[Centre] Work in the bid

Cubitt S.R. S.R.Cubitt at soton.ac.uk
Tue Aug 9 10:35:19 CEST 2011

>Two messages in this morning from colleagues at Southampton's research
>office (neither are academics - most of whome are on holiday or trying to
>write their books ;(

I will have a go at drafting a short idea for what we could aim for, and
putting together our circulation with the circulation list for the
university discussion

I'm recently returned to the UK after 11 years overseas so the number of
contacts and knowledge of institutions is weak. On the other hand, a bid
with a strong EU presence - even though the CFP is specifically about the
UK ­ could be a strength for us.

We do NOT know that the presence of Hargreaves is vital. (Unfortunately I
do have a connection with Cardiff but it will not be helpful - long story:
my predecessor at Melbourne)

More later

Thanks Nikki and sorry wasn¹t about to make the meeting.
Dear All
I would have thought this needs to be lead by a senior academic from a
Business / Law discipline with track record in this area. Clearly there
should be close links to those in arts, IT etc. Unless we can rapidly find
a natural and credible lead from within Southampton I would have thought
our best option is to partner.Please note I did spot in the call document
that an organisation can only be in one Bid (see pt 5 on eligibility).
Further we also do need to be able to articulate (albeit briefly for the
EOI) how this centre would be sustainable into the future ŠŠ
I am not sure whether our own Law team and in particular Steve Saxby
have/has expressed an interest &/or identified who would be the stiffest
competition/best partner but I would hope they would be able to advise.

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