[Centre] Work in the bid

Michel Bauwens michel at p2pfoundation.net
Fri Aug 19 13:42:14 CEST 2011

Thanks for sharing the details,

so essentially we are a nonprofit 'foundation' under dutch law, recognized
by the EU,

and we also have a legal Dutch coop that is associated with it, whenever a
'private' partner is required,

the Association of P2P Researchers has no legal existence, and has not yet
been formally launched, though it reflects the reality of a network of
interested researchers,


On Fri, Aug 19, 2011 at 3:26 PM, Cubitt S.R. <S.R.Cubitt at soton.ac.uk> wrote:

> Hi Franco and colleagues
> I will be discussingthis with members of the Southampton research office
> shortly - basically they have asked me - as the only person not on leave -
> to draft an expression of interest. This will have to be quite open: we
> must involve other interest groups in the university; and there may be
> constraints on links with other UK institutions
> On the positive side, we are near fixing a public debate between Lawrence
> Lessig and Ian Hargreaves, the author of the Digital Britain report that
> started al this
> Here are Diana Galpin's notes; followed by her response to my suggestion
> that Volker might be the director. I need to know the legal standing of
> P2P (registered charoty / trust / not-for-profit / country/ies of
> incirporation etc for these pruposes; also Volker I am presuming you are
> freelance for these purposes: can you send me a CV
> I have a skype conference with the admin team this morning at 11.30/12 BST
> Sean
> Wednesday, 17 August 2011 14:06
> Sounds a good result. We do need to be careful about what and how much we
> expect P2P to do as from the looks of things they are an international
> organisation. Now that is fine but we may not be able to flow grant monies
> to them..
> Niki P checked with AHRC and their response was that an international
> company could participate in Œmutually beneficial¹ hub based activities
> that were badged under the heading of Œinternational cooperation¹ and paid
> for using the grant.  The reciprocity would arise from the fact  the
> company might be making a contribution to the project (indirectly) through
> their participation and bringing new knowledge/expertise into the arena.
> However, it would not be possible to pay an international company for
> other goods and services or enter into a contracting/sub-contracting
> relationship on a one-to-one basis using AHRC grant monies.
> Of course that was with respect to them being a companyŠ are they? Before
> we can get definitive advice from AHRC can you confirm what type of
> organisation they are and in what capacity you would expect them to be
> involved?
> If you are going ahead with a telecom probably worth including Nikki
> Matthews as she probably has most capacity to provide the RIS support to
> you at the moment.
> Kind Regards
> Diana
> Diana Galpin
> Senior Legal Adviser
> Research & Innovation Services
> Direct Tel: 023 8059 8673
> Mobile: 07979852362
> Fax: 023 8059 8671
> www.southampton.ac.uk/business
> Wednesday, 17 August 2011 14:49
> Sean
> Careful on the automatic ³employ Volker as a director² front being your
> easy fix as any role would need to be advertised externally following
> usual University of Southampton HR and recruitment policiesŠ I am also not
> entirely sure whether due to limitations on our insurance, health & safety
> risks & complexities of then having to adopt local employment laws etc
> that we would employ someone to be permanently based overseas
> Sorry not trying to put barriers in the way but help guide you to what is
> possible/not!
> KR
> DIana
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Centre for Copyright and New Business Models in the Creative Economy
> Wiki space: http://p2pfoundation.net/projects/doku.php/centre:resume

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