[P2P-F] Fwd: Regional Economic Communities

Dante-Gabryell Monson dante.monson at gmail.com
Mon Apr 18 22:37:01 CEST 2011

Yes, sounds like a nice set of initiates to me.

Yet, Small note regarding the barter currency they propose, "covered/guaranteed
by the jointly-owned assets."

I remember discussing such approach in the past.

In my current understanding , such asset ( such as shares ? ) guaranteed
currency is perhaps an approach taken to create an incentive to invest in
the local economy ?

May be worth asking... I cc Tim Reeves.

Yet I feel that such approach to currency can be risky as it can lead to the
monopolization of assets into the hands of a minority, hence having the
whole regional economy owned by a small minority on the medium to long term

As far as I remember, although I have no references to provide ( would need
to ask Bernard Lietaer ),
in Belgium at least, I heard that unless one has a special status such as a
one can not operate a currency with euro equivalence exchangeable for euros,
unless there is 100 percent euro backing in reserves, such as is the case
with the german regio/freigeld currency called "chiemgauer"
 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiemgauer>and/or the JAK bank in Sweden

If their barter currency is solely for their internal local economy, with no
possibility for exchanging for euros ( purchasing outside of their local
economy ), I do not understand why they would not have it in a fiat mutual
credit form, such as WIR, with participants choosing the percentage of their
monetary transaction they wish to be done in mutual credit ( such as WIR ) ?


On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 9:14 PM, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>wrote:

> HI Franz,
> any perspectives on this?
> Michel
> On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 1:59 AM, Dante-Gabryell Monson <
> dante.monson at gmail.com> wrote:
>> http://regional-economic-communities.info/
>> ( found via open space list )
>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>> From: Tim Reeves <tim.reeves at rewig.info>
>> Date: Sun, Apr 17, 2011 at 6:19 AM
>> Subject: Regional Economic Communities
>> To: Tim Reeves <tim.reeves at rewig.info>
>>  Dear friends and acquaintances,
>> I just put together a *one-time* mailing list of the english speakers I
>> know (and some german speakers with international connections). I'm writing
>> to let you know about the concept of Regional Economic Communities, hoping
>> that you may be able to help getting it known.
>> The concept presents a complete – and radically new – paradigm for
>> regional communities, linking together commercial, sustainable and social
>> aspects. It describes a means for normal citizens to become joint owners of
>> local, sustainably-run businesses. It then introduces a barter currency, the
>> Grok, which is independent of national currency and covered by the
>> jointly-owned assets.
>> While thus apparently being a primarily economic paradigm, it's essence
>> and motivation come from a spiritual perspective and in practice great value
>> is put on the way we interact with each other, and to integrating personal
>> growth and the furthering of interpersonal skills into the daily working
>> life.
>> The external forms have been carefully designed to be *practicable*.
>> You can read all about it here:
>> http://regional-economic-communities.info/
>> The first such community is currently starting up in Munich - the
>> cooperative is founded and registered, and moving ahead swiftly towards
>> getting the actual business side up and running. If you would like to help
>> the concept take root in the english-speaking world, here are some things
>> that would help:
>>    - Forward this email to anyone you know who might be interested -
>>    people active in regional currencies, ecological measures, transition town,
>>    and such.
>>    - Anyone who has the possibility, please set a link to the concept
>>    website on your website, so that other interested people may find it.
>>    - Talk to friends about it, subscribe for the newsletter (do so on the
>>    website) – and don't hesitate to contact me with questions.
>>     - Envision a better future for all, and practice wellwishing for all
>>    the many endeavours to achieve that aim which are now being explored.
>> The quality of the time in which we live demonstrates an exceptional
>> development of consciousness. It grows with every individual who is willing
>> to tread the paths of personal growth and systemic evolution. May it
>> bestow us all with more cooperative and appreciative lives — paving the way
>> to a future which we can truly look forward to.
>>  *With thanks and warm regards,*
>> *Tim Reeves*
>>  Flurstraße 10, D-85221 Dachau
>> Tel. 08131 - 273 653   Fax 08131 - 273 654
>>  Email: tim.reeves at rewig.info
>>  Skype: timothy.reeves (mit Webcam)
>> [image: ReeComm-Logo]
>> regionale-wirtschaftsgemeinschaft.info
>> regional-economic-communities.info    rewig-muenchen.de
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