[P2P-F] Fwd: [OK] Re: <Coalition> Re: Eco-villages Taxonomy
Michel Bauwens
michel at p2pfoundation.net
Tue Aug 2 17:58:27 CEST 2011
thanks Dante,
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dante-Gabryell Monson <dante.monson at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Aug 2, 2011 at 9:51 PM
Subject: Fwd: [OK] Re: <Coalition> Re: Eco-villages Taxonomy
To: econowmix at googlegroups.com
Forwarded conversation
Subject: <Coalition> Re: Eco-villages Taxonomy
From: *BenB* <solaureum at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 2:41 AM
To: coalition at googlegroups.com
Cc: openkollab at googlegroups.com
Hi, can I suggest: instead of a taxonomy of Ecovillages, how about a
taxonomy of ecovillagING--that is to say, the range of activities,
technologies, structures, skills, arts, opportunities, etc. that enable and
maintain such spaces in a great variety of settings (some of which could be
outside the general idea of 'ecovillage' but still interesting and
I have taken several taxonomies from social and media sites around the web
combined for this 3D model, which still needs work but could be a good
reference for you (or please let me know if you want to work together on
developing it further!):
https://cacoo.com/diagrams/0JBtZevhQg233EBL --several entries would have
more sub-headings or tag clusters (ongoing research...)
-----------Coalition of the Willing-----------
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From: *Mark Roest* <marklroest at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 3:59 AM
To: coalition at googlegroups.com
Hello Ben,
This is great! I love your concept of what is good in each area. I'd like to
help you work on it, and also share it with people working on regional
transformation design. It can also be used for marketing things that augment
good -- you link them to the goods they augment. In the layer below that,
you explain why they augment it, perhaps with links to certifications, etc.;
in the next layer down you show the analytical model, provide the evidence,
Similarly, building the taxonomy of good, what you have could be the top
layer display. When someone wants to see more detail, they get a layer that
has one cluster from the top layer as its main elements, and one or two
layers of detail below that linked to it. It will help people remember the
context, and think of useful links, to have a thumbnail of the layer (or
layers?) above shown alongside the active layer. The map can go down many
layers, as you move from a major category, to its subcategories, to why some
approaches are good, to methods of making them happen, to specific
technologies and other resources used in those methods, and networks of
groups and individuals who are developing and / or using those methods.
Under that last level, you can create specific directories, with peer
ratings, access information, relative safety data, and more.
One area that could use adjustment is that the top half of the Culture
cluster is obscured by the window that holds information about the mind-map.
Gotta run!
More later.
From: *George Mokray* <gmoke at world.std.com>
Date: Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 4:47 AM
To: coalition at googlegroups.com
I second that proposal.
"Quite clearly, our task is predominantly metaphysical, for it is how to get
all of humanity to educate itself swiftly enough to generate spontaneous
behaviors that will avoid extinction." R. Buckminster Fuller
Bugout bag to refugee camp - what is the toolkit of "spontaneous behaviors
that will avoid extinction"?
We need a tool set for, at least, emergencies and disasters. It should be
portable, adaptable, and resilient, made of readily available materials that
can be easily repaired. I say start with Solar IS Civil Defense -
flashlight, cell phone, radio, extra set of batteries all from a few square
inches of solar electric panel. Add a hand crank or bicycle generator and
survival level, refugee camp level electricity is available day or night, by
sunlight or muscle power, anywhere around the world. I suspect it is also
now affordable or could be made so for the 1.5 billion or so people in the
world who do not yet have access to reliable electric power.
There are similar solutions available for disinfecting, cleaning, and
heating water, basic human sanitation transforming human manure and urine
into energy and fertilizer safely, without stink, stank, or (much_ funk,
shelter and housing, what's the wish list? Appropedia has many of the
resources already available for compilation. All we need to do is compile
that list.
Open-E Farm adds another layer and scale as well.
Broadcast the tool kit on all media available, in all languages, to all the
people who need or want it. Think of it as updating Gandhi's Constructive
Programme for the 21st century using currently available technology for
local production, swadeshi. Marry this educational and economic development
with the social network revolutions sweeping around the world and we might
be able to start transforming living conditions for the better virally.
From: *Mark Roest* <marklroest at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 6:07 AM
To: coalition at googlegroups.com
Right on, George!
From: *Mark Roest* <marklroest at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 6:28 AM
To: coalition at googlegroups.com
Ben's mindmap at https://cacoo.com/diagrams/0JBtZevhQg233EBL is a very good
start on just that. I replied to it with an explanation of how the
taxonomical nature of his mind-map can be deepened, so you can get down to
the level of specificity you are addressing below.
By cross-referencing this taxonomy with the eco-regions, ecosystems and
cultures in each place, which require different responses in the same issue
categories, we can avoid the confusion of having to list all the different
ways an issue needs to be addressed depending on the variables.
In each of the 827 terrestrial eco-regions, and in each of their ecosystems,
you (i.e., lots of different people who know them) state the conditions that
exist for a given issue (like growing food, for example), and you provide
the solutions that work for that kind of system. Then, people of the
cultures that inhabit that kind of place say what solutions are valid for
their cultures, and those get tagged with that information. Now a person in
a culture can drill right down to where they are, what kind of ecosystem it
is, what works in which circumstances, and what is 'right' for their
culture. Voila!
There is also a unifying force. Permaculture is essentially a collection of
lessons about the general principles, and many specific solutions, that
humanity has uncovered over the millenia, for living in harmony with all our
relations. Same for each indigenous culture. It is a matter of Unity and
Diversity -- the basic principle of life. Lessons that apply (perhaps in
somewhat different ways) in many different ecosystems are another layer of
the knowledgebase, and a good starting point for people not immersed in a
particular culture.
This is a major part of what I have long wanted to do in what I call the
Environmental, Economic and Land Use Planning Knowledgebase. Let's play!
Mark Roest
From: *Wael Al Saad* <globalpalestine at googlemail.com>
Date: Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 7:35 AM
To: coalition at googlegroups.com
Cc: openkollab at googlegroups.com
Ben, I have brainstormed Ecovillaging for my idea concept here
Your 3D model is providing simple, logical and rich language. I will see how
to implement it for my particular case.
For my venture I plan to study and analyse existing models through taxonomy
model, diving for perles, which will enable me after to present my project
to local forces and put the correct proposal for it.
I think we can start from Devin work and discuss new format. I am very much
interested in eco-villages with self-sufficience appropriate economic
activities (healing economy) so I would start analysing these using the new
I might travel for several days to Jordan this week, so I wont be able to
meet on SKYPE or deliver any proposals ..
What do u think of creating a circle "Eco-villaging Taxonomy" on G+ to try
the hangout function?
From: *Devin Balkind* <devin at sarapisfoundation.org>
Date: Mon, Jul 18, 2011 at 6:04 PM
To: openkollab at googlegroups.com
Cc: coalition at googlegroups.com, Patrick Gibbs <patrick0 at riseup.net>
An open, accessible database of eco-communities is an essential element for
the emergence of a network of collaborative spaces that develop and deploy a
global knowledge commons. The more effective the taxonomy used to
categorize these places, the easier it will be to create a strong network.
I'm cc'ing Patrick Gibbs on this conversation as I think he could contribute
to this effort.
Please include me in your G+ or whatever platform you settle on using.
This is a message from the OpenKollab Google Group located at
> http://groups.google.com/group/openkollab?hl=en
> To post to this group, send email to openkollab at googlegroups.com
Devin Balkind
Director, Sarapis Foundation
devin at sarapisfoundation.org
This is a message from the OpenKollab Google Group located at
To post to this group, send email to openkollab at googlegroups.com
From: *Pamela McLean* <pamela.mclean at dadamac.net>
Date: Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 2:00 AM
To: openkollab at googlegroups.com
I also like this development of the idea of a taxonomy of eco-villages to a
taxonomy of ecovillagING. It certainly widens things out. I'm also
interested that Mark suggests ideas at a personal level, and disaster
scenarios, and that Wael is looking at longer term community aspects.
This puts me in mind of Vinay Gupta's work on "six ways to die" (too hot,
too cold, lack of food, lack of water, injury, disease) and ways to avoid
dying on an increasingly complex levels - individual level, family group
level, community level etc. I wonder if some of his thinking/diagrams
would be a helpful addition to this thread.
- This link is to the outline of a talk given by Vinay at the Temprary
School of Thought and includes a link to the six ways to die diagram
- This link has a video explaining the ideas with visual aids
From: *BenB* <solaureum at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 12:56 AM
To: coalition at googlegroups.com
Thank you Wael, Mark, George for stimulating an exchange here, this is great
stuff. I think we're homing in on some important fundamentals of wisdom
systems in this arena--perhaps the most important area to find global
understanding and language for a semantically empowered info-web!
Let's definitely make a bit of visual and realtime workspace to take these
things further. I am currently working hard to write out more complete
picture of what I'd like to do with such tools, and connecting to several
other work groups where related applications are in development.
Maybe G+ is a good idea, since I think it integrates well with google docs
(including drawings tool) although I actually like Cacoo better for this.
Just signed up: gplus.to/bneb if anyone wants to jump in with that, or
suggest other spaces/strategies...
Wael, I remember some good posts from you many months ago on this mail list,
but would love to hear again what is your current focus for implementation?
Are you trying to coordinate one or more ecovillage projects in your area,
or network existing sites, or just collect and provide tools for anyone?
From: *Wael Al Saad* <globalpalestine at googlemail.com>
Date: Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 12:52 AM
To: coalition at googlegroups.com
this thread should help me with your support to set up something on the
ground (open-source eco-village for healing economy).
After two years investgating the situation locally
(Jenin/WestBank//Palestine) and what people are driven for, I found out it
is very complicated to start such a higher culture infrastructure, where all
are focusing on their individual economic streangth and security.
On the one hand, I am still not in the position to present the concept the
way which make it succesful. To do it right I must get in the eco-villages
"business" and learn from exising experience, thats why the tele-web field
study through developing the Eco-villaging Taxonomy and data gathering .
The other thing I have started is developing my own permaculture home-scale
garden and planing to use that as study case for 3days workshop as short
intro to permaculture and some homescale applications.
Hopefully tomorrow i will start a docu reflects the outcome of the
discussion as I think it is applicable for me.
There I will see the categories impulsing the questions as eco-villaging
sectors map taxonomy
From: *Wael Al Saad* <globalpalestine at googlemail.com>
Date: Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 7:55 PM
To: openkollab at googlegroups.com
Cc: coalition at googlegroups.com, Patrick Gibbs <patrick0 at riseup.net>
I have started adding the missing sectors from the point of my re-search.
help is needed to better concentrate the data and categories.
Devin, do you see any possibility to organize any of these topics into your
data-base scheme?
Is it possible to send me the current database in excel format to see if I
can find patterns and trends within?
From: *Devin Balkind* <devin at sarapisfoundation.org>
Date: Mon, Jul 25, 2011 at 7:34 PM
To: openkollab at googlegroups.com
Cc: coalition at googlegroups.com, Patrick Gibbs <patrick0 at riseup.net>
Really enjoying your map. I like to organize things into three categories:
people, places and projects.
People describes individuals and groups (worth adding to your scheme),
places describes physical locations and their features ('architecture') and
projects describe how people and places turn inputs into outputs ('economic
The coworking/registry project is still on step 1: get the minimum amount of
information about the maximum amount of spaces. You can see the info at
7.corowkingregistry.org. I've also listed fields in a bunch of relevant
databases here<https://spreadsheets.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArhSktWsQi1VdDl4MGcwdXp2a09jUHV3QU1NMnV6aXc&hl=en_US>.
Please feel free to use/edit this spreadsheet to meet your needs.
Let me know how I can be of more assistnace.
From: *Wael Al Saad* <globalpalestine at googlemail.com>
Date: Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 9:25 AM
To: openkollab at googlegroups.com
Cc: coalition at googlegroups.com, Patrick Gibbs <patrick0 at riseup.net>
this thread is the most active one ..
I have started with this mindmap
to reflect what I think is missing in IC directory with the focus on
economic space.
I am interested for the task to update IC directory database scheme and
gather new test information . i do not know if we yet if Devin/IC people are
interested for this update, to be done on their database. If not I would use
the new scheme individually with whom else is interested.
From: *Mark Roest* <marklroest at gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 4:58 PM
To: coalition at googlegroups.com
Hello Wael and Suresh,
The map is a decent start. It needs to have links between related systems,
such as communications and governance, that show the potential of a whole
systems approach. Maybe there need(s) to be (a) sandbox version(s) to
encourage collective brainstorming and iteration across communities and
From: *Mark Roest* <marklroest at gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 4:59 PM
To: coalition at googlegroups.com
It also needs to reflect the pervasive relationship with the specific
ecosystems and cultures of each place.
From: *Mark Junkunc* <thefreshclassics at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 9:20 PM
To: coalition at googlegroups.com
This is starting to sound more and more like a facet of the catalyst system
that I am working on. I encourage those who are interested to look
this attached design comp over and let me know if you see this discussion
fitting into this interface?
If not does anyone see something else tangible coming from this discussion?
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