[P2P-F] Your visions : Supporting some permanent p2p collectives to physically converge to ? ( Re: french-language p2p lecture )

Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.monson at gmail.com
Tue Dec 27 01:50:41 CET 2011

Thanks Michel

Further below, some thoughts which stem out of this french lecture.

I extend the lecture context as to delve into broad questions :

- How to increase the potential to share and create with individuals who
attend the same events, when such events are too short in time to truly get
to know each other

*- How to make it easier to introduce some people we meet,*
*to other people we may not yet know personally *within our interconnected
networks* , **based on shared interests, specific objectives or
geographical proximity ?*
*- How to do so in a way that enables a general appreciation of context ,
and context building processes ? [5]*
*- If we get to know each other, how do we enable further engagement for
co-creation based on respective individual social and financial contexts ?*
*- Do we have p2p physical places to go to, converge and experiment p2p
approaches, and get to know each other ?*
*Permanent p2p collectives ?*


When listening to the lecture and questions asked by people attending it,
I realize there are very probably *people I could interact or collaborate

Unfortunately, I was not in Paris for that specific seminar,
yet indirectly, I experience that *each of us can indirectly benefit from
the contacts other people in our networks make*

When I go to seminars with people sharing interests,
it is *not always easy to get in touch personally* , especially when there
is no time for informal get to know's, or for art of hosting type of

*Lists such as this one are useful *- yet I can hear that *for some
people*( including sometimes myself )
* it represents an overflow of information.*

*Hence more specifically defined lists* or *information aggregation stemming
out* of more general ones ( can ) get *created around more specific
objectives*. *[1]*

At some point ( around 1hour30-31 minutes ) , a lady asks if you are
connected to movements such as "Attac",
and *you reply that you stay open for dialogue with a variety of
backgrounds [2]** *

Within such larger framework,
regarding strategies used* [3]* ,

I realize that as an individual, though well connected,
I can find difficulties in finding approaches to not only interact but
share and* engage* together with other individuals who apply such culture
and approaches in their *daily lives*,
to build up such infrastructures of *interdependence beyond the immateria*l
- internet based exchanges.

Some of the people I connected to in face to face interactions are on this
A number of us are spread across europe and/or the world.

A variety of initiatives and environments exist *[4]*

If Phyles related to some of our interconnected networks further emerge,
how do you imagine them ?

Would you personally ( or other people on this list ? )
be interested in supporting "co-living - co-working" spaces ?

Would we end up living together ?

I realize living together , or at least have a physical convergence point
where to contribute to based on shared memes,
is important to me.  Yet till now I find initiatives and people spread all

Hence my interest in finding low cost ( kind of venture communist ? )
approaches to make infrastructure available,
as to enable contributions to local viable systems based on p2p approaches.

I d wish for p2p phyles to support such permanent p2p collective approach.

Here is a suggestion : http://sharewiki.org/en/Leipzig_project

I d like to provide people with such physical location to converge to, as
to facilitate the process of getting to know each other through

I do remember, Michel, watching a video of an annex to your home in
Thailand, which you imagined could host such p2p friendly facilities.
Though I am also aware it may, for individuals such as me here in Europe,
be somewhat far.

Is there anyone else interested in such approach, and what are (y)our
visions ?


*Foot Notes :*

[1] and mapped as to see how they relate or stem out of each other ?

*[2]* some who are more distributist, others more mutualist, but also
people from the right , etc and that you even go and talk to the catholic
church upon invitation from the pope.  You then further comment that
"indignados" and "occupymovements" may possibly relate more easily with the
p2p approach ( and ethos ? ) , yet that with the more traditional left you
may have felt more resistance, as some left wing backgrounds may remain
more conservative in their mode of thought then, as you noted, some profit
oriented backgrounds who stay open to new ( p2p ) ideas because of an
interest in finding new approaches to make money.

*[3]* to facilitate potential through collaboration around shared
and at the current stage of development

* [4]* Ecovillages and other communities already exist, and can share a
number of subcultures brought up here on p2p lists.

Fablabs are emerging , and can also bring people sharing such culture
together in an approach to be co-creative while increasing our autonomy
through choosing our interdependencies.

For now, more Fablabs in urban centers ? And generally speaking, at the
moment still mostly available to a very specific elite of technicians and
progressive cultural researchers ? Yet possibly opening up , connecting to
community / co-working spaces, such as in Berlin : http://opendesigncity.de/
or initiated ( or funded ) by research backgrounds with the intention to
open up to the community, such as MIT's center for Bits and Atoms
http://fab.cba.mit.edu/ , such as this one

*[5] *Holopticism ? http://www.slideshare.net/AlanRosenblith/holopticism

On Mon, Dec 26, 2011 at 4:19 AM, Michel Bauwens <michel at p2pfoundation.net>wrote:

> Voici le lien vers la vidéo de votre intervention à La Cantine :
> http://lacantine.ubicast.eu/videos/webinar-16-12-2011-141701/
> --
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