'épanouissement de la vie privée et professionnelle. Un bon
quotient émotionnel nous permet d'établir des relations de qualité avec
autrui, nous donne la capacité à nous auto-motiver et à persévérer dans
*03/03 Victime, sauveur ou bourreau dans vos relations de

Dans la vie professionnelle, nous avons l'occasion d'expérimenter trois
façons d'aborder une situation. Nous sommes souvent sauveur des autres, du
patron débordé, des délais à respecter… Le sommes-nous de nous-mêmes ?
Serions-nous plutôt victimes ? Et finalement, bourreau ? Et si ce processus
se répétait dans la vie privée ?

*Woman's Health Academy*

*La Woman’s Health Academy est une initiative conjointe de la Woman’s
Academy et de la Women’s Clinic (Groupe Chirec). Elle propose une série
d’ateliers destinés aux femmes et à leur santé: conseils bien-être et
informations scientifiques pour penser son capital santé au féminin.*
 *16/03 Comment augmenter votre bien-être dans un environnement

Presque à chaque seconde, un choix crucial s'offre à nous : celui d'être
esclave de nos émotions, nos hormones et nos pulsions ou celui d'utiliser
notre conscience. En fait, pratiquement à chaque instant, nous avons le
choix entre malheur et stress ou bonheur et épanouissement…
 *26/05 Le bien-être au service de

Il s'agit d'apprendre à mettre en place des outils et un style de leadership
qui permettent à soi-même et à chaque employé de combler les plus grands
besoins des êtres humains : évoluer, être libre, être heureux, être en

 *22/02 Comment développer mon réseau et postuler

Le réseau demeure le meilleur moyen de trouver un emploi. Pourquoi ? parce
qu'il fait appel à des personnes qui vous connaissent et pourront défendre
votre valeur après de votre futur employeur. Outre cette visibilité, le
réseau vous permettra de prendre connaissance de davantage de pistes
d'emplois potentiels, de récolter les informations à la source et d'avoir
une longueur d'avance.
*22/03 Déjouez les pièges du

Les recruteurs pratiquent différentes techniques de recrutement et sélection
pour mesurer vos motivations, compétences et personnalité. Ce workshop a
donc pour objectif de vous former à ces techniques et vous permettre de
déjouer les pièges inhérents à ce processus.

*Paris, le 17/02: Débat « Femmes et performances économiques

Le mage, la revue Travail, genre et sociétés et le cerlis organisent un
débat le jeudi 17 février 2011 de 17h à 20h.
*London, 05/03: Together we can end male violence against

« We are at a threshold. We are going to see change. If we can create the
vision in our heart, it will spread. As women of wisdom we cannot be
divided. As bringers of light, we have no choice but to join together. »
*Budapest, 06-08/03: Women in Science, Innovation and Technology in the
Digital Age?* <http://www.blogjump.eu/?p=13383>

Commissioner Neelie Kroes is expected to host the event, which marks also
the centenary of International Women's Day.
*Sweden, 08/03: The 6th European Conference on Gender and

The 6th European Conference on Gender and ICT Feminist Interventions in
Theories and Practices.
*Brussels, 08/03: CAMPUSTALKS 100th Women's

A vibrant networking event during which the stage will be exclusively
reserved for women researchers and scientists of VUB, EhB and ULB.
*Brussels, 05 May: JUMP Forum 2011* <http://www.blogjump.eu/?p=13077>

For the landmark 5th edition of the JUMP Forum we have a programme packed
with visionary speakers as well as educative and inspiring workshops.

JUMP: Empowering Women, Advancing the Economy!

JUMP offers women practical tools to help them realise their professional
and personal aspirations, and supports companies and organisations that wish
to promote better gender diversity within their management.

*Blog <http://www.blogjump.eu>*
A multilingual web portal and a bi-weekly e-newsletter

*Academy <http://www.womansacademy.be>*
women practical workshops to develop and improve assets and professional
knowledge as well as advice to improve and preserve mental, physical and
financial capital

*Forum <http://www.forumjump.be>*
The annual European event in Brussels dedicated to the professional lives of
women and their career planning

*Award <http://www.axawomenatworkaward.be>*
The AXA Wo_Men at Work Award honours a business leader who has been a fervent
supporter of male/female equality

To get our newsletter and information, send us an email at *
info at forumjump.be*

Click here <http://www.blogjump.eu/news/2011/newsletter100211.html> if the
message is not posted correctly
Newsletter 10 FEBRUARY 2011 Will flexibility keep women in companies?

<http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=71498>  <http://twitter.com/blogjump>

 *Is creating gender balance a diversity

Michèle Mees

Creating a better gender balance in a company is often impossible without
putting gender in the wider context of diversity. This means that gender is
still on the table, but as one of the elements within an overall diversity
policy, including culture, age, language, physical ability, sexual
orientation etc etc. In other words, women are considered as one of the
minorities companies need to get on board in order to become more diverse
and to create a better reflection in house of the society outdoors.

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*Pre-order your copy of the
The balanced leader » now and take
part to the launch
05.04 in Brussels. Special JUMP discount on the registration fee.

 *Vrouwen met loden rokjes* <http://www.blogjump.eu/?p=13365>

Sabine de Bethune.

De beste hefboom om de gelijke behandeling van mannen en vrouwen effectief
te realiseren is de gelijke deelname aan besluitvorming. Vrouwen botsen
echter nog vaak tegen een glazen plafond. Wettelijke quota kunnen die
doorbraak bevorderen. Sabine de Bethune en Vrouw en Maatschappij weerleggen
de kritiek van Bart De Wever op deze quota.

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Advance your carreer <http://www.blogjump.eu/?cat=58>
 *The Sponsor Effect: Why Qualified Women Don't Make it to The Corner Office
* <http://www.blogjump.eu/?p=13274>

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It's been clear for a long time that there is a glass ceiling in the upper
echelons of corporate America. For women who did make it to the corner
office–like Avon's Andrea Jung, DuPont's Ellen Kullman and Xerox's Ursula
Burns–the path has meant many sacrifices, aggressive personal marketing, and
for Burns, an active sponsor in Anne Mulcahy.
 *Why doing a good job may not be enough* <http://www.blogjump.eu/?p=13321>

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Catalyst, the US-based think-tank, has just published a new report compiled
from the responses of 700 respondents based in Europe at senior levels – 55
per cent of whom were women and 45 per cent men. The focus was on executives
in large companies (60 per cent of the companies surveyed had 10,000 or more
employees, and 85 per cent had a global scope).
 *Pros and Cons of Part-Time Work* <http://www.blogjump.eu/?p=13214>

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The chief advantage of part-time work is that you have more time to spend
with your family. At that same time, part-time work enables a woman to
continue her career and, in some cases, stay on track toward promotions and
general advancement. A part-time employee keeps her feet in the working
world and may find it less difficult to transition to a full-time job later

Build your own business <http://www.blogjump.eu/?cat=59>
 *How Female Startup Founders Should Approach

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Joanne Wilson, aka Gotham Gal, is a new guest writer for The NextWomen,
based in New York City. Following her career in the fashion industry she
moved to Silicon Valley and has been working with web startups ever since.
She is now involved with various startups as an advisor or investor,
including Curbed (Eater/Racked), Food52, Red Stamp, Ricks Picks, Hot Bread
Kitchen, Gotham Gym, The Moon Group and MOUSE.
 *It's Risky — But Is It Too Risky?* <http://www.blogjump.eu/?p=13298>

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Starting your own business will always be a risk. There's always a chance
that something could go wrong. But the most successful entrepreneurs can
evaluate risks and decide how far they're prepared to go. The ability to
evaluate risks — to decide what risks are worth taking and which truly are
too risky — is what separates out someone who can start a lasting business
and who gets stuck along the way.
 *Un tremplin pour l'amorçage des entreprises de services

Share article<http://www.addtoany.com/share_save?linkurl=http://www.blogjump.eu/?p=13265&linkname=>·
mixforvalue.com <http://www.mixforvalue.com/>

MIX FOR VALUE, société créée en septembre 2010 par Ghislain Bouriez
(investisseur privé) et Frédérique Clavel (Présidente fondatrice de la
Fédération Pionnières, réseau d'incubateurs au féminin), vient de procéder à
la réalisation de l'augmentation de capital réservée à son premier cercle
d'Investisseurs ce 31 Janvier 2011. Cette société d'investissement a été
créée en partenariat avec Oséo.

Active mother <http://www.blogjump.eu/?cat=63>
 *Quelle image du travail donnons-nous à nos enfants

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Comment valoriser notre vie professionnelle en faisant passer des messages
réalistes et encourageants à nos enfants ? Avez-vous déjà entendu des
enfants parler du métier de leurs parents ? Flora, 5 ans, raconte que son
papa (banquier) « fabrique de l'argent », Léo à 11 ans, s'étonne du « petit
salaire » gagné par sa maman (graphiste free-lance), alors qu'elle travaille
 *Werkende moeder niet populair onder

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Het aantal bedrijven dat werkende moeders wil aannemen, is sinds dezelfde
periode vorig jaar drastisch gedaald. In vergelijking met vorig jaar, toen
44 procent van de bedrijven aangaf werkende moeders aan te willen nemen,
verwacht slechts 36 procent dat te doen in 2011. Met 45 procent van de
ondervraagde bedrijven wereldwijd die in 2011 nieuw personeel willen
aannemen, is de intentie om werkende moeders aan te nemen zorgwekkend laag.

Companies and Gender <http://www.blogjump.eu/?cat=62>
 *Les femmes actives ayant des enfants voient fortement baisser leurs
perspectives professionnelles* <http://www.blogjump.eu/?p=13173>

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Si l'on tient compte des perspectives générales d'emploi, selon lesquelles
45 % des entreprises mondiales envisagent d'embaucher en 2011, l'étude Regus
montre a contrario que les intentions d'employer des mères actives tombent
considérablement en dessous de ce niveau. En France, où 34% des entreprises
envisagent de recruter, cette tendance est très marquée puisque seules 25%
des entreprises déclarent souhaiter engager davantage de mères de famille
contre 33% il y a un an.
 *Women's Empowerment and Advancement at

Share article <http://www.blogjump.eu/?p=11613> ·

Deloitte's award-winning Women's Initiative (WIN) has been recognised for
innovative, effective and measurable initiatives to advance women in the
workplace. 'Living the Lattice' represents the innovation of Deloitte's WIN
programme, and includes Mass Career Customization, a model that enables all
Deloitte professionals to dial up and dial down their careers to fit their
needs at various life stages.
 *Une avancée déterminante vers la première certification mondiale pour la
mixité dans le monde professionnel annoncée à

Share article <http://www.blogjump.eu/?p=13270> · L'Oréal

La fondation suisse Gender Equality Project, travaillant en partenariat avec
le Forum Economique Mondial annonce aujourd'hui le lancement d'une méthode
d'évaluation novatrice de l'égalité hommes-femmes au travail, qui servira de
base au premier système mondial de certification et à l'établissement d'un
standard dans ce domaine.
 *Failed flexible work models wident the gender gap in high pressure

Share article <http://www.blogjump.eu/?p=12419> · bain.com<http://www.bain.com/>

A new study of 3,300 professional men and women published by Bain & Company
on the adoption and effectiveness of flexible work models finds that a lack
of availability of these programs, as well as their poor utilization, is
driving a substantial number of professional women from high pressure jobs.
Bain finds that simply offering flexible models in these high pressure jobs
can dramatically increase the likelihood that employees stay with their
current company and more effective implementation can improve retention of
women by up to 40% and up to 25% for men.
 *Flexible working should be extended* <http://www.blogjump.eu/?p=13352>

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It is often women who are carers and who currently take the option of
flexible working, and it is seen as a 'mummy track' and dismissed by a lot
of employers as a decision between taking your career seriously or taking
your home life seriously. If the right to flexible working was extended to
all employees, people would be more likely to realise that flexible working
has benefits for general wellbeing, mental health and achieving a work life
 *Manpower annonce l'ère de l'humain au Forum économique mondial à

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Les valeurs et les lois qui ont dirigé l'économie ces dernières décennies
sont mises sous pression alors que nous sommes à l'aube d'une nouvelle ère:
l'ère de l'humain. Ce ne sont plus le capital et l'entreprise qui forment le
véritable moteur de la croissance économique et du développement mais plutôt
le talent individuel. C'est ce message que Jeffrey Joerres, patron de
Manpower Inc., a transmis lors de l'ouverture du 41e Forum économique
mondial de Davos.
 *The Gender Dividend: Women as the next smart business

Share article<http://www.addtoany.com/share_save?linkurl=http://www.blogjump.eu/?p=13363&linkname=>·
deloitte.com <http://www.deloitte.com/>

Governments and organizations around the world have an opportunity to tap
into an untapped source of economic growth: women. This webcast brings
together a panel of business leaders from Asia, Europe, and the Americas to
discuss how investing in developing women as workers, leaders, and consumers
can yield a significant return – the Gender Dividend. In recognition of
International Women's Day, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited's Council for
the Global Retention of Women (GROW) is hosting a Webcast featuring women
leaders from around the world.

Inspiring Women <http://www.blogjump.eu/?cat=55>
 *Les meilleurs commissaires européens ? Des femmes

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Enfin reconnues ! L'association européenne « euros du village » vient de
réaliser « le classement des meilleurs (et des pires) commissaires du
Collège Barroso II ». Et parmi les quatre premiers, il y a trois femmes. La
mandature 2010/2014 ne compte pourtant que quatre femmes sur les 10
 *Ten great female philosophers: The thinking woman's

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For most of history, the groundbreaking philosophers have all been men, and
philosophy has always been a male genre. Women had neither the education nor
the time to pursue the life of the mind. In modern times, especially in the
past 200 years, women have made immense cultural contributions – but much
more to literature and the arts than to philosophy. Their absence from the
BBC Radio 4's « Great Philosophers » poll needs to be explained.
 *Prix de la mompreneur 2010 : trois mères entrepreneuses

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Belle soirée de remise de prix jeudi soir dans un des salons dorés du Westin
Paris-Vendôme. Le Prix de la mompreneur 2010, lancée par l'association
Mompreneurs France, a été décerné à trois lauréates parmi une trentaine de
candidates sélectionnées par le jury et soutenues par les internautes
appelés à voter pour leurs mompreneurs préférées.
 *Anne-Mie Van de Wiele, HR MANAGER van het

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blogjump.eu <http://www.blogjump.eu/?p=13367>

Tijdens de eerste helft van 2009 heeft VITO zich versterkt met 100 nieuwe
medewerkers. Een hele prestatie gezien de gezochte profielen. Dit succes is
tekenend voor de nieuwe klantgerichte wind die waait door de Vlaamse
instelling die technologisch onderzoek verricht in opdracht van overheid en
privé-bedrijven. De HR-directeur, Anne-Mie Van de Wiele, leverde met
passende HR-processen en een nieuwe aanpak een belangrijke bijdrage aan de
cultuurverandering van de vernieuwde organisatie. Stem nu voor Anne-Mie VAN
DE WIELE <http://hrmnight.rhtribune.be/nl/voting/form/90>

Feel Good! <http://www.blogjump.eu/?cat=61>
 *Office romance* <http://www.blogjump.eu/?p=13358>

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doylemorris.com <http://www.doylemorris.com/>

In the spirit of Valentine's Day, I thought it best to look at a subject
close to our hearts – office romance. In years past, the simplest thing to
say about office romance was just « don't do it ». However, with more hours
devoted to the office than ever, that advice is becoming increasingly naive.
I met my husband at work, and know lots of friends who have had serious
relationships with people they met through their jobs.
 *Réinventez votre couple* <http://www.blogjump.eu/?p=13324>

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psy.be <http://www.psy.be/couple/fr/duo/reinventer-couple.htm>

Depuis la nuit des temps et encore de nos jours dans de nombreuses contrées
du monde, le couple est plus affaire de fonctionnement que d'amour.
Progressivement, dans notre culture occidentale, la notion de besoin s'est
effacée au profit de l'amour. Mais paradoxalement, depuis que l'amour est le
moteur principal du couple, il n'y a jamais eu autant de divorces ! Cela
demande réflexion.

   *Bruxelles, 18-21/02: Conférences organisées par JUMP à la Foire du Livre
* <http://www.jump.eu.com/foiredulivre>

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jump.eu.com <http://www.jump.eu.com/foiredulivre>

*« Le monde appartient aux femmes! »* est le thème de cette 41ème édition:
Qu'elles soient romancières, poétesses, essayistes, illustratrices,
philosophes, biographes, journalistes, dramaturges, elles excellent dans
leurs écrits et seront présentes à la Foire du Livre.
*Thèmes des conférences organisées par JUMP*

- Les inégalités au travail à cause du manque d'ambition des femmes?
- Les femmes dirigeantes : des hommes comme les autres ?
- La vraie vie des femmes commence à 50 ans

LOOKING FOR A JOB? <http://www.blogjump.eu/?cat=67>
 *Femmes et emploi : la crise de la

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40 ans, le « bel âge » pour les femmes, dit-on. Pas sur le marché de
l'emploi. Entre précarisation et rares entretiens d'embauche, la quarantaine
se conjugue avec discrimination. Expérimentées, créatives, réactives,
responsables, déjà mères pour la plupart… autant de critères positifs aptes
à susciter un vif intérêt chez tout recruteur avisé. Mais bizarrement les
mentalités roulent à l'envers : une quadra dans mes candidates ? Fuyons !
 *Why Women Candidates Frustrate Recruiters*<http://www.blogjump.eu/?p=13361>

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Earlier this week, my friend Sarah Dudney, a recruiter with the financial
services search company, Lockwood Gibb and Assoc., spoke at Women in Banking
and Finance in Edinburgh. I was struck and frustrated by what happens when
she calls female potential candidates. She speaks to 100's of people each
week but when she approaches women about new jobs, they have a very
different reaction to the men she calls.

Women's networks <http://www.blogjump.eu/?cat=60>
 *Samenleving : Netwerken opent deuren* <http://www.blogjump.eu/?p=13195>

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Het mag dan eenzaam zijn aan de top, iedereen die er staat zal het
bevestigen: zonder netwerk waren ze er nooit geraakt. Bovendien wordt de
helft van de vacatures ingevuld zonder ooit openbaar te zijn gemaakt.
Redenen te over om te netwerken, al zijn er ook heel wat barrières. 'Ik weet
dat het moet, maar het klinkt zo vies', vindt Mieke (31), die al twee jaar
weg wil uit haar job.
 *LinkedIn Lessons: 10 Ways to Stand Out and Level the Playing

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I love LinkedIn. It's one of the best networking tools out there to help you
expand your reach. It's "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon" for the business world.
But it can be a big, foreign maze. To stand out in the LinkedIn crowd, here
are ten quick tips: 1. To increase your Google search rankings, make your
LinkedIn profile 100% complete. 2. Brand yourself by using a professional
headshot that's also on your website.

Show Solidarity <http://www.blogjump.eu/?cat=56>
 *Les Tunisiennes vont-elles gagner à la

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A la télévision, les manifestations de ces dernières semaines en Tunisie ont
semblé une affaire d'hommes. Comme pour n'importe quel pays arabo-musulman,
il fallait scruter l'écran pour trouver une femme en action. Comment
l'expliquer dans un pays si fier de la place des femmes dans l'espace public
? « Elles n'étaient pas devant à cause des risques de violence, tout le
monde a très peur des policiers en civil qui traînent partout. »
 *Berlusconi et les femmes décoratives* <http://www.blogjump.eu/?p=13292>

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Le scandale sexuel auquel est confronté le président du Conseil italien
incite à la réflexion sur l'image des femmes. Et en particulier celle que
renvoie la télévision italienne – la télé de Berlusconi précisément. Regard
de deux intellectuelles italiennes sur cette représentation des femmes comme
objets sexuels ou éléments de décor.

Books <http://www.blogjump.eu/?cat=65>
 *Why Good Girls Don't Get Ahead… But Gutsy Girls

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bizsum.com <http://www.bizsum.com/2page/b_WhyGoodGirls.php>

Are you a rule follower, a people pleaser or a paper pusher? Have you been
passed over for promotions despite your efforts to be well-liked? Chances
are, you are a good girl and this might just be the reason why you are being
held back. Former Good Girl Kate White brings you a 9-step program that is
designed to transform you from being a good girl to a gutsy girl. Learn how
to change your style and self-image and gain that much needed edge in your
 *Gender inequalities in the 21st century : new barriers and continuing
constraints* <http://www.blogjump.eu/?p=13135>

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Both women and men strive to achieve a work and family balance, but does
this imply more or less equality? Does the persistence of gender and class
inequalities refute the notion that lives are becoming more individualised?
Leading international authorities document how gender inequalities are
changing and how many inequalities of earlier eras are being eradicated.
          Empowering Women,
Advancing the Economy

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