[P2P-F] [Commoning] new capitalism and commoning

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 11 03:57:57 CET 2011

thanks Denis, will have a look,


On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 5:35 AM, Denis Postle <d.postle at btinternet.com>wrote:

>  Here is the Mind-Gymnasium FREE ebook library address for Bringing About
> Change <http://www.mind-gymnasium.com/ebooks/PDFs/BringAboutChange.pdf>, an
> introduction to the KAI Creative Styles work<http://www.mind-gymnasium.com/ebooks/PDFs/BringAboutChange.pdf>that I mentioned in a previous message. I believe it sheds light on a wide
> range of difficulties we may have in collaborative work, on and off line.
> If it raises questions I'll be happy to deal with them, however I'll be
> offline until Monday am.
> Denis
> On 10/02/2011 16:37, Michel Bauwens wrote:
> thank you Denis, you're right that obviously some perverse relational
> dynamics are going on that go beyond individual differences and make people,
> myself included, misunderstand and be misunderstood, in an iterative way ...
> Michel
> On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 10:57 PM, Denis Postle <d.postle at btinternet.com>wrote:
>> On 10/02/2011 13:35, Michel Bauwens wrote:
>> Silke has asked several of us to refrain from further communication, so I
>> have sent a reply privately to Christian,
>>  This has the virtue  of opening up a space where other perspectives might
>> be of assistance.
>> This is this a research group so I'll free free to jump with an outline of
>> a piece of research that, improprieties apart, can account for some of the
>> miscommunication and disagreement that has been prevalent here lately.
>> A well validated piece of research, the Kirton Adaption Innovation [KAI]
>> scale points to a spectrum of Creative Styles ranging from Adaptive to
>> Innovative. The detail of the scale doesn't need to concern us here. What
>> matters is that while the KAI says nothing about the value or amount of
>> creativity a person manifests, it has a lot to offer about different
>> approaches/styles through which we prefer to be creative, and how we view or
>> engage in change.
>> Headlines: (keep in mind that the distribution in the researched
>> populations is a bell curve)
>> People with an Adaptive style prefer evolution of the present as a form of
>> change and seek to work within settled boundaries. They come up with few but
>> realistic ideas and projects that are often implemented. They are often
>> found settled near centres of power/influence.
>> People with a strong Innovative style tend to be outsiders or on the
>> margins of institutions and prefer fresh starts and out of the box thinking.
>> They are commonly prolific with lots of not very well grounded ideas, which
>> they have difficulty in getting implemented. They may face considerable
>> disappointment and rejection.
>> Why might this be relevant here? One of the outcomes of the KAI work is
>> that it shows that people who are 10 points away from each other in style
>> will need to take care to understand and be understood, and that people 2O
>> points apart will likely see each other as aliens, wrong, impossible,
>> problematic.
>> As a high innovator who's experienced enough rejection and disappointment
>> I have moved, partly due the KAI perspective to respect for the more
>> adaptive person's capacity to hold and sustain continuity, something I find
>> hard to do. Conversely, organizations that become too dependent on Adaptive
>> creativity tend to eventually slip into stagnation. The task for people with
>> a highly adaptive style is to find respect for the alien innovators who want
>> to overturn everything that is settled.
>> I hope this helps account for some of the current distance between list
>> participants here.
>> Our server is down at the moment, when it is available, I'll post an
>> introduction to the KAI.
>> Denis
>> Michel
>> On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 8:02 PM, Christian Siefkes <christian at siefkes.net
>> > wrote:
>>> On 02/10/2011 01:28 PM, Michel Bauwens wrote:
>>> > Sorry Massimo, I can only judge from what I see on this list, and I
>>> have a
>>> > responsibility to my friends to warn them what they're getting into;
>>> once
>>> > they engage, it's their responsiblity, but they deserve a warning,
>>>  [...]
>>> > On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 6:16 PM, Massimo De Angelis <
>>> commoning at gmail.com
>>>  > <mailto:commoning at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> [...]
>>> >     the same time you send emails to your greek friends warning them I
>>> am a
>>> >     sectarian always looking for a fight while saying "massimo is part
>>> of
>>> >     the radical set that always judges others to be coopted, and always
>>> >     calling for struggle, with little regard for constructive
>>> altenatives,
>>> >     and also little regard of whether a struggle can actually win ...
>>> People
>>> >     like him, and his associate martin pedersen usually like to act as
>>> >     troublemakers during conferences and such ... . "
>>>  Did you really write that, Michel?? I must say, I'm shocked. I sometimes
>>> disagree with what Massimo and Martin are saying, but I've not the
>>> slightest
>>> idea what made you label them as "troublemakers". Nor why you felt to had
>>> to
>>> send "warnings" to others. Surely we can do much, much, much better than
>>> that in our interactions with each other...
>>> Best regards
>>>        Christian
>>> --
>>> |------- Dr. Christian Siefkes ------- christian at siefkes.net -------
>>> | Homepage: http://www.siefkes.net/ | Blog: http://www.keimform.de/
>>> |    Peer Production Everywhere:       http://peerconomy.org/wiki/
>>> |---------------------------------- OpenPGP Key ID: 0x346452D8 --
>>> The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor
>>> to
>>> sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread.
>>>        -- Anatole France
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